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Vitamin Pwn

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Everything posted by Vitamin Pwn

  1. dont forget to vote in the USF election pre poll, we got alot of good candidates in the running

  2. 2 elections ago it was the same with me i had one legit nomination and my second was pretty much because i nominated someone else and they returned the favor, and through luck i managed to tie with zebra to be elected co president, so there still is a slight chance you can get elected, im not saying it's a sure thing but theres always that outside chance. but if you really are sure about dropping out, i'll respect your decision and stop bugging you.
  3. for the journey, the experience, and maybe you'll build a support base for the next election, you never know
  4. come on man, don't drop out of the race, you never know how far you'll make it unless you stay in the race. if you drop out now you know exactly where you'll end up and is that really where you want to be? and if you don't make it far in the race, well at least you tried and that's what matters. and remember you got to believe in the you that believes in yourself
  5. if such a threat truly existed then yoshi would take care of it as he would with any threat facing these forums
  6. but the forums are still around, still thriving, how are they worse? and what did every other president before yoshi do in their terms? nothing, so at the very least yoshi's last term was par for the course. this time he's gonna implement a working congress to the forums, so he's gonna be even better than last term.
  7. lol yeah i can see something like that definitely happening
  8. it's starting off good imo, so if it keeps up, then yeah it's gonna be a GREAT year.
  9. i'd like to point out if you look at his thread he defends himself there quite often from one of your followers http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/39406-a-dream-for-a-better-tomorrow/
  10. Do you want to vote for someone who thinks they're better than you? or someone who is an addict and commands you to do what he wants? or someone so rich and powerful they can't possibly understand you? if you answered no to these question then Yoshi is the candidate for you! Yoshi is a common forum goer just like you. He understands the problems of the average forumite because he is one, so who better than to represent the people of these fine forums then him? Yoshi is rebooting congress so your voice will be heard! Some of the other candidates may claim your voice will be heard, but they haven't explained how, so either they are hiding something or the haven't planned it out and as we all know failing to plan is planning to fail. So this election do you want someone out of touch with you and is primed to fail? or do you want the the candidate with the plan to succeed? so vote for the common man, the man who will listen to you whether you're green, purple, silver or whatever. Vote for Yoshi!
  11. at the end of the day that's what the election is all about, fun, thats why candidates make propaganda, get followers and debate with other candidates, thats part of the fun of the election. sure there may be some who take it too serious, but there are always people like that in games, just dont let them ruin your fun. do what you want, campaign or dont as long as you have fun thats all that matters. as for members wanting someone who has been here for a while or is trustworty, i doubt that matters to anyone because all this IS for fun, who cares if the person is new or old, as long as there is fun to be had.
  12. Meatball meatball spaghetti underneath, ravioli ravioli Great Barrier Reef

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      I've been to the Great Barrier Reef. Nice place.

    2. E-Runner


      haha liuv the SB quotes mang

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Ravioli, Ravioli, give me the Forumoli.

  13. all i seen boss working on is a video of him killing gorillas, other than that he's said nothing about his plans for the future, that you claim is better than yoshi's. and why should anyone listen to you? you support twin, no wait you support jack, or is it boss? who do you support again? you switch your vote so much it's hard to keep track. and yoshi doesnt come up with the propaganda, he has a team for him to do that for him, so he can focus on his plans for the future that he's been laying out in this thread
  14. Yoshi sends the spambots running in terror, so vote for yoshi!
  15. because he didnt trick anyone into doing a vote of no confidence to oust the old president and get himself elected. he didn't trick anyone into giving him emergency power, letting him do basically anything. he instituted the congress,where as a sith lord would dissolve it. What would be the point of Yoshi making the congress only to get rid of it, when he could just not make it and be all sithy and evil from the get go?
  16. As a former president of the USF, i say Yoshi's Dream for a Better Tomorrow is a dream we all can believe in, and with a simple vote for Yoshi we can make that dream a reality, so please vote for Yoshi. I know i will.
  17. i nominate the only person i feel comfortable nominating, Yoshi1176!
  18. i need something random for a status update

  19. Pandora doesn't go back in the box, he only comes out

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Delpen9
    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      He could just symbolize evil, or demons/satan. Like Pandora can't go back into the box, and only Satan can come out.

    4. Drizzy_Dan


      Why is it called taking a poop when you always leave it behind?

  20. If you believe in yourself and with a tiny pinch of magic all dreams can come true

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Twinreaper


      What if I dream of being an astronaut gorilla with a jetpack and eye lasers.

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      twin if that is your dream all i have to say is... thats freakin awesome!

    4. Melody


      With my luck..Nope..

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