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Vitamin Pwn

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Everything posted by Vitamin Pwn

  1. So i recently bought RPG maker on my pc, and decided, that im gonna make a game loosely based on the forums here, i say loosely because i may or may not need the change things up to fit my narrative. So my question is would anyone be interested in playing it? And seeing as i dont want to put anyone in it without asking so if anyone would like to be in it as an NPC let me know. Also know that im a pretty bad writer so the story will mostly likely suck and be full of plot holes and spelling errors.
  2. Yoshi has my vote of course, cause he's the best and im just gonna leave this here
  3. As current Co-President of the forums, i fully support Yoshi for president. He's not a Communist, nor does he need the help of a movie character to get elected, he is worthy of the presidency based on his own character and qualification. I urge everyone to vote for yoshi in the coming elections. the nomination thread was posted, but it's over now, it's campaigning time now http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/34979-united-states-of-the-forum-presidential-election-7/
  4. edward is right, not everyone has next gen consoles yet, so it'd be best to wait before having playdates for them right now, that being said, i plan on getting a ps4 soon so i'd totally be down for a ps4 playdate when i finally get it
  5. didnt you kill my brother?

    1. Cooliest


      Interesting.. I've only known you ten minutes but you're the best pal I've evaaaaa...

  6. i'd give yours a 3.5/5 it's it's simple but good, the only thing i dont like is the light effect in the name, i think it distracts from the rest of the sig. i'd say lower the transparency on it, so it doesn't stand out much.
  7. They took you, Nightman and you don't belong to them

  8. Edward Kenway, Did you order the code red?
  9. once you go secret you never go becret

  10. in the seventh round of USF elections, my nomination goes to.....YOSHI1176!!!
  11. Dude how have ya been? i notice you were on a few days ago so i figured, i'd say "hi" so, Hi.

  12. Happy birthday Bob!

  13. Work sucked today, one giant SNAFU

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      That it does yosh :)

    3. Delpen9


      Your life is so horrible if you've resorted to


    4. Yoshi1176


      Hey, I am a gift from the heavens, you should know that by now


  14. happy birthday brony!

  15. you're leaving? well so it;s ok, anyways,see ya fishy, i hope everything goes your way and hopefully we'll see you again soon.
  16. if this is true, im so pumped for the Battletoads reboot, i love battletoads and i've been wanting a new one. that game was so freakin hard, but i loved it lol. but this could be a big prank seeing how battletoads is often the subject of pranks, so i'm waiting for the official announcement before i fully explode with excitement.
  17. been out in the sun all day now i got donkey brain

  18. Happy Birthday Twam!

    1.  Twam


      Thanks man =]

  19. Star wars attack of the clones honest trailer

    1. Maestro


      I thought movies starring Cthulhu were always good!

    2. Delpen9


      ^H.P. Lovecraft Mythos FTW

  20. i was active in shout yesterday but for the last month i haven't even been on lol you must have been seeing my evil doppelganger
  21. why not something random? like Hippopotamus Explosion lol
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