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Posts posted by Chronmeister

  1. I'm glad you are still getting lobbies together, I will try to get into one with you soon if possible. I'm taking a break forging until I get more downloads on the maps I have already made though. Every one of my maps is extremely different from the last. I have tried something new with each map. I think it was funny that you compared Sever and Infernal in a previous post when one map was symmetrical and the other wasn't. I wouldnt see the point in making a new map if it only resembled the last. Maybe you are referring to my piece usage which has remained somewhat consistent. Anyway, it makes me feel like you never got a grasp of the layout in my previous maps. I took different approaches to every map and started each with different ideas in mind. With Quicksilver, the new "wow factor" was going to be the third level. I rarely see maps do a good job of adding one and I thought I would try it out. The little feedback I have recieved about it has been mixed, so I'm not sure if I pulled it off correctly, but I can tell you that the routes are all there and top mid can very easily be taken back if it is being abused. I wouldn't waste anyones time repeating old ideas, so if that is what you are seeing I am doing something wrong.

  2. Very impressive Chronmeister. Though from first glance it looks like it could use some cover here and there, I just gotta get in there. I wonder how often you have outdone yourself!


    I hope you get a chance to check out Quicksilver. I have updated it three times and recieved only one total DL. I would still like to test Deliverance too, but I have been having an extremely hard time getting a lobby together since GTA online has been released. I hope people will get over stealing cars soon and come back to Halo 4. I think Halo 3 comes out for free today though so it is probobly not likely. If no one wants to play anymore, I guess I will have to wait till Halo 5 to make any more maps.

  3. Love the name, love the map, you get a like from me




    Thanks. I have already updated my FS with a much cleaner version. Top purple is now much more accessible. I added a teleporter and simplified the jump ups as well. A few other adjustments were made as well including adding a roof and walls to red base.

    • Like 1
  4. Quicksilver

    by Chronmeister


    Optimal Player Count: 8-16

    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, Extraction

    Ordnance: OS, Sniper Rifle, Sticky Det., Scattershot, SAW

    Other weapons placed on map: Needler x2, DMR, Light Rifle, Carbine, AR, Storm Rifle, Frag G's, Pulse G's, Plasma G's






















    Download it Here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    I still have a lot of testing to do so if anyone gets in a lobby send me an invite. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


    • Like 1
  5. This is the first map that actually looks like it has functional treehouses in it. This is an idea that I have always wanted to play with, but it looks like you beat me to it.  I like the look and the layout looks interesting. I agree that this should be posted under competitive maps, but you might need to do a little work on the center of the map and adjust your rock formations a little. If you still play Halo, I would be interested in testing this with you. Send me a FR if you are interested. GT: Chronmeister

  6. Lucky. I could use a break from college...


    Anyway, want my advice? Slow the posting down. I suggest posting the map here once the map has been thoroughly tested and is more or less in its final version.


    That way, your maps here will have the highest possible quality giving Psychoduck a good first impression.


    Just a thought.


    Here is something I don't agree with. If a map has potential, it should be obvious from the first build. In order for me to perfect the first build, I post the map to recieve feedback. It is a much faster way of improving a map. I still update the map and continue testing it until I feel it is worthy of being called a final build. I can't predict when or if Pyschoduck will ever have time to look at my maps. If he liked what he saw, I would expect some sort of feedback. I don't see the point in continuously testing something that will never make matchmaking or get a feature so I keep making more. IMO a few have been worthy, but I just have to keep proving myself. If someone with some pull (Psychoduck) told me,"This map is feature or matchmaking worthy, but this needs to be done," I would do it. It's just really hard for me to keep wasting my time t\weaking something that doesen't matter to anyone but me. Spawns work on all my maps and weapons are pretty balanced. I'm not really sure what help constant testing will give. Like I said, if he saw something he thought deserved a feature, I would make testing it my top priority, but right now I just feel ignored. I get that people have busy lives, but this is something I take pretty seriously and have been waiting a while. I have studied maps and flow and tried showing what I know through my new creations. It is really all I can do.

