unfortuantely it seems to be the thing at the moment.
Halo Reach beta only accessed through ODST
Gears 3 beta accessed through Bulletstorm
Halo 4 beta accessed though Halo CEA
Dont really see the problem to be honest
Someone t bagged me in firefight?
I got my revenge, playing on unearthed they were standing behind the warthog so i took it upon myself to blow the warthog up and then blow it into them getting a betrayal and t bagged them till there body disappeared. Childish I know but what the hell
I hate the flood, for me certainly the mist challenging of enemy in halo when playing on legendary, that level in halo 3 near the end stopped me playing halo 3 lol
close ive called my wife cortana
back on topic
You know your a halo addict when....
Like John 117 you spend your days hiding under the desk at 343 hq to get gossip/rumours about Halo 4