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Kyle Parker

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Everything posted by Kyle Parker

  1. i have seen the reasons why i would get banned but i can explain two, I have a niece that loves halo4 and loves to play flood. She is 3 years old and gets the game 15% of it. She kinda doesn't move around ,but she can be the last man standing though. soifthats the reason than thats cunfussing cause i see other people not move also. the other reason is the cheating topic ok i dont cheat, this is my break time and i have ben playing almost 80% everyday so yea i have been getting a lot of exp. but the cheating i did not do but i played this match o swat and this guy (that im not 100%) sure of his name but its like centorill or something. like everytime that i would shoot him in the head but he wouldn't die so anyways my point is that can u please realease the ban from exp i would appricate that very much thank you. -Nuclear Death 5
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