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Spectral Jester

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Everything posted by Spectral Jester

  1. 28 Days to go. Hmmm how do I fit in Halo and Gears? looks like some late nights for me are coming
  2. I can confirm Action Sack us hilarious fun.
  3. If you've changed description and its still not working it usually means there is a banned/not allowed in your gamertag, but as to what it could be us beyond me. Gave you tried ringing customer services at bungie?
  4. Yes its really fun, was actually laughing whilst I played it
  5. Exactly the point I ws trying to make, I'm now making an effort to play other playlists rather than the norm and have to say loving it
  6. AFK firefight game starts player goes to bed so they earn credits for just standing still, over and over
  7. Funny that as I do play firefight and clearly a lot of people that babe the mappack do play firefight as its usually the first map to come up in the options to choose your game. So with your thinking firefight people shouldn't get any maps st all? You ARE getting 3 maps, lets count them together 1 Unearthed 2 Highlands 3 Condemned
  8. Due to the Reach community boosting with idle guests the banhammer cannot distinguish between a really bad player and an idle guest, so unfortunately the ban stands, also this was obviously in matchmaking is it fair on the other people on your team to have someone who cannot play the game? That's why the ban is fair, custom games for people learning to play Reach not matchmaking
  9. One thread will be enough. There's your problem if your sister got no kills and just died, the banhammer thinks they have AFK. Unfortunately for you the ban covers the whole console and any profile on it. Either play custom games, or get a kill or 2 for your sister then hand the controller back.
  10. I back that but sort out the lag please dedicated servers a must!!!!!
  11. Action Sack think I'm getting addicted to Splockets, oh and finding the love for Grifball .
  12. The weekly list that major Nelson puts out weekly is being actually logging onto the game, still think third is good. Considering COD is usually bought by everybody just because of the name.
  13. As you posted this in 2 sections I will close this thread, you have replies on the thread in general discussion. Please don't double post threads
  14. Is there another profile that plays on your Xbox? As the ban is for the console . Also can you post your gamertag to check the game history.
  15. Razzle what's your gamertag, can check your came history and be able to give you an answer
  16. That's exactly my thinking all challenges for that day are for those playlists. Some folks will then get to sample those playlists that they otherwise forget about.
  17. Isn't that a capture card? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116613
  18. I liked the film remember watching the originals as a kid back in the 70's. Yep I'm that old
  19. Hmm will have to check action sack out its one playlist I've never bothered with
  20. whilst I agree it would alienate part of the population, needs fixing badly as a playlist
  21. 29 Days to go..... Don't worry Marcus I'll be there to save the world again soon
  22. Maybe slightly overpowered, but it will give the AL haters something else to moan at lol
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