    • Like 2
  7. Areas within the perimeter of the map are safe to walk on. Anything beyond the jersey barriers is a death drop. I agree the water on Forge Island looks pretty bad, but I've wanted to make a map like this for a while so this was the only way it was gonna happen. At least you can hear your feet sloshing around in it. As for my mapmaking speed, I have been home from work with an injury, so I have all the free time in the world. It won't always be like this, but for now, I am trying to create as much as possible. Also, I'm dying for a feature so I keep trying to make something that will get noticed. :)

    • Like 1
  8. I really like this map Chron. Out of all your maps, this one looks different. Not because it's not on Forge Island but because it doesn't look like a Chronmeister map.


    Look at Sever and Infernal. They're like twins. Even your co-forge with Squeak looked so much like your previous maps.


    This one looks very different.


    I'm not sure how I feel about it on 4v4 but I think 6v6 would play best here. There aren't many good squad maps out there so it's nice that this map exists.


    There was an area that I wasn't very fond of. I don't remember where it is exactly but I think it's an area that went too deep. It was a crater in the terrain itself.





         I filled in a couple of craters since our last match and I think that the few that are left actually serve a purpose so take a look next time we play on it. I may have already covered up that one. Im glad that this map looks a little different. I think this is a combination of all the different forging styles I have used. My first maps actually looked a lot more like this, but they would never have worked out as well bc of the base design and map layout in general. I was really learning a lot when I built Infernal and I tried repeating that style in my next couple maps. The maps themselves were very different, but the style was noticably similar. This map is similar to my earlier works bc it makes use of the terrain and has separate free standing bases as opposed to the map being one solid connected structure. Both styles are very functional if done properly. I think why this map is special is bc it has stand alone bases, but it connects them naturally with the given terrain. There is no other location that this map could have been possible which is why this map will never be duplicated.

         Forging and testing are the only real fun I have with videogames anymore. Halo 5 is a long way off, so all us forgers need to keep the game alive. Keep testing and making maps. Halo 4, despite all the negative opinions, is the best shooter ever made. I am truly sick of hearing how ****ty a game it is by people who are taking the time to play it. Those who gave up on it, WHY? The game works great as is and there are modded gametypes to  make it more like previous Halo's if that is your thing. With the game not even out a year and the playlists dwindling, I am worried, but I hope that once everyone gets sick of the short term crap they are playing they will come back to the rock that is Halo. Forge itself makes the game an investment of sorts. Protect your investment and play the damn game. If it's been a while, you probably forgot how great it really is.

    • Like 2
  9. Do we have the budget to extend that cover piece at pic one (of update post) by adding two more? I mean to merge one to reach the bend at the ramp and the other to extend from this corner to the 1x4 we added. All of this would top off at the height of the railing we have between the 1x4's. I think this would look better bc it would cover up the transition and it would also force players onto that elevated path instead of making them want to jump down to the floor below.

  10. Lunacy



    Optimal Player Count: 8-12

    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, KOTH, Extraction

    Ordnance: Overshield, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Sticky Detonator, Needler x2

    Vehicles: 1 Ghost and 2 Mongoose per team


    Lunacy is a medium/large map on Impact. It plays good with 8 but great with 10-12. I tried to make good use of the existing terrain and extreme height variation that this area offers. Yellow base gives players a great power position to battle over with its shooting gallery views of the entire map. This area is furthest from the sniper rifle however and has multiple entrances along with a man cannon and telporter leading to different areas, so holding it is a challenge. The rest of the map lies on the slope of the asteroid with ordnance evenly spread to all the areas, vehicles at red and blue, and placed long range rifles in the bases. I think the map will actually support the largest lobbies of up to 16 and should be considered a BTB map that can play a 4v4 rather well.




    I am pretty proud of this one. I hope you get a chance to download it and let me know what you think. Feedback is greatly appreciated.


