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Everything posted by Himoura

  1. So many people are modding on this game now it's getting stupid. For the longest time I never saw any cheating at all but I just got back on recently and unfortunately it's starting to become a pretty regular thing. The smart ones just run subtle hacks that give them a slight advantage so they don't get banned. Why cheat on a video game? People are really that pathetic they still feel good about a win knowing they didn't earn it? I don't get rage quit mad about it but after having some really fun games and then Gettn a game where it's obvious a dude is running a hack its just depressing and sours me on the whole online experience. To many people are able to get online with JTag'd units now. I know it's not 343's fault but it just ruins the game.
  2. Himoura

    Camo Campers

    I had a guy do this to me on RagnaRock. He had the mountainside base and was sniping out of that perch on the right. He got me the first time and then I ran over there (right side), jet-packed up and stuck him with a grenade. After that the team was on the lookout for him and he gave up after a few kills. Guys that do that don't really get a lot of kills and once people start gunning for them they usually give up. I really haven't had much trouble shooting those guys even in camo. When u line the sight on them it shows their gamer tag. It's a little annoying if they are really really good but that's kind of rare. Once u start gunning for them they will give up because their KD really starts to suffer unless they are sniping masters. Team shoot them and they are screwed no matter how good they are. The sniper spots are pretty obvious. Not a problem IMO.
  3. Clear the cache on your main drive. It's also a good idea to setup static IP's for all of your devices. I use Mac filtering for security cause its faster. Just be sure to choose higher addresses so you won't have conflicts. example, 10, 11 etc. Now you can forward all of you xbox live ports. It has them listed on the website.
  4. I like it. No complaints here. If you don't then learn to crouch.
  5. This is great. Halo 4 just doesn't get enough credit for the things it does right in my opinion.
  6. I disagree. Read the book of five rings. There is great wisdom in the post you rebutted. u could easily use his tactics against him and flip it but instead you choose to concede... I know... It's a game and supposed to be fun. However if you can turn his tactics against him it will be the most fun you ever had. I'm just going to admit that I get off on tea bagging people.
  7. Ok check it. I'm not just about complaining I'm about solutions too and I think I may have found one. So far I have been experiencing very little lag. The replays are still laggy and I'm gettn a little here or there but that could be my connection who knows. But at least I'm registering shots waaay better and my KD is positive again in all my matches so far. In the XBOX Dashboard go too settings>storage and look at the bottom for "device options". Press Y for device options and clear your cache. Not making any promises but this could help. I will need to play a lot more games to be sure but so far it's working OMGWTF better. I'm also going to try forwarding the Halo 4 specific ports on my router. I'm a network engineer so I have already configured Static IP's for all my devices so I have zero connection confusion between them. I also run MAC filtering which I believe is a lot faster then encryption. Yes someone could spoof a MAC address but I doubt anyone in my building is that smart. Mostly creepers here. I could make an unhackable network but I don't feel like doing any subnetting. Not to mention if a friend came over I wouldn't have any space for their device. Hope this helps. If it helps even a little it's a plus for anyone who like me is totally addicted to this game. XD *UPDATE* I just forwarded all of my Xbox Live ports. My Xbox feels like its a lot smoother to login to live now. As far as halo goes after I forwarded my ports I rebooted the router then turned the Xbox on. I played infinity slayer and lag city. Totally depressing but I after the game I exited back to dash and cleared the cache again. Just ran smooth as silk and got first place with zero lag (KD was back XD). I will keep playing and see how it goes. I just talked to my brother who didn't seem to be lagging as much as the rest of us and that ****bird has been clearing his cache everyday and not saying a word lol. So idk. Ill post again with more results but so far it seems that clearing the cache def helps a lot.
  8. Ya I'm gonna echo the post above. I'm a 5 shooter too. When the game is running smooth I'm flying up to a second level head shotting one guy 5 shots with dmr and sticking another dude before I hit the ground. Now I'm lucky to get a kill at all and coming in last. This is retarded. I'm not the best around at all but damn man I'm coming in first a lot when the game is good and coming in dead last when its lagging. Last night I counted 12 rounds to the head to kill a guy. That's how damn bad I'm lagging and Im paying for turbo Internet through time Warner. This is such a great game but not having your shots register is killing me. Btw on BF3 I have yet to experience any lag. So I don't think it's me or my connection.
  9. Let me first just say I love love love this game!!! I am totally cracked out on halo again. However in the last week (game has been running smooth as silk for two months) it has been lagging like crazy!!! I know it isn't just me cuz my whole team will lag out all at the same time. It's killing my KD man. Ill admit my spread isn't great lol but dammit this is making me suck even more! XD I guess my question is does anyone know what is going on?? Any idea when this will get fixed? I been trying to talk my friend into getting halo 4 for weeks and now he bought it the game this weekend and its terrible lagging for him too!!! lol. Not cool!! I realize it may not be 343's fault I'm just trying to get an idea of when it might get fixed or what happened. Could be a$$holes doing DOS attacks who knows.
  10. Destiny trailer was extremely underwhelming IMO. It's like bungie is trying to make an fps version of wow they can milk for the next 10 yrs. no thanks. Halo 4 music is fine man ur totally hatn.
  11. 100% agree. OP just wants to complain. I love this game. Last halo I played was 3 and I'm really digging this. I hear people complain about COD like mechanics but they never offer any good alternative ideas. U don't like the current system then kick 343 some ideas that would be better. COD was a great game that forever changed the way we look at FPS's. get over it.
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