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Spectral Jester

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Everything posted by Spectral Jester

  1. yes it is, i've added the description of the achievement to the details
  2. just added the Halo 4 Controller to my preorder today
  3. there will be stuff like that in the avatar store, i know there will be promeathen stuff at the very least
  4. Yep the in game avatar awards are back in Halo 4 Here is what you get Knight Helmet Unlock the 'Knight in White Assassination' achievement Assassinated a Knight in any Spartan Ops Mission Platinum Mark VI Helmet Unlock the 'Wake Up, John' Achievement Complete the Campaign on Normal or Harder UNSC infinity Hoodie Unlock the 'Not Some Recruit Anymore' Achievement Ranked up your Spartan-IV to SR-5. <courtesy of xboxavatargear.com>
  5. topic already exists here http://343i.org/kw
  6. Great post Zelda, as has previously been said in the following threads Here and Here . We have a process for shout box bans, 15 minutes, then 1 hour, then 24 hour, then finally permanent. Whilst we like to allow as much freedom as possible in the shout box, when fellow members post a thread like this we as moderators must sit up and take notice. So All Members regardless of name color or rank will fall under this ban process. If you have to argue take it to PM or XBL. If you see an argument report the members involved and move on, by getting involved yourself you are no better than the people arguing. If anyone wishes to discuss this then please feel free to PM me.
  7. All members are sent a pm upon joining with links to varioushelpful areas, failing that ask a member of the moderating team or for an even quicker answer ask in the shout box.
  8. Dude add a spoiler button next time lmao....
  9. Staff Response duplicate thread closed
  10. This member is a golden oldie in more than one way, they are a old time forum member and one of the old guy gamers on this wonderful forum. Things to say about this member? The list is endless so I will try and list just a few. He is the Daddy of the forum, who will be there fir any of us. Posts are always thoughtful and insightful. A retired staff member. How this member ever finds time to do anything still staggers me with his massive family. Single handedly took on the 1v1 & 2v2 tournament and ensured this competition was revived and completed. Created the Official 343i Contest Rules. These are just some of the things I fan say about this member. So without further ado, I give you your September MoM Congratulations to Choot Em.
  11. Congratulatlons guys, welcome to the fold. From here on in, it gets serious. (im supposed to say that) Now fellow members / trusted members / dedicated members - Go Get Em!
  12. Absolute Dog has summed it up very well. With welcoming THFE into the forum an exciting friendship comes with it, which can only benefit both teams. I'm sure you will enjoy what we have created here, and with the massive expansion of Forge and what you'll bring with you, I now, finally, can get hold of some fantastic race and invasion maps......plus I hope you do some forge training sessions for beginners as I will sign up right now.
  13. Twam invented the internet! And has a whole religion based around him Praise Twam.
  14. Without a doubt Breakpoint, shame it seems nobody who plays Invasion actually has the map pack though lol.
  15. they have to raise the cR you earn at higher ranks or nobody would be able to rank up, Eclipse to Nova is 1,500,000 cR imagine how long that would take earning 1000cR a game lmao
  16. Definitely Campaign first. Then Spartan Ops Then War Games I'm also really looking forward to Forge, as they have made it even easier for forge noobs like me.
  17. Nice to see a fellow Brit reach a landmark on the forums. Congratulations
  18. Yep Hammers are back, id be amazes if grifball is not back, which makes me happy, love grifball
  19. On mobile version at moment so can't link. growing up in Coventry in the 70's I was heavily influenced by 2 tone. As its spiritual home is Coventry. So I was listening to Selecter, Specials, Bodysnatchers, and Madness. Still find it relaxing to dig out the old records and listen to them now 30 years later lol. If o really want to rock out its The Who.
  20. I love these interviews Drizzy great work. Uncle Sig great comments and a real fun and interesting read.
  21. Black coffee, with 3/4 sugars works for me. Or there is a drink in UK called WKD get the blue one, its refreshing and sweet keeps mw going all night.
  22. Okay here is what you get as standard with the Halo 4 Limited Edition Game Here is what you get with the Halo 4 Limited Edition Console Theres are the skins,emblem, armor, avatar outfits and avatar props, these dont include the exclusives you get for ordering from certain sites / shops Thanks to www.xboxavatargear.com for the information and pictures.
  23. Cracking post Zelda. The ranks from member to trusted, then dedicated are based on post count, and with this comes a color change, which new members are keen to obtain We as a moderating teamaybe should be a lot harder on spammers, its not even necessarily the offbeat section either, members that continually post in threads with posts like sorry can't help you, or yes I agree, don't add debate to the thread therefore they can only be doing this to increase there post count. Maybe persistent offenders should get a warning point, and if they persist then there ppst count set to zero.
  24. Maybe if you didnt create such childish and ridiculous names they wouldn't be changed. Also maybe learn to be more polite it will benefit you a lot more.
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