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Fridays CGN recap for 343i.org's play date is up! Be advised though , there is some mild language so watch at your own risk , with that aside , enjoy ^.^ - http://youtu.be/qjjQpl_tunw
Couldn't make it to Spades N AZ's CGN this Friday past? Never fear , snake is here with the CGN recap video! Mild warning though there is quite abit of mild language so you have been warned - http://youtu.be/f5sAiqisQgo
Do you like Halo 2? I like Halo 2 , I like it so much in fact I'm currently doing a playthrough of it!! Be aware though , mild language -
Didn't get to see the Xbox One Reveal ? Check out part 7 of the highlights - http://youtu.be/8zLzpPH-9Ko
Didn't get to see the Xbox One Reveal ? Check out part 6 of the highlights - http://youtu.be/PawiGLYmEnk
Didn't get to see the Xbox One Reveal ? Check out the highlights - http://youtu.be/USk68T9doPk