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Everything posted by TheIronMitten

  1. Join the Brotherhood of Mambas to participate in game nights every night of the week and if you're bored throughout the day there is always a member to join with. We've got members from Australia, England, America, and more. We currently have 30 members and are looking to expand quickly in order to easily make multiple full parties as well as get the Achilles armor. It doesn't matter what level you are, we have members from level 4 to level 130. Any skill level all the way up to Onyx! We understand people want to have fun some nights and want to get competitive other nights. If you want to host a game night, we have open slots for you to do so! Exciting plans are currently in development the larger we get so don't miss out! Join here https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/brotherhood%20of%20mambas
  2. -Right now, we're running H4 on MCC to warm up for H5 since it's the most similar (thruster/sprint) -If you suck, DO NOT waste my time. Seriously, I need really solid players that have mics, call out, and can handle pressure in close matches -The team will be running matchmaking weekly, building team chemistry, as long as it takes til we decide we're good enough for Tournaments. -I'm not a dictator, live your life, we'll play together when it's convenient for all. No need to punish players for not being online or playing another game I'm mainly looking for people as good or better than me, people that have good chemistry with the team, don't complain the entire game, etc... Message me if interested
  3. Requirements: at least 1.3 k/d for team slayer A mic 15 or older GT: TheIronMitten If you have questions please message me. This won't be a strict, rule powered thing but I do want to win. Thanks! Mitten
  4. Requirements: at least 1.3 k/d for team slayer A mic 15 or older GT: TheIronMitten If you have questions please message me. This won't be a strict, rule powered thing but I do want to win. Thanks! Mitten
  5. Hello all! Firstly, I'm posting this to get a 4-man group together for MM, primarily TS, though we will indulge in other game modes if requested. So the requirements are a little tight, and I will go into detail about them in a second. Before that, I'd like to say that this squad isn't gonna be apart of a clan nor do I have any intention for it to develop into a clan. I also understand if you can't get on 3 or 4 days out of the week (work, gf, school). I'm dealing with all that myself so don't worry about it. I'm not strict at all dealing with that stuff. Okay, requirements... You need AT LEAST a 1.3 K/D in SLAYER mode. I don't give a rat's ass if you have 3.5 in CTF or SWAT. News flash: It's not that hard You need to be willing to learn, work together, and be patient. I don't consider myself a strict guy but if you rage quit in the middle of a match or get offline because we go on a losing streak, I'm going to kick you off. Also, don't bother joining if you are a whiner. That means no complaining during matches (AW MAN THIS F*CKIN NOOB KEEPS CAMPING) It's not constructive to anyone so I would be deeply appreciative if you would refrain from speaking. You need to be 16+. This has nothing to do with skill actually. I just hate whining kids in my ear. It'd be ideal if you weren't over 25. It's just people over 25 usually can't get on more than 1-2 days every week, but if that's not a problem for you and your over 25 then that's fine. *There won't be "practices" or anything and I don't plan on joining any competitive leagues unless we are just raping everyone. My info: GT: TheIronMitten Slayer K/D: 1.36 *Other crap I forgot to put* You may notice my "offline" status. Don't worry about that, I can still message you over XBL if you have any questions or of course message you on here. You need a mic (obviously). You should also live in America (i'm eastern time zone btw). As a courtesy, It would be great if you just called me Mitten. Real names aren't important. Message if you're interested/have questions. Thank you! Mitten
  6. GT: TheIronMitten SR: 57 Been playing since Halo CE. My rank is low because I've taken a break, but i'm back. I'm 4390:3390 K/D or 1.22 K/D Best Weapons: BR, Sniper, but familiar with all weapons Best Qualities: Stick to assignments, Good situational awareness, Come up clutch in critical moments, Stealthy Best Game Types: Slayer, KotH, Regecide Side Note: I hardly ever go negative. Happy to play any game type. Message me if you wanna know anything else. https://app.halowaypoint.com/en-us/Halo4/TheIronMitten/wargames/
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