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Vitamin Pwn

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Everything posted by Vitamin Pwn

  1. Assassin's creed 3 looks so awesome, i can't wait for it, and i hope the online is as good as the others because i love playing assassin's creed online its so fun. hopefully they make it more challenging because i felt that revelations was too easy compared to previous assassin's creed game,
  2. Johnny Bravo hands down, i loved watching it as a kid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnGnl-UElVA
  3. my favorite games is always changing but if i had to pick one it would be Skyrim with Fallout New Vegas and Oblivion tied for a close second
  4. Congrats Director, i remember that day when you posted 92 times, you were on fire that day lol and that was back when there was less members so the forums weren't as active as they are today. now you need 2000 post, you can do it i believe in you you just need a few more 92 post days and you'll be there in no time
  5. moved to correct forum
  6. i think i am, though i am just going by what i think is 20 sec im not actually counting
  7. it worked the first time but has failed every other time for me, i tried it 3 times so far
  8. that means that at one point you spammed the forums with short one word posts, but dont worry, if you post good meaningful post you can still earn the quality post award
  9. nice tips Director, some of these things i never thought of, thanks for the advice!
  10. you get it when the mods feel you have enough quality posts under your belt
  11. idk what you're talking about you already have it
  12. i have to say there are some awesome videos there, i like the play date highlights and the gameplay videos, i cant wait to see more!
  13. as long as you avoid posts that are only a few words and your post contribute to the thread then its not spam
  14. i remember see this on april fools day lol but if i had a kinect i'd totaly buy it but like TheDarkestHour said, i dont think it would work to well with running but for fighting yeah that would be aweaome!
  15. its a good song i give it 8/10 my fav song is without a fight by Hoobastank
  16. Congrats on a 1000 ZB now you need 2000 posts lol, i try my best to make sure the shoutbox is fun late at night.
  17. Congrats on 1000 posts Az , and staying up late and talking with you in shout is probably my favorite time on these forums.
  18. Happy Easter, hope everyone has a great day today!
  19. Vitamin PWN GT: Vitamin PWN i put the videos of all the games i played in my file share
  20. Moved to the Announcements because i think it belongs there, and Awesome work Director i look forward to playing on them
  21. lol that was totally not the worse machinima i ever seen, that was among the best machinimas i've ever seen, i was laughing through out the entire thing.
  22. Baseball is here and the Angels beat the Royals 5-0

    1. Absolute Dog
    2. ZB-85


      Yay Angels!

    3. Archangel Tyrael

      Archangel Tyrael

      I want to see the cardinals play, but my family hogs the T.V lol., was it a good game, and enjoy baseball season.

  23. Delta squad consist of Marcus Fenix, Dominic Santiago,Augustus Cole and Damon Baird. equipment: Fenix has a Lancer and two bolo grenades, Dom has a hammerburst and gorgon pistol, Cole has Retro Lancer and Boltok Pistol, Baird has Gnasher shotgun Snub pistol and a smoke grenade. everyone has there armor ofcourse Master chief has his MK VI Mjolnir armor, a Battle rifle, and shotgun and M6C magnum and one frag, one plasma and one spike grenade. they are fighting in a paintball arena. who do you guys think will win? also i would prefer if people who played both series post, for more accurate opinions
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