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Spectral Jester

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Everything posted by Spectral Jester

  1. unfortuantely it seems to be the thing at the moment. Halo Reach beta only accessed through ODST Gears 3 beta accessed through Bulletstorm Halo 4 beta accessed though Halo CEA Dont really see the problem to be honest
  2. Someone t bagged me in firefight? I got my revenge, playing on unearthed they were standing behind the warthog so i took it upon myself to blow the warthog up and then blow it into them getting a betrayal and t bagged them till there body disappeared. Childish I know but what the hell
  3. But its gears of war, I'm buying it, will never, ever play it, but its gears if war
  4. I hate the flood, for me certainly the mist challenging of enemy in halo when playing on legendary, that level in halo 3 near the end stopped me playing halo 3 lol
  5. Thank god them films have finished. OT I've emailed that spider pick around work needless to say quite a few people are now feeling I'll lol
  6. And knowing ign it will be updated regularly as clockwork
  7. Ok I'm in if you need me Gamertag spectral jester
  8. Jet black armor would look good with the flames as well.
  9. What no firefight in Halo 4 Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  10. Like the idea of armor for playing the beta, id tell everyone after the beta ends, or award it for playing x amount of games in the beta
  11. Welcome back hamburgler how was skate camp?
  12. Favourite halo past time usually firefights or invasion, although found the love for grifball
  13. Currently on my way to work and the guy siting in front of me just farted
  14. Anything need for speed or assassins creed, also a big gears of war fan can't wait for 3
  15. Lets put it this way we will all find out in November, looks authentic to me. And personally I believe why? because I want to so there
  16. close ive called my wife cortana back on topic You know your a halo addict when.... Like John 117 you spend your days hiding under the desk at 343 hq to get gossip/rumours about Halo 4
  17. John the newshound comes good again, obviously hiding under the desk at 343 hq is working wonders. I hope, no I pray this is true. Good work John.
  18. that halo bollywood video is bloody brilliant
  19. that would be an interesting warning on the side of a cigarette packet, 'smoking can save you from gaming'
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