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Is not JL

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Everything posted by Is not JL

  1. Does it matter? You're gonna finish it in about 5 days if you do play continuously, and then you'll get to have your choice, plus you'll be 10 levels higher. It's like you want to stay 50 forever, like an old aged version of peter pan.
  2. Tengen Toppa....Gurren Lagann!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Yeah. We've talked once in a while. He's a bit inactive thought; He's either writing the Part 9 script or in filming/voicing progress. He's also apparently 'about to release something amazingly big to the machinima community'. Pretty sure it's a big forum for directors to hang around and stuff. During our talks, I've managed to get him to reveal....certain things.
  4. Nope. ==== "RAAAR WE'RE LOSING WE'RE LOSING I'M ANGRY!" "I'M GONNA SPAWN LIKE 10 FUSION COILS AND THROW EM' AT THE ENEMY" ==== Could've been. Not brown though. Right, I'll give a hint a bit later, when a few more guesses come and go wrong.
  5. #SuperSentai Winning~
  6. I'm ok with them doing it in things like Dominion, since it's something tactical. But if they do it on a map like Valhalla? Just camo sitting behind their own base, on the rocks, etc. ? No. Just no.
  7. Interesting. I already have my Capture card. Also, I joined Arbiter 617's group. :/
  8. So, over the past few days on these forums I've heard, time and again, people asking 'What the heck is CSR?' Well, since before I was on this Forum, I was on the much worse, much messier Halo Waypoint, and as a person there, I have known of this, and I do know how it works. So I decided to help explain it. CSR - Competitive Skill Ranking. Well, if I lay out exactly what it means, does it make it easier or harder to understand? I'm hoping that by now, some of you are going 'Ooooooohhh!' and are now thinking 'What are the specifics?' Easy. -CSR is a 1-50 ranking system. -There is a CSR for every War Games playlist. -For games like BTB and TS, it is calculated more from your personal skill in game but that doesn't mean wins don't count. -For games like Grifball and Action sack, it is calculated more from using your wins and losses. Personal skill still counts. -'Personal skill' that I am talking about generally means your medals, kills, deaths, betrayals, all into 'one'. Now, you might say, 'Cool! So did 343 put back competition? Awesome! Where can I view each of my playlists' CSR?' And now I'm gonna have to shoot you down. It is NOT visible in-game. Why? Because 343 decided to make CSR not during the games creation, but AFTER they released information that there won't be a real skill based ranking system. Where is it visible? Halowaypoint.com, or the Halo Waypoint XBL app, or Halo Waypoint on your Android/iDevice. That is it. Why is it there? According to 343, 'Because those who truly care about their rank can access it, but it will discourage buying accounts, hacking, cheating, boosting etc. and also for players who are below average, they won't always be trash talked.' Sadly, what I read from that was something along the lines of 'Because during game planning we decided our target audience were the bad players, and so we wanted them to feel like they were doing good, and the only reason we even bothered making CSR was because when we said there wasn't a ranking system everybody on our forums were mad, which is confusing.' AAAAAnyways, what this means is that while you can still do things like compare CSR with others (Specifically, others here or on your friends list), gone are the days where you could prove you were better than someone else by comparing rank because nobody even bothers to have a mic anymore. What more do you want to know of CSR? Uhhh.... Oh, yeah. Sometimes they might reset everyone to 0. Thankfully they promised that they'll give us a reason. Is that enough? TL;DR - CSR is a ranking system which is only visible on the internet on Halo Waypoint, not on game. Therefore, it is a ranking system that applies only to the 10% or so people who actually care about the game to visit websites. Each playlist has one, and your best is displayed on your stats screen.
  9. Nope. The object I am writing of....isn't always white and circular.
  10. I need more players to start the game :(

  11. Welcome, Nick, to 343i! While it may be debatable as to how well 343 made Halo 4, there won't be any debate as to how much you enjoy this Fan-ran community forum! Have fun having fun, and if you need any help, just send a message to anyone! We'll be honored to teach you the basics of clickin' buttons and internet discussing.
  12. 5. Death by playing in a really bad, squeaker made map that has dumb spawns and dumber walls.
  13. Anyways, I still need more players, so if anyone could help with recruiting, that would be great
  14. Only using the AR is like only using a sniper
  15. Well, sign up might take more than a week. Oh well. That's too bad; Maybe next game?
  16. Right, so I just started up a Mafia forum game here. Visit it, join it! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/27923-343icm-mafia-i/

