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Vitamin Pwn

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Everything posted by Vitamin Pwn

  1. besides Director, who has posted the most times in this thread?
  2. what would be a good name for a carrier in the halo fanfic i'm working on?
  3. Director, why are people suddenly trying to use riddles to stump you now?
  4. who do you think would win in a boxing match, Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson?
  5. the screenshots should show up in the skyrim folder where ever it is on your comp, they'll be call screenshot#
  6. this thread is pointless, this info is easy to find above the status updates, thread locked
  7. And we keep dreamin’ of a time Where good is all that we can find We need a hero

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      with more BOOM to them!

    3. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      or bombs that launch warships that launch more bombs!!!

    4. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      I nominate Vitamin Pwn!

  8. every monday theres monday night matchmaking, i believe this saturuday is the lasts saturday of the month slaydate, and on august 4th there's the spectral playdate. if you look you can find all these playdates in the contest and events section.
  9. so it's been about a month since i looked through this thread, so my question to you Director is, Has anyone stumped you besides the first two people? im too lazy to look because it's about 10 pages worth i have to go though lol
  10. ok Az, i hope you get everything sorted out and come back soon
  11. my guess would be that they set themselves to show offline in case one of their friends gets online, that way the friend won't see them online.
  12. i haven't played 5 yet but i played all the others and i have to say, it's not the greatest, but it's a solid and fun series, plus i love the customization on it even though all my mechs end up pretty similar lol.
  13. i got it and i love it! i didnt think it was possible but werewolves are even better now! and vamp lords are pretty awesome too, i chose both factions but i did the vamps first, but i like the dawn guard better cause i can kill vamps and still be a werewolf, and the dragon bone weapons are awesome!
  14. man if i knew these were coming out i wouldn't have bought my headsets when i did and waited for these
  15. did you know i occasionally do a news articles called Gamer Nation News? but i only do it when i remember lol
  16. mine is 50655, i rented a ton of games, and i only ever got all the achievements on one game, which was Oblivion
  17. i thoroughly enjoyed this interview, Great interview Mystic and Drizzy, i look forward to the next
  18. i always lurked on different halo forums, so i heard alot of people talking about the rumors about it. then i was watching E3 in 2011 absorbing all the awesomeness of it, and i saw the halo 4 reveal trailer and i just exploded with excitement. that was truely an epic day
  19. did you know Spectral Jester and I were Director's Campaign managers durning the first forum presidential election?
  20. hi and welcome to the forums, if you have any questions just ask, and i hope you enjoy it here
  21. hi!, welcome to the forums, i hope you enjoy it here, if you have questions just ask
  22. hey rookie! i hope your emjoying the site so far and i hope you keep enjoying it. and i agree cheese is awesome, i love cheese! also who's your favorite baseball team? mine is the LA Angels
  23. wooooo! welcome back Dino, the forums missed your prehistoric presences
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