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Everything posted by DarkStorM

  1. I give my point of view on the Halo 4 GC tourney and bundle pack. Hope you guys enjoy. Please Subscribe and comment and like if yall want to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ_Lpx4XtDE
  2. Video was deleted by someone i don't know who so i re uploaded it for those of you that haven't seen it yet. Also its my 100th video so please be generous and give me your support by liking this video and subscribing and also mention me to your friends or people that you may know.
  3. I know a lot of people on my channel will be surprised about this i myself am surprised too but yea i am back on that Halo 4 Grind. I know i have been negative about halo 4 but that was before the update i got rid of my halo 4 before the update. Even though the update was out i mean it was a good thing for the game and the community but wasn't really what i really needed to bring me back. Now that i found out that majority of the playlists have power weapon re-spawn times, it basically all i needed to bring me back because the playlist that had those were Throwdown and doubles i think. I am definitely back now and going to stop being negative. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr15JpGbd1s
  4. Warning: Just so you guys knows these comments are all just my personal opinion so please no bashing i am just stating my personal opinion. Enjoy the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viBZY-VuoS8
  5. Just a little overview of mine on the Destiny E3 Demo. I am so exited for this game. It looks like Halo + Star Wars. Cannot wait for this game to come out. Bungie has done it again. Love Bungie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FUDeDD1Fo8
  6. Im am not really that impressed with the new system. So far i see myself probably getting a PS4 instead of a Xbox One just because Sony is focusing more on the games unlike Microsoft focusing on the Multimedia side of things. By the way............ XBOX ONE #whatda****. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EJbaYgNzaM
  7. Since we all know and hate infinity settings because of all the randomness and unbalanced factor that they bring, in this video i talk about what i would have done with Halo 4 and what 343 should have really done that would have made this game successful and alive till this day. By the way this is only concerning the new system Infinity Settings. I will talk about more of the other things 343 could have done in future videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyAM8KRbzMw
  8. This is my opinion from the latest bulletin. June 3rd!!!!!! So many people are going to be off the game. I really don't think that the weapon tuning update is going to save halo 4 just because its not really what Halo 4 needs to bring people back. What 343 really need to try to fix is the main game types get that infinity s**t outta here and join in progress and all that randomness that's what they need to remove. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nvPykAdwLE
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vAETkwK9aE Since Halo 4 population is below the 30k mark in Daily Peak (http://halocharts.com/2012/chart/dailypeakpopulation/all) and since i despise the game so much instead of uploading Halo 4 videos why not upload some good old halo 3 content for you guys. I don't want to upload gameplays for a game that i cannot enjoy. 343 ****** up my favorite shooter badly. So i am going back to the good Halos. I might also upload some Halo Reach. After playing Halo 4 i know a lot of people realized that Reach really wasn't the worst Halo and that bad of a game.At least it was playable. So i am going back to the good and at least decent Halo games so should a lot of people that despise Halo 4.
  10. I haven't play halo 4 for like 3 weeks now i just couldn't take it anymore and i just got off it and went to play Blops 2. I know i might get hate for going to play cod but i enjoyed that more than Halo 4. Already have lots of hours on tht game almost going to reach 30k kills. I know the whole cod thing doesn't matter plz don't hate me for it. I just wanted a break from halo especially halo 4. I still dont enjoy Halo 4 like i did with halo 1,halo 2,halo 3 and even halo reach. Even though Reach was Bad at least it was playable and a little enjoyable. Halo 4 just isnt fun. The best playlist on that game right now is throwdown bcuz its not random like most of those infinity craps are. Im a casual Halo player so to have fun i have to go play a competitive playlist. Its not fair 343 promised us a classic halo playlist b4 the game came out and we are six months in and its still not here. I hope the game gets better that would be a shock but with these numbers on the chart.......http://halocharts.co...kpopulation/all that doesnt look so good its almost reaching Halo Reach's Peak lol. The only thing that keeping me playing this game is the sole reason of just uploading youtube content that's all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67tERwxkJy8
  11. Hope you guys enjoy this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptMj6MqdyxA
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7624uRksEI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_r_SBNRbtQ
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No-py_7PCLE
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qM2IlhgCI0
  15. In this video i discuss my impressions of the the new throwdown settings. I love the new simplex, and also 50/50 love hate the new X marker settings. Hope you guys enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_fWg-xSrbM
  16. Gameplay is not all that but if you guys thinks so be sure to comment. I was just testing the different looks of magic bullet looks and also testing my music syncing skills. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqSe9e-kMgc
  17. ENJOYY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-rbBkKv3pQ
  18. In this video i discuss this wee's halo bullettin what i like so far and what it think about it and also have a nice CTFgame on Skyline http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwW0XRvew-8
  19. I discuss my opinion of halo 4's best objective gametype Extraction and compared it to the new cap flag and also talk about Halo 4's state and 343's mistakes sarcastically. Hope you guys enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn424GFK0aA
  20. Short mini review and opinion on this week's action sack playlist. I don't like the new Fiesta gametype. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYQgtmuWkXQ
  21. In this video with (Controller Style) gameplay i give my opinion on this map and also talk about recent playlist update and opinion on castle map pack trailer of Halo 4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdfhgUpAQ94
  22. In this video besides the beast gameplay i give my opinion on this map and also talk about my top 3 favorite maps of Halo 4 also talk about upcoming updates. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6zDGYmbD5Y
  23. I give my opinion on the new maps and discuss 343's no radar on rumble pro mistake and also discuss a few issues. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRirHIhktCQ
  24. In this video i pretty much show off the maps at the start and i play some Infinity Rumble and Rumble Pro. This video was made by me. This is my youtube Channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/DARKSTORIVI?feature=mhee. I hope you guys Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoZikwn-yJ0
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