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Vitamin Pwn

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Everything posted by Vitamin Pwn

  1. 1.) What type of soldier are you? ODST 2.) Which primary weapon do you carry? Silenced SMG 3.) Which secondary do you carry? M6C/SOCOM 4.) Type of equipment carried? Stealth Drone. 5.) Type of grenade? Frag 6.) What is your soldier's nickname or name. Magnus Dreyar 7.) What type of personality do you have? Magnus is detached and distant from most people,often preferring to work alone opposed to groups. Magnus does not care for sarcasm very much, but he occasionally likes a good joke. 8.) Preferred Vehicle? his own two legs. 9.) How well do you get along with other soldiers? being more of a loner, Magnus does not get along with most people. 10.) Do you collect fallen soldier dog tags? No, he leaves that to the medics and people with death wishes.
  2. i'll take the last spot if nobody took it yet, i have no idea how to play but i'll give it a shot
  3. i've been debating if i should go to celebration since its happening like 10-15 mins away from my house, this may be the thing that actually makes me go lol
  4. so this came out on my birthday and i happen to be on it? what are the odds? lol congrats everyone who made the list
  5. so i finished starship troopers book and i have to say it lessened my love for halo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      it's more how the ODST and spartans are IMO pale imitations of the Mobile Infantry.

    3. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Not imitations, inspirations more like. Same with the Colonial Marines from Aliens.

    4. lilsilmarillion


      I've never read that book, but i can say that nothing will ever lessen my love for halo. But that's just me. And hey.. maybe that book was pretty messed up. i dont know. could you send me a link if you get a chance?

  6. have you read starship troopers? and if so what did you think of it?
  7. these last 2 weeks have sucked

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      It's been overcast for more than a week, and the lack of sun is getting depressing.

    2. Delpen9


      Water dissolves vitamins.

  8. Fun fact: right now is the oldest i've ever been

    1. Fox McCloud

      Fox McCloud

      That just raised my iq.


    2. Fishy


      Well... What about now?

    3. Delpen9


      Thought this was going to be a Benjamin Button joke.

  9. yoshi, you are and always shall be my friend, and thats why i put so many hours into your campaign. and for the record, im sure you didnt need my help to get elected
  10. fishy, im so glad i got to know you better this last month, because i realize just how awesome of a friend you are, and how luck i am to have you as one
  11. Fantastic interview drizzy and ledgend, it makes me so happy to see these again, I hope they never leave again
  12. Congrats to everyone who made the list, except for that vitamin guy, I'm fairly certain he bribed someone to be included.
  13. apparently, but the people want it so i think its ok
  14. not only that but it looks like he's gonna be taken out in the worse way possible
  15. you can count me in on the event
  16. i need the helping hand too i gave out a 3 month xbl gold card for the christmas tree and i needs my second special guest award for doing interview with the stars a second time lol
  17. this play MCC find some stairs and repeatedly kill church on them
  18. i look forward to being the guy who filibusters everything i don't agree with lol J/K i 'm glad to be working with everybody here and i look forward to hearing all your great ideas. and seriously i will filibuster something
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