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Posts posted by Whisperknife

  1. I have been playing online for a while now and one thing that I have noticed to be quite common is that most players don't seem to have or care to use Mics. When I play online I ALWAYS have a Mic, though because I have children and my mic seems to pickup butterfly farts from China, I have it Muted most of the time. I listen for in game chatter, and when I have something to say or am being spoken to I will unmute, but most of the time my earpiece is silent. I'm just curious as to ho many people actually have mics and use them? I know that most of the people who have and use their mics do so via Party Chat, but it sucks being the only member of a team not privvy to an invite. How does one discuss stratagies or call out warnings to players without speaking? I kind of wish that 343 had followed Bungie's idea in Halo: Reach of selecting Matchmaking preferences so that a player could filter for other chatty players.

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