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kajun mulisha

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Everything posted by kajun mulisha

  1. doing the campaign challenges today. gt kajun mulisha if you want to join
  2. hello again people. anybody out there with a mic that likes to play swat/snipers or big team? i like all the playlist really but dont have a team to really run some of the other gametypes
  3. yeah i just started playing this not to long ago. i figured i would get back into halo again. but my friends list is full of cod players. so any help on a regular basis would be great
  4. for anyone who wants to join later today there are 2 new campaigh challenges. i believe for a total of 30,000xp. to combine both its complete a mission on legendary with 5 certain skulls activated. it would be quicker to run it co-op so i thought i would ask if anyone is interested. gt same as forum name
  5. ok the title was a typo and i didnt see where to change it. so thanks but your spelling lessons arent needed. most important, if you are not replying to this thread to play, then nobody, especially me really cares that you lost interest in the game. i havent lost interest and i find this game alot of fun. im very sorry you have encountered the people on xbox live that talk alot of sh^t ( yes i know how to spell the real word mr. grammar) but it happens. i think playing team based games and playlist without a mic is both boring and retarded. thats just me though. but you have yourself a fantastic day anyway good buddy
  6. so i just want to say thanks to 343 for really delivering with halo 4. i have played every halo game. to get this out of the way...bungie did a great job creating the halo universe. i would have to say that halo 3 was my fav by bungie. it was a great campaign, fun multiplayer, and they gave us forge. odst and reach were just ok to me. i didnt buy this at launch because the halo (game) series was getting just a bit blah to me. so i get on the forums to check out peoples opinions and its 80% hate for this game. and to tell you the truth from a fps gamer, a halo and cod player, i can see every game having problems but in halo 4's case, i think its not that halo 4 has big issues, but that the majority of the community doesnt like change. its not 343, its the fact that they were expecting a replica of the past. i mean, there are people who say that 343 ruined halo 4 because they put things like sprint in the game. wow. excuse the devs for wanting to modernize their product and try to give us something new. its like they have no real legit complain so they got to nit pick it. 343 you did a wonderful job with the game, especially the campaign. i think that on legendary its one of the most challenging of the series, the graphics, the sound, the new direction with enemies, weapons and the story for me make this my favorite halo campaign to date. even the music played as you work your way through the final mission made me feel i was fighting right alongside master chief. the connection between master chief and cortana was taken to a depth that hasnt been done before. i think you developed the character of master chief better in halo 4 than any before you. i personally am looking forward to your next project especially the next halo. you had big shoes to fill and you already outgrew em. keep up the good work!
  7. i always play with a mic. the game(any multiplayer game) in my opinion is just boring without people talking. plus since im the only one on my friends list who plays h4, i search alone. and it sucks getting put against a team with my team has no mics.. its just not fun
  8. hello all. im looking for people to complete the campaign and spartan ops on legendary, as well as playing war games. i like swat,snipers,and big team. i dont play much objective games because non of my friends play this and its hard to win/have fun with randoms with no mics.. if anybody wants to hit me up. gt is kajun mulisha. message me on live
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