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Spectral Jester

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Everything posted by Spectral Jester

  1. This This This And finally this, reason enough for me
  2. suddenly the waitress appeared and .....
  3. that is the only thing i think cod does well, campaign stories are very good, well the modern warfare ones are anyway. online is trash though.
  4. why dont they just use the BPR ratings system?? it goes up and down with games won/lost/betrayals etc could put the number besides your rank.
  5. was funny though on bungie day, as most of the time bungie employees were using armor lock........
  6. just because people by anygame with call of duty in the title doesnt necessary mean its better, people raved about cod world at war until it came out
  7. Invasion (needs more maps desperately Firefight - limited/doubles/arcade
  8. agree but not all the time, then it becomes a pain in the .....
  9. Hello and welcome, very friendly on the site so if in doubt ask...
  10. i had a weird dream last night, where i was shooting my way to work on the back of a warthog?!? everything was the same except grunts were everywhere???
  11. welcome, feel free to post and ask anything, very friendly here, sure you will fit right in
  12. happy birthday and welcome, play nice and you'll love it here, a proper friendly bunch
  13. hello and welcome, sure you will find the forum friendly enough
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