    Download Here<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    • Like 1
  11. Outlander
    Gamertag: Chronmeister
    Optimal Player Count:12-16
    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, Dominion
    Ordnance: Sniper Rifle x2, Sticky Detonator x2, Rocket Launcher, Overshield, (Damage Boost x2 for Slayer and KOTH only)
    Vehicles: Ghost x2, Chainhog x2, Rockethog x2, Scorpion
    Outlander is my first serious Big Team map that I am submitting to the Meet Your Maker Dominion contest. This has definitely been my most challenging project. I have two separate versions of the map. The BTB Slayer/KOTH version starts out with all the vehicles listed. It also has all the bases colored to make callouts easier and a set of damage boosts (one in each teams base). The Dominion version of the map forces players to capture bases in order to gain the power vehicles. When you capture a base it changes to your teams color to make it easier to determine who controls it. I have reworked this map many times and fine tuned the spawning for Dominion. I am very happy with how the current version plays and am ready to call this one complete. I think the map can actually play pretty well with parties as small as 10, but really shines with 12-14. Download and ENJOY!!!
    Here are some pics from Dominion.
    Here are some pics from BTB Slayer.
    Download Dominion Version Here <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Download Big Team Slayer and KOTH versions Here <<<<<<<<<<<<
    Let me know how you like the map, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    Special Thanks to Zandril for doing such a great job with my overview screenshot


  12. Outlander
    Gamertag: Chronmeister
    Optimal Player Count:12-16
    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, Dominion
    Ordnance: Sniper Rifle x2, Sticky Detonator x2, Rocket Launcher, Overshield, (Damage Boost x2 for Slayer and KOTH only)
    Vehicles: Ghost x2, Chainhog x2, Rockethog x2, Scorpion
    Outlander is my first serious Big Team map that I am submitting to the Meet Your Maker Dominion contest. This has definitely been my most challenging project. I have two separate versions of the map. The BTB Slayer/KOTH version starts out with all the vehicles listed. It also has all the bases colored to make callouts easier and a set of damage boosts (one in each teams base). The Dominion version of the map forces players to capture bases in order to gain the power vehicles. When you capture a base it changes to your teams color to make it easier to determine who controls it. I have reworked this map many times and fine tuned the spawning for Dominion. I am very happy with how the current version plays and am ready to call this one complete. I think the map can actually play pretty well with parties as small as 10, but really shines with 12-14. Download and ENJOY!!!

    Download Dominion Version Here <<<<<<<<<<<<<
    Download Big Team Slayer and KOTH versions Here <<<<<<<<<<<<
    Let me know how you like the map, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    Special Thanks to Zandril for doing such a great job with my overview screensh
  13. Sorry I'm late. I just found this thread today. If you get around to running any tests tonight or later this weekend I hope you can add this one to your list. I've already done some testing, but more would be better.


    Gamertag: Chronmeister

    Map: Outlander (description: Dominion)

    Click >HERE< to link to my Waypoint DL


    I'm online quite a bit, so if you need testers please invite me. I will be submitting this next Teusday so I hope you can test it before then. Thanks.

  14. This map works well for Extraction and KOTH. I still think you need to work on red and blue bases. The way you have yellow elevated would be a good example of how high I think the ground floor of these bases need to be raised. From there, maybe make a better connection between floors 1 and 2 with an interior ramp and lastly, make the jump to these bases from center easier. You have some really cool areas of the map along with some questionable ones. If you make every area of the map special, then of course the whole map will be something great. I think this one has potential so I hope you spend more time on it.

  15. Guerilla

    Gamertag: Chronmeister

    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, Extraction

    Optimal Player Count: 6-8

    Ordnance: Sniper Rifle, Scattershot, Sticky Detonator

    Blue Team Initial Spawn
    Blue Roof
    Scattershot Drop at Blue Tunnel (90s)
    Sniper Drop (120s)
    Red Roof and Base Rear
    Red Team Initial Spawn under Rock Arch
    Sticky Detonator Drop (90s)
    Red Ramp
    A view out from top of Red Ramp to Top Gold
    Top Gold
    A view out from Top Gold ( Damage Boost spawns at yellow 4x4 tall on the right 90s)

    Download it Here!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    Let me know how you like the map. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Special thanks to The Fated Fire, a Chunk and Squally DaBeanz for the great feedback.


  16. I made a few changes after going through the map with Redemption1272. I also thought out some callouts for areas of the map that may have been hard to name. Here are the areas along with some pics of the updates.



    Top Gold now extends back toward the Blue Spawn area creating a counter position to Blue Roof


    Red Rocks




    Red Hallway


    Red Beach


    Top Red


    Red Roof


    I added a crate above the cave at Top Gold that provides cover from Top Red and Blue Roof


    Red Office (added desks and chairs)


    Blue Office


    Blue Beach


    Blue Roof


    I hope these changes make the map play better competitively.

