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Spectral Jester

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Everything posted by Spectral Jester

  1. Thank you Dean, the voice if reason Could the helmet be part if TU? maybe just for the Halo CEA maps?
  2. Like the true scifi geek I am just started Star Wars : Path of Destruction
  3. Be interesting to see if it actually plays any differently
  4. Some interesting maps, I wonder what the firefight map will be? Unearthed was brilliant.
  5. Older gamers? How rude lol Seriously there's still a few of us old uns around, showing these young ones how we do it 8 bit style
  6. Welcome to our friendly forum sure you will enjoy it here, we are a friendly bunch.
  7. This was the first rank list made, who knows what's in the future.
  8. A gun made out of syrup, that fires sugar granules, I think it would be a SWEET weapon!
  9. I'd say welcome but you seem to have been around already lol. Glad your enjoying it here.
  10. Welcome glad you like the feel of the forum, I too started with Atari 2600, which unfortunately for me was 70's lol
  11. Reaper speaketh the truth. After just under a year people still complain about bloom, surely you must of got used to it by now? Armor Lock taken out, well the haters win, can't see the issue with AL, surely you've sussed what to do by now. Last thing Halo Reach isn't Halo 3, seems some people don't realise that. Bungie did say in there last vidoc that Reach had everything in it, they couldn't put in the other games..
  12. How did the makeup lady get pregnant? Max Factor
  13. Meanwhile the arbiter was still .....
  14. Well done OP that's the first post I've ever read where someone admits to boosting. I take my hat off to you. Do you find it more enjoyable playing for the rank rather than boosting?
  15. Thought about burger King, meanwhile .....
  16. There is a TU planned between now and CEA not sure its changing the ranking system though
  17. Some sigs are too large, but the new forum skin that's forthcoming will limit the size of sigs, so enjoy it while it lasts lol OT Dean if there are some extra large sigs PM me, and I will take a look
  18. No one hates on Bungie. And for the record 343 is not mostly Ex Bungie employees there are a couple of ex Bungie that's about it, check evil ottos FAQ on b.net
  19. I've had campaign progress reset once before, was about a month after game was released. Also have had the nameplate reset to blank one several times
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