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Everything posted by pimpdaddytban

  1. 343 should bring firefight back but better than ever. im not saying they should get rid of spartan ops because those r great but it would be nice to just get to make those last stands against unbelievable amounts of enemies once again. some ways to make it better is by putting vehicles like tanks or aircraft that u could fly into it. even a vehicle and air based firefight mode where u get a squad of marines that r in whatever vehicle and follow u and do ur orders would be cool like a squad of hawks or longswords going up against basically the whole covenant army( or whatever other eniemie species). it would also be nice if the new firefight would be more tactical so u have to think about what ur gonna do instead of just knowing where everything spawns and killing them right there. what else would be nice is that at the start of the firefight game, there would be a short cinematic that tells how they even got there in that last stand situation and then a good cinematic that you watch when the last spartan/ marine or whatever dies and the game ends. also different enemies that u fight against: flood, prometheans( if they arent all dead from when requiem goes into the sun in the last spartan ops mission of season 1), of course covenant, rebel humans, or any other species that may be added in halo 5. if u could choose what species you could play as, that would be great. playing as a marine, a spartan, an elite, hell even a grunt if u want . there should also be things like boss like enemies after every 5 or so rounds, just things that u and ur team have to rly work at and be smart about when ur trying to kill them. maybe some of these things can be incorporated into some different modes so that the ppl who love classic firefight can still play classic firefight.
  2. wouldnt it be cool if you could call in better ordinances instead of a weapon or a power up? maybe an air strike. maybe if by the low chance, u get a mac round strike or one mac round to call in (depending how big the damage radius is) or if ur playing as another species(covenant) you could call in a small glassing. this would be cool for rly big team battle if they make something like that where there r alot of vehicles on a big map(s).
  3. i dont think u mean promethian vehicles, they just teleport everywhere. but forerunner vehicles in halo 5 would be great. i would love a forerunner air/land vehicle. something that can fly but then turn into a tank or mantis like thing but better. it would also work for the UNSC if they did something like that. we defenetly need more UNSC air vehicles like hawks or pelicans or hornets, etc.
  4. thats why ur team should have dual weilded, its meant to kill ppl faster. thats why ur team kept dieing and they didnt. at this point i honestly doubt 343 is changing anything in halo 4. but in halo 5, like u i would love to see dual weilding! halo 5 is 343's second halo game(not counting halo 2 being recreated if they do do that) so they will be putting a bunch of stuff that ppl rtequested, some will be awsome and some wont, they wont know if it is good or bad untill its released and then its too late. 343 will be trying lots of new things, which will make the next game amazing. fingers crossed for dual wielding in halo 5
  5. ya sry i shouldnt have said that but u know what i mean. i jut think 343 is being a little laisy with everything; ex level system updates. i see ur point but dual weilding WAS classic because only halo had proper dual weilding. also dont say CoD has good dual wielding too because it just changes killing ppl in 0.1 seconds to killing ppl in 0.05 seconds(like ppl dont die fast enough in that game already). halo had dual wielding properly mastered and i like many fans want it back.
  6. i just finished playing bf 3 and as u r saying, 343 can learn alot from them when making maps. the vehicles and the scale r amazing. i would also like to see bigger vehicles like mammoths and hawks in halo.
  7. what halo 4 r u playing? Its the recruit helmet and scout sholders and idk what torso. Also he was a black visor. Not and odst visor, just a black one.
  8. u guys both have a rlygood idea thatiwould love to seeputinto action. If theyput in something like a longsword, shortsword, or some other unscflying vehicle intothehugemap it wouldbeeven better. 343couldrly learn frombattlefeild
  9. Yes there arebecause the leveling system is waytooeasy. Almost everyone is sr 130. There is no point in playing ifthere r nomore levels to achieve. All there is arecustoms then. 343 wouldnt want ppl tostop playing so there will bemore specialization so thatthey keep playing. Its not a hardmechanic to add. hold x to pickup. Use both triggers to shoot. Its that easy. And honestly who cares aboutbalence.ifthe dual weildwasbalenced with theother weapons, then there would be nopoint to use it. Using 2 weapons instead of one is soucan kill ppl aster andfeel awsome doing it. Its not meant tobebalenced. also im talking about in multiayer not forgemode.so what doesthesandbox thinghavetodowith anything? Also 343 is new atmakinghalo so theynowknowthatthey have alot to add. This is because ppl like me rsaying something about it. Thats why dual wielding didnt come out before when the game came out. They didnt think pplwould want it. They were wrong. Ps sorry about thenospaces inbetween words. My ipad is lagging when itypesoya
  10. update on this topic. ive been hearing around that 343 might be bringing in dual wield for one of the new upcoming specializations. the weapons they were thinking about were the pistols and supressors. this is just a rumor but we can all dream cant we.
