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  1. I have a new idea 343 Industries in Halo 5 it would be sweet if we the community can have more options in the multiplayer of halo 5 such as weapons armor vehicles species of the player customizable emblems like in COD black ops 2 as well as building game types from more options and have the forge more advanced and much more down below. weapons ideas: I love that you guys allowed us to choose different skins for our weapons but to be honest it was fun but it would be a lot more exciting if we can fully customize our weapons and use them in multilayer and set them into classes but to keep the halo feel of multiplayer and not the COD feel we you guys build a new system i have an idea and that is allowing us to go into a weapons builder menu and build our weapons from scratch or allow us to have the ability to combined two or more weapons together for example the sticky detonator combined with the assault rifle or the for covenant we can place an energy sword under a storm rifle to act like a bayonet and it would be so much fun if we can choose custom colors for our weapons and allow us to place our emblems on our weapons. Vehicle ideas: I have an idea for vehicles called vehicle smithing take a wort hog for example and you decide to get rid of the turret and convert into a troop transport and allow us to customize it even further like coloring it and choose from different armor plating not just for wart hogs for every vehicle. where would all this fit on in halo 5 ? a new custom firefight that is more objective based and the weapons and vehicles you customized you can call it in as ordnance not only that in fire fight we want to be able to build buildings and fortify our positions and hold them off for as long as we can. Forge ideas: forge is great but it can be better i have many ideas to share one is the option to change the weather and time of day also to allow us to spawn AI like in far cry 3 i really liked that and the AI to have options like if they are friend or foe you can choose and to color them also we really want a new forge world perhaps a bigger one than in halo reach a forge world that is an open world like we can go under water go in space also we want more vehicle options we want to be able to spawn in huge things like frigates and cruisers so we can have huge space battles and let us completely and fully operate them and we really want to be able to have the vehicles from halo wars in halo 5 and we really really would like to have the scarab to drive also we want to have more environmental options like spawning fore trees and stuff like that and please add in more air vehicles. Armor ideas: we would love to have fully customizable armor and be able to do a lot more with it and we want our choice of armor to affect gameplay like if you choose heavy armor you have more health but less speed and jump and we want new armor abilities i have an idea for one and that is a scuba gear type of ability to go under water also i really loved the armor effects from halo reach please bing them back also we want more way more armor options like different types and also it would be cool if we could build our own armor from scratch from multiple options in the game. Species ideas: when i say Species i mean like in halo reach we had the option to be spartans or elites we would love for that to come back and more options like to be a brute. gameplay ideas: we would love the idea to have the option to go into first person view in a vehicle and third person option in vehicle or on foot plus we would love more assassination types and specific ones for each species you choose to be also for kill streaks we should have more options for example you are on a seven kill streak you can call in a squad of marines to assist you and many other kill streak rewards. Specialization ideas: please add more and have more perks with them. campaign ideas: please bring back the brutes and the elites and it would be cool if we could go into the Elites and the Brutes home worlds and the graphics are great and they can be better like the cinematic movies in the halo 4 campaign. music ideas: Neal Davidge did a great job but the music it not that great for the all the action like I'm fighting the covenant and i feel i'm in an opera not a war fighting aliens breaking benjamin lights out for the halo reach trailer was awesome you guys should add more rock music for all the fighting moments and all the other music for cinematic moments and for when your not in combat.
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