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Brian Kim

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Everything posted by Brian Kim

  1. GT: StringyBird Map: War On Two Fronts Gametypes War On Two Fronts Recommended Party Size: 8-16 Played With CTF Description: Tested map with positive feedback. There are two pathways that connect both sides, a left one and right. In the middle of these two trenches are rocket launchers that provide fun and hectic game-play Along with the two sides, there are two high walks on the sides that provide players with the ability to snipe down on players which increases the need to hide in trenches giving a real feel of trenches. There are machine guns on both sides covering the flag, though may seemed overpowered, the machine guns can easily be broken. It may seem like a small boring map, but in reality, provides game-play as crazy has Husky's Raid yet still has teamwork involved. Don't judge the map for it's looks, I have tested it out on a party of sixteen, at first people were annoyed on the blandness of the map but quickly changed their minds after they experienced game-play May need a few tweaks. PLEASE TEST out this map with sixteen players before judging it. Will Provide Picture In Later Post
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