  11. ya well thank God that 343 made its best map pack yet (castle map pack) which includes 3 big "control the vehicle(s) control the game" maps. i highly reccomend this map pack for everyone. it is truly phenomenal!!!
  12. no there isnt if u count the amount of maps with actual big map vehicles then u will see. and also what do u think castle map pack will be? jw
  13. ok so apparently ur the only one who likes ALL of the crimson maps which contradics ur statements about it being "big maps" because u were complaining that we have to many "big maps". also think of it this way big maps r maps that scorpians and wraiths and banshees can move around on freely and maps that actually have scorpians or wraiths or banshees. coming from that we only have 3 big maps out of what the 13 or 14 maps. another thing in case u didnt notice its not about the maps that came out with halo 4 its about ones that r coming out in the future. next im not complaining about cqc combat, that stuff is fun to, thats why they came out with majestic map pack. the point is 343 needs more maps that have scorpians and banshees and wraiths and places that people can actually snipe from without getting noticed for a while. the big vehicles would also help out with commendations for some ppl. another thing, mantises shouldnt be considered big vehicles since they can manuver in tight spaces easily so putting a mantis on a map doesnt make it "big" just in case u were going to use the big vehicle map thing against me. all of halo is an arena shooter. look up the definition. if that was the reason that crimson map pack didnt sell well then halo wouldnt sell well in general.
  14. Crimson map pack didnt sellwelbecause those were badmaps and the one good map (harvest) wasnt put on any playlists. Btw the other two maps arent big. I can prove thatbecause ppl cant snipe in shatter or wreakage, like ucaninbig maps. Also reach had nicebig maps like spire and hemorage. Those 2 are bigger thanmost halo 4 maps. So no halo 4 doesnt have the biggest maps in the series.
  15. Mean like actaul big maps not justmapsclassified as "big"
  16. 343needs to come out with bigger maps to do big team and things like that on. Either that or they could actually put some of the forge maps like erosion into the matchmaking map playlists instead of letting them just sit there and not be used to their ful potential.
  17. oh rly now i have to try it! it sounds great thanks for fillling me in
  18. oh wow that rly sux that sounds like it would have been rlyyyy fun. i havent yet played halo 2 (waiting hopefully for remake by 343) so do u mind telling me how it is? that is if u have played it and also like whats the storyline
  19. oh rly i didnt know that they were going to do that. do u know why they took it out? i think it would have been pretty cool if they had of kept it
  20. to all of the things about boltshot dual wielding, 343 will probably reduce the range and accuracy alot to make it not overpowered and to keep ppl from complaining. ok so first of all r u listing the needler plasma pistol and magnum as power weapons or as ones that u might be able to use? also ppl wouldnt say that or they would have been complaining about 343 bringing back armour abilities from reach going like "343 sucks they just went back to something old". but they didnt because like dual wielding, armour abilities add to the excitment of halo gameplay. as i said in earlier posts, 343 would probably change accuracy and range and reload speed etc to make having two weapons not overpowered. for anyone else making the same compaints about balence, plz read the whole convo before posting another thing about that. only if u have something new to contradict or add to the conversation of balence issues, then plz quote this or one of my other responces on balence issues(even though this is probably the most thourough one) and state ur opinion or idea.
  21. What exactly is "over" ual wielding comes back
  22. ya extactly and then there could besomegame tyoes where eachteam getslike onespartan and the objective is to kill the opposing teams spartan
  23. someone already asked this before soread the restofthe chat anduwilfind uranswer to what weapons ucan use they would probably hinder some hings like accuracy nd fire rateand also range for things to notbe to OP. Didnt u notice the fire rate change whendualwielding pistols in halo 3 as opposed to single shooing it.
  24. lol i didnteven notice that there was something lower thanamarine but thanks even better bro.
  25. See he has the right idea!! Also it would be cool if they brought the maulers back in halo 5 or in future dlc See he has the right idea!! Also it would be cool if they brought the maulers back in halo 5 or in future dlc also if im not mistaken im pretty sure i remember dual wielding in odst plz correct me if im wrong though
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