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Everything posted by kT4STROPHE

  1. Exactly! and I've done just that. Firepower with dmr and ar for my regicide class, with dexterity for quick weapon swaps and reloads... If you can't beat em, join em! Muhaha =]
  2. Okay, maybe I wasn't quite clear enough on my first post. My problem here is with the challenges for these weapons which are coming on pretty much every week. Like you said yourself in the above post, Haven is mid range map... And the automatic weapons are 'always just outside their ideal ranges'. So why then would everyone in the game apart from me be using an assault rifle which is a shorter range weapon, on a mid range map? Because they choose to? Or maybe because a challenge is encouraging them to for an xp reward? I'd just like to mention again here i'm not talking about team games, i'm talking about regicide... Where you've constantly got guys creeping up on you whilst your attacking someone else. You might argue that i'd have the same problem weather it be a guy creeping up on me with an assault rifle or a precision weapon... And I agree I'd have a disadvantage in both situations, but there's something seriously irritating to me about a guy running up behind you spraying an assault rifle up your a** I haven't just played one or two games and been whored out by assault rifles and come on here raging either. This is something I've been noticing for a while now, every time these challenges come on, the amount of assault rifles being used seems to increase dramatically.
  3. @Hunter Yeah when i'm in a team game on a slightly larger map and there's only one or two other guys using the assault rifle/suppressor/storm rifle sure it's easy to keep a distance and pick them off with a dmr or br. Try playing Haven on regicide when literally every other guy in the game has an assault rifle equipped and tell me it's easily countered... And the boltshot IS still overpowered. No weapon you spawn with should be a one shot kill. That's just asking to be whored out by badkids.
  4. Hi, i'm new to the forum, I basically made this account because I love Halo 4... Infact, I think it's *ALMOST* the best game in the series yet. However, imo theres just a few things holding it back. First... OVERPOWERED WEAPONS! This has most probably already been discussed on here, I'd be suprised if it hasn't because pretty much everyone I play with agrees. I'm talking here about the boltshot and pretty much all of the assault rifles, However I'm not going to go into that, as I'm not here to complain about them as such... As annoying as they are I can deal with them. The thing that is really starting to grind my gears with this game is the challenges which are promoting the use of these weapons. When I say this i'm talking about the automatics challenges and the secondary weapon challenges. Again, I could deal with them... If it wasn't every F*****G week! It's getting ridiculous... Seriously, It's especially affecting the Regicide playlist, I think this is where most people go to do these challenges, which sucks for me because i'm more of a free for all kinda guy. However I avoid it like the plague lately because literally everyone is whoring out assault rifles. Please 343 could you kindly chill out with these challenges! Atleast limit them to one a month... It's getting ridiculous!
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