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Vitamin Pwn

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Everything posted by Vitamin Pwn

  1. yes yes and yes i like your ideas flyable pelicans FTW
  2. looking to find people to play halo with but don't know when they get on? post your GT,what time you normally play halo at, and what time zone your in here so it is easier to find people to play halo with example: GT: Vitamin PWN Time zone: Pacific I normally play halo at 11pm mon-sun except fri sometimes on tues and thrus at 2:30 pm
  3. meanwhile, six was alone wondering
  4. i was doing good in swat today in both halo 3 and reach until my internet decided to disconnect me
  5. hi kelloggs. looking forward to seeing your idea and opinions on the upcoming games. hope you enjoy your stay here and have fun!
  6. i agree 100% we need dedicated servers. especially grifball that needs them bad
  7. hopefully they'll add youtube soon rather than later because i remember reading that it was coming to xbox
  8. aww no you tube everything else is cool tho thx for the info spectral
  9. today i taught some aliens the relative foolishness of messing with the ODSTs
  10. Greeting and salutations TJ. i hope you enjoy you time here and look forward to seeing your posts.
  11. i think John 117 should be promoted to mod for all of his hard work on this site with the news bulletin board. he spends countless hours searching the net for what? for us the members of the 343i community fan forums. does he have to do this? no but like all the other mods he does it because he wants us to be informed of all things halo. Because of this i think he should be promoted to mod. what do you think? Vote John 117 for mod! he'd vote for you
  12. thx for posting the lyric machinga
  13. i know everytime i watch it i want to play odst also
  14. so i found this along time ago and i LOVED it so i thought i'd post it here Warning: Contains masive spoilers if you havent played odst (shame on you )this will spoil the entire game for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POiTzOiuA20
  15. lol so true but i think everybody would play as odst because i wouldnt want to kill them
  16. 343 day should be on march 26th because it my bday and i want 343 day on my bday
  17. why did the chicken cross the road? because it was too far too fly!
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