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  1. Halo 4 Host System Terrible!.......I have been Playing Halo Since it first came out, and I have never in any Halo seen such a terrible Host System or Netcode In any Game. It is the worst in Team Snipers. Has anyone ever gone to film after a game and seen some of the redicoulous headshots you get blood spatters out of there heads and they Live? Or how about getting snipped through a ten foot wall that the bullet magicly killed you through? Its unreal and absolutely Terrible! And the Host System is Terrible. Theres No GOOD Connection Preference anymore or a Prefer My Language Either. I Have a 150 mbps Download and 10 Upload with a 11 Ping of 11 ms Living in Minnesota Playing with a Direct bConnection to my Docsis 3.0 Cisco Modem Brand New, And the Game Will still pick a host from Japan Mexico or Some other Wirless Laggy Connection over Mine or any other Good Connection in the Game Its unfair and needs to be Changed. Atleast Give us the Option to Chose a GOOD Connection and quit picking the 1.5 Upload Wirless 5 sec delay Host! I basically Have quit playing Halo cause the system and Lag is so Terrible. Why does it chose such a bad connection everygame and Explain to us how the Host system Works? Its obviously doesnt!!! I get So Mad When You Die all because of the BS Netcode Lag! Help!!!
  2. I have been Playing Halo Since it first came out, and I have never in any Halo seen such a terrible Host System or Netcode In any Game. It is the worst in Team Snipers. Has anyone ever gone to film after a game and seen some of the redicoulous headshots you get blood spatters out of there heads and they Live? Or how about getting snipped through a ten foot wall that the bullet magicly killed you through? Its unreal and absolutely Terrible! And the Host System is Terrible. Theres No GOOD Connection Preference anymore or a Prefer My Language Either. I Have a 150 mbps Download and 10 Upload with a 11 Ping of 11 ms Living in Minnesota Playing with a Direct bConnection to my Docsis 3.0 Cisco Modem Brand New, And the Game Will still pick a host from Japan Mexico or Some other Wirless Laggy Connection over Mine or any other Good Connection in the Game Its unfair and needs to be Changed. Atleast Give us the Option to Chose a GOOD Connection and quit picking the 1.5 Upload Wirless 5 sec delay Host! I basically Have quit playing Halo cause the system and Lag is so Terrible. Why does it chose such a bad connection everygame and Explain to us how the Host system Works? Its obviously doesnt!!! I get So Mad When You Die all because of the BS Netcode Lag! Help!!!
  3. I have been Playing Halo Since it first came out, and I have never in any Halo seen such a terrible Host System or Netcode In any Game. It is the worst in Team Snipers. Has anyone ever gone to film after a game and seen some of the redicoulous headshots you get blood spatters out of there heads and they Live? Or how about getting snipped through a ten foot wall that the bullet magicly killed you through? Its unreal and absolutely Terrible! And the Host System is Terrible. Theres No GOOD Connection Preference anymore or a Prefer My Language Either. I Have a 150 mbps Download and 10 Upload with a 11 Ping of 11 ms Living in Minnesota Playing with a Direct bConnection to my Docsis 3.0 Cisco Modem Brand New, And the Game Will still pick a host from Japan Mexico or Some other Wirless Laggy Connection over Mine or any other Good Connection in the Game Its unfair and needs to be Changed. Atleast Give us the Option to Chose a GOOD Connection and quit picking the 1.5 Upload Wirless 5 sec delay Host! I basically Have quit playing Halo cause the system and Lag is so Terrible. Why does it chose such a bad connection everygame and Explain to us how the Host system Works? Its obviously doesnt!!! I get So Mad When You Die all because of the BS Netcode Lag! Help!!!
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