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Everything posted by voisey93

  1. I do agree matchmaking is far too slow. I suppose getting even matches is more important than penalizing for quitting, i will quit matches if the lag is unbearable. I did find myself in a match on Ragnorok in which the game lagged before starting so we could not quit, it then registered that no vehicles had spawned and then respawned them. We had 4 mantis' on the Map all taken by the opposing team as they all spawned before us and it was a massacre!. Do think something should be done to prevent other teams having the advantage during games like that or just fail to start the game rather than begin a game that just will not load properly.
  2. I understand that Halo 4 is trying to make a name for itself and be better than all the other FPS games out there but if I'm honest being a hardcore Halo fan I am very disappointed with the game in general but mostly with matchmaking. Here is a list of reasons I'm sure people will be able to relate quite easily: 1. Why bring ordinances into the game? and no weapons on the maps? - My first point is that this is too much like Call of Duty if i wanted to play that i'd buy it 2. Players should still be penalized upon leaving a game early by loosing say 100 SR points 3. Joining games i don't know a single person who enjoys joining a game that has about 2 minutes left and I'm not really that pleased with joining games that have already started even a few minutes ago it leaves you clueless as to how the match has been played so far - this also is another Call of Duty idea 4. The leveling system is also pretty bad, I mean it was awful on Halo Reach but I thought it be more likely to be like Halo 3 leveling where at least when you played a game opponents were your level - I'd like an evenly matched game based on my skill level not an easy game or an insane game - i have come across several high ranked players will K/D's of less than 0.6 stop matching me with people who cannot play at all! I can think of more issues but they are more for the game in general not just matchingmaking
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