  17. WELCOME! To the first 343i Mafia game! So obviously all of you (Apart from maybe one or two of you? Or maybe three. Or four.) are now wagging their heads going, "Mafia? What, is this where we create gangs and start dominating 343i's territory slowly?" and the answer is.....sadly, no. Not only is it not possible, it's also pretty illegal, so don't try that. Mafia....is a game. Where can it be played?....I dunno. Parties. Camps (That's where I played it my second time). On the internet! (That's where I played it my first time.) Especially thanks to a forum's capabilities, the normal game can be increased in what happens, what to do, etc. So, a general run down of what it is, for those who don't know - Ever played Clue on Halo before? Heard of Trouble in Terrorist Town? Similarly, Mafia features a group of 'innocent' players and a group of 'mafia' trying to head around killing all the innocent players. Then there are the other, roles, which I'll talk about later. But what makes it fun is that it is a game played on a forum, based around text! But first of all, plot. Here's this game's story! --- It has been a few months since New Phoenix was blasted by the Composer. Residents have started to head back into the area, but most of the people were afraid of what might be there, so instead they built a village right outside of New Phoenix, somewhere in the desert. However, the population grew so big the president (Yeah, they have presidents in cities in 255X) exiled a group of 17 people out. Of course he quickly got kicked off being POTNA after a surprise re-election 3 days later. So as he was exiled by the new president, he quickly joined the group of 17 people, who had already built a village outside the village named 'New New New Phoenix.' and officially forced everyone to get an ID which says their role. (You may think its stupid, but these are the people who named their village New New New Phoenix.) As they welcomed the Ex-President into their arms, little did the ex-president know that in these 17 people, a group of them wanted to kill everyone. For they....have been chosen.....as New New New Phoenix's Mafia. --- Anyway, lets get on to Roles! Like in Clue or TITT, Roles dictate what you do. Now, as I am the game host, I will be letting everyone know what their role is. But here are the exact list of roles, what they can/can't do, and how they can win. I've modified it to be more simple than before. You won't know other people's roles; you can figure this out by narrowing it down, PMing them, using psychology, etc. And, if you don't receive a PM from me, the game host, you will be a villager. If you receive a PM from me, you will know what role you are. Pro-Town x10-12 Villagers - Can't do anything but vote. Number depends on the number of people who join. x1 Detective - Every night, you can force any single player for their ID and they will give it to you, but won't be revealed to everyone. You must convince others who they are. x1 Medic - Every night, they can protect 1 person from the Mafia. This cannot be themselves. Anti-Town x3 Mafia - These guys will know of each other, and every night one will be forced to kill someone of Mafia leader choosing. In daytime they can still vote. If Mafia Leader is killed early, one Mafia is to take his place. x1 Mafia Leader - This guy leads the Mafia. Every night, they will PM the game host and state 1 name to kill. The Mafia will perform the killing, and during daytime, Mafia Leader can still vote. So, now you know the roles. Next you need to know the rules of how you play, and how you CAN play. RULES AND STUFF 1. You can PM others to ask for their roles. 2. You can screen cap PM's from others, edit the photos, and reveal your role or say another person's role. All of this can be the truth or the lie. 3. The dead don't vote, but they can PM and organize people in order to win for their side of the game. HOW TO PLAY 1. Nighttime begins. All roles that need to PM (Mafia Leader chooses who to kill and with which Mafian to commit the murder, Detective chooses one person to investigate to find their role, Medic chooses one person to prevent death from the Mafia) will do so. Nighttime lasts a maximum of 2 days, and the minimum is whenever all the roles have PM'd. 2. The scene is posted, and then daytime begins. The scene will contain clues indicating who the person who committed the murder is, if there is one. During 'daytime', every single player will vote (Simply by saying who they think the Mafia is) and all the votes will be collected over a 2 day time since the posting of the scene, or when everybody has voted and wants the lynching. 3. Those most voted for are lynched. Those lynched will have their roles revealed to every player. 4. The cycle goes onwards. Now, it is time for the roles that need to PM to do so again. And so it repeats, until one side wins. Pro town wins by lynching all the Mafia. The Detective, Medic and villagers can do this best by organizing everybody and focusing the votes on people they know are Mafia. Anti town wins by killing all the villagers. The Detective and Medic can be either alive or dead. Other Rules 1. Standard 343i rules apply. 2. Dear Staff, please don't threaten using your moderator powers to try and get roles out of others. Now, you know how to play! Simply, get your role, and perform it. Now to assign the roles.... Here is a list of numbers. State the number you want and your name will be placed beside it - you are now a registered member! 1. -Sparky- 2. Mr. Wolfy 3. Eliτε SnΙp3r 4. 5. 6. 7. Axilus Prime 8. Fox McCloud 9. 10. 11. Eagle 12. D38-Boss 13. JC13999 14. 15. 16. 17. Beckoningzebra1 18. LET THE GAME....BEGIN! P.S If you still have questions you can either write it down below or send me a PM. P.P.S If you still don't get how to play, visit http://www.topped-with-meat.com/connector/mafia.html. Its not the exact same game rules as this game, but similar enough for you to understand.
  18. They COULD..... But they didn't even bat eyelashes to the competitive community until an outroar at their forums after announcing lack of competitive ranks.
  19. Yeah, you're fine. Could've placed it in the tutorials thing, or the correct thing on the Halo 4 subforum.
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