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Spectral Jester

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Everything posted by Spectral Jester

  1. Very true lol Welcome to the site feel free to post opinions as they all count, were a friendly bunch and if you have any questions then please as
  2. me and the wife are thinking of seeing this, is it better than the mark wahlberg film?
  3. upload the game to your fileshare and post the link
  4. sniper shots from the passenger seat of the revenant has a glitch that gives you autoaim, been in Reach since it came out, im amazed more people dont exploit it
  5. off topic the original AVP was absolute crap, whereas I loved the 2010 version. back on topic though, OP if you think its a waste of money dont buy it, quite frankly 7 new maps for Reach, and a classic game given a reboot, with achievements added will do nicely for me.
  6. blue flames were a gift from Bungie, as was the nameplates, that time has passed, so if you missed it then sorry you missed it, between the iphone app and the website we had a month to activate it.
  7. 343i nameplate and green flames would do me, but thats just me
  8. you would be surprised people still do it, last time the weekly was firefight rounds, i decided to do them all in one night, i carried this random through all the games, he didnt get one kill. Sad thing is he still hasnt been reset, as I check there gamertag from time to time
  9. this weeks challenges just encourages AFking, so I think I will leave it a few days before doing the weekly
  10. Your sitting at work looking at people in the office, and placing them in the different species within the covenant. PS. Im sitting opposite a grunt
  12. mayonnaise bubble bombs, Suddenly Jorge....
  13. thats the host advantage which does get on my nerves.
  14. Only reason I stopped playing invasion was I got sick of playing spire & vineyard, breakpoint never comes up
  15. Your on probation, which means its not the first time recently you have been booted/betrayed or quit. Play nice don't leave games
  16. Kind of ruins the game when your playing with idiots that do it all game, so for me turn off friendly fire. Whilst safe havens was fun it will never get voted for whilst sword base is in the playlist
  17. The threads appearing on here are spam bots, so I voted no
  18. I said yes as it sounds fun, but.... It will need the same time limit as infection of 4 minutes as games could last ages.
  19. Hostball desperately needs servers, I always seem to get opponents with crappy connections/lag, I swing actually hit them with hammer, nothing I die wtf? Its a shame because its an enjoyable game
  20. Surely you can work it out roughly forerunner to inheritor is 7,000,000 cR that's 3,500,000cR per rank, halocharts.com will give you a rough idea as its based on average cR per game it doesn't take into account challenges or jackpots
  21. turn off friendly fire before they do anything else to infection playlist
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