  17. I updated the post with new pics of all the changes Ive made. I think I balance out the map pretty well with the improved ordance spawns and by moving red's initial spawn. I added an aesthetic building behind blue and opened up red base to sniper spawn with a tunnel. I also adjusted some ramps and made a few other minor adjustments. I think that this version is final, but I am willing to change if any major problems are noticed.

  18. Alright, I gave this a run through in Forge, and saw a few minor things I think can be done better.


    First off, the weapons. There's a bit too much ordnance on the map at spawn. You can do without the Carbines and Pulse Grenades at each spawn. Plus, having the open air ordnance drops right in front of you off spawn can be a little distracting and disorienting. Also, the Sticky Det is clearly in favor of Red spawn. I think you can just get rid of that and be fine. The Damage Boost seems a little weighted toward Blue spawn. I don't know what the run times are, but even if they are equal the blues get the height advantage over the reds when approaching it. Same thing can be said with the Sniper. The reds can just jump up onto the platform next to them, and control the approaches to the Sniper. The Shotgun is a little better. I think you could maybe adjust it's position or the wall blocking sight into it for Red, so both team can see it at about the same time.


    The second area I feel could be improved is top gold. First, get rid of the tree right in front of the platform. It makes the position too powerful by obscuring the players up there. Also, make the ramp up for Red side more connected and smoother, instead of being a jump up to a ramp.


    The third and final thing I feel needs to be changed is how top heavy the map is. I think if you were to make more, and higher walls on the roofs, it would make the map feel more like it has overlapped areas, instead of roofs looking down on everything (like Complex). One particular area That needs to be raised is the out of bounds roof at Red. There's a ramp leading right to a jump up into a kill boundary. Make the out of bounds areas more concrete and obvious. You could also benefit by raising the wall behind Blue spawn.


    Overall, pretty nice looking map. Try adjusting these things and let me know how they play out :)


    Thank you for taking a look at it. I agree with a few things and I have questions for the rest. I can easily remove the carbines and nades at spawn. As for the weapons, as this map is not symmetrical, I'm not sure where I should place the weapons aside from center map, that would be fair to either team. I placed the shotgun and sticky in each teams bases at an equal distance from spawn. I don't want duplicates of the same weapon. I wanted each team to be given and equally deadly power weapon a short distance from initial spawn. Also, if I remove the sticky (which I think works well on the map) I will be taking away from the flow that this area of the map currently has. I am not saying that a weapon here is what is causing the flow, I just think having a weapon here balances the flow out on the map really well. I think I should maybe move shotgun to a position that favors blue a little more. As for the sniper rifle, I can definitely see how you are saying red has an advantage over this position. Maybe I should just move red spawn to the stone arch. That would make sniper a little more centralized.

         As for the structural changes you suggested. I like the tree blocking yellow base. I haven't noticed yellow being an overpowered position in any of the matches I played. It is really easy to shoot anyone up there even through the foliage. I can definitely ramp up the area at red spawn a little better. I'm not sure what you mean when you say to add higher walls at the roofs and where you say I had the jump up to a kill zone. Maybe you saw the first version from the day I posted the map. I added 4x4 talls on top of red since then. I hope you can go into forge with me soon and discuss this further.



  19. I feel like you just commented on this map post to complain about you not getting a feature.



    I'm not complaining, I really do like the map and sincerely do congratulate Fated. I just had one I thought might make it this month, so maybe I'm a little jealous is all.

  20. Guerilla


    Gamertag: Chronmeister


    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, Extraction


    Optimal Player Count: 6-8


    Ordnance: Sniper Rifle, Scattershot, Sticky Detonator



    Blue Team Initial Spawn


    Blue Roof


    Scattershot Drop at Blue Tunnel (90s)


    Sniper Drop (120s)


    Red Roof and Base Rear


    Red Team Initial Spawn under Rock Arch


    Sticky Detonator Drop (90s)


    Red Ramp


    A view out from top of Red Ramp to Top Gold


    Top Gold


    A view out from Top Gold ( Damage Boost spawns at yellow 4x4 tall on the right 90s)



    Download it Here!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    Let me know how you like the map. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


    Special thanks to The Fated Fire, a Chunk and Squally DaBeanz for the great feedback.

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