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Vitamin Pwn

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Everything posted by Vitamin Pwn

  1. Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
  2. lol i heard that one before QM here's mine A sharpshooter hung up his hat and put on a blindfold. He then walked 100 yards, turned around, and shot a bullet through his hat. The blindfold was a perfectly good one, completely blocking the man's vision. How did he manage this?
  3. Just close your eyes by Story of the Year
  4. nope, oh wait you said Vitamin PWN didn't you? Um Vitamin PWN?
  5. guess again Twam (i know he wont but a man can dream lol)
  6. Holding out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler
  7. lol you know what they say great minds think alike
  8. im here but im not all there

    1. DaveAtStateFarm


      Mobile? Hmm, ok. Challenge accepted..

  9. Critical Acclaim by Avenged Sevenfold
  10. Your Guts(i hate them) by Reel Big Fish
  11. Apples, i like them better than bananas WYR be like Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Watson?
  12. need some motivational songs for a workout playlist, any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. One


      Anything from the Rocky movies training montages

    3. highplainsdrifter


      make some noise

      -beastie boys

      all i can think of right now

    4. DaveAtStateFarm


      Rocky for sure... Punch cows on the ceiling and kick other peoples asses!

  13. Sometimes you just gotta roll the hard six.

  14. Pins and Needles by Billy Talent
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