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Vitamin Pwn

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Everything posted by Vitamin Pwn

  1. i was thinking if grunt b-day returns as a skull, imagine that with the grunt funeral on, it would be crazy! explosions everywhere
  2. Silent you just blew mind! that is a great idea i hope they put something like that in halo 4. that being said i think they would need dedicated servers for it to work properly of else it would lag bad or not work at all
  3. that sounds like a good idea i hope they put something like that in halo 4
  4. while i agree that they should put that as an option i doubt they do it, because whats stopping someone from letting their friend copy the maps on his xbox so he gets the map pack for free? so i think 343i wouldn't do that because they would want to make as much money as they can
  5. im currently wearing the Odst outfit with the Grifball bomb prop and i'd like to see more halo stuff so i can't wait til the 21st
  6. that is a sweet backround
  7. The sneak peak is gonna be at Comic-con on the 22nd so i'd imagine they'd put the info on their website sometime this weekend but who knows
  8. where are they gonna show it? is it gonna be on waypoint or their website?
  9. yeah i'm down to play some co-op when it comes out my GT is Vitamin PWN lol i know what you mean im the same way
  10. yeah me too i could always use some mjolnir mk 5 for my avatar and the skull look like it could be help full on higher difficulties also the skull looks like fun
  11. here another link about the pre order stuff
  12. maybe he can be replaced by Buck from odst
  13. that would be so awesome!
  14. certain AA ruin gameplay like armor lock and to a lesser extent evade but the others aren't so bad sprint with a sword is bad but im sure that can be fixed
  15. yeah i didn't think about the loading screen thing that would actually make sense if thats what happened to him
  16. true fans of halo wouln't stop playing just because of armor abilities,true halo fans will support halo no matter what while still criticizing the games and offering feed back to 343i. just because people on forums complain about AA doesn't mean they're the majority, im fairly sure the majority of halo fan's don't hang out in forums.
  17. WOW that has to be a glitch or he's hacking or something
  18. don't worry im in the same boat as you i've never played the campaign, i've played multiplayer at my cousins house but never the campaign
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