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Vitamin Pwn

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Everything posted by Vitamin Pwn

  1. so yeah i never made one of these when i first joined so better late than never. im Marcus or Vitamin pwn, i love halo i like reach despite its flaws and i love gaming in general. i also like to crush my enemies and see the driven before me and hearing the lamentation of their women(lol Conan reference)and movies and i may use movie quotes at times so bear with me oh and comic i like comics but enough with my life story. hi everyone and rock on!
  2. me too i'm on about 12hrs a day
  3. welcome, you'll fit in here if you follow the golden rule, be cool! enjoy your stay and have fun
  4. what if instead of walking though walls, it's a short range teleportation device that can be use to travel past walls. it could have an effective range of say 10 ft. it could be a piece of forerunner tech that enables personal teleportation
  5. true people will complain about everything, but my question is if it was in halo 4 how would it work storywise?
  6. i like it, but i doubt it would be well received because people will say it Overpowered and how its unfair. but if it was in there imagine a guy with a sword is running up on you and he thinks he's got you cornered and bam! you escape though the wall and he's like WTF? that sounds like fun to me
  7. maybe the forerunners had AA or maybe the unsc made new ones? idk
  8. cool thx for this! it should also be know that at comic con on friday there will be a halo pannel where they will give a sneak peak of what next for halo here the link talking about comic con linky
  9. i can see there being limited unsc weapons in the beginning but later the UNSC would probably arrive looking for the chief and they'll bring weapons
  10. that sounds cool and i love character customization and all but i dont see 343i doing that because what would be the point of customizing your Spartans face in an fps, its not like you'll be able to see it alot and your spartan has a helmet covering his/her face so i think i'll be pointless
  11. yeah i want to REAL blood gulch back not the cheap knock off
  12. hey welcome! hope you enjoy your stay and have fun
  13. Vitamin Pwn

    Halo 4

    i have a feeling that future halo games are gonna have a similar story to mass effect with the precursors who are still alive in another galaxy and they are preparing a invasion to reclaim the milky way for the humans and everyones else, and there will be a lone precursor who is pulling the strings in halo 4 preparing for the invasion.
  14. i would Cry like a little Baby if CEA didn't come with a beta invite
  15. yeah i'm all for credit boosts maybe they can make the challenges worth more credits. and i want a green visor the would sweet
  16. good idea i'll at that to the main post
  17. Vitamin pwn is awesomeness though
  18. should the shield drain be instant or should it be draining over time like a few seconds? what do you guys think?
  19. that made me laugh so hard just thinking about that.
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