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Jackal (2/19)



  1. I was the biggest Halo fan there was. 343 is a discrace to Halo, and a bomb should go off in their headquarters (not a threat) because they have completely f@#ked up the game and its a big joke to them. I have numerous saved clips of how the game is f@#ked up. Everything about them make me sick and I really hope someone from 343 is reading this. They released the game 6 months early and this is somthing that Bungie would NEVER do, until ALL the problems/ mistakes are fixed. Burn in hell 343!
  2. 343 needs to fix a problem that has people leaving Halo! When you shoot someone in the head with a sniper, DMR or BR blood will come out with absolutely no effect on the person. I have many videos saved of this happening and I know lots of people that do not play anymore for this reason, Also if there is any lag at all there is no point of playing. Instead of fixing these major problems 343 just makes us pay for new maps every month and new playlists come out to blind us to the truth. 343 makes it so that if your too fast/ good you get disadvantages.
  3. 343 needs to fix a problem that has people leaving Halo! When you shoot someone in the head with a sniper, DMR or BR blood will come out with absolutely no effect on the person. I have many videos saved of this happening and I know lots of people that do not play anymore for this reason, Also if there is any lag at all there is no point of playing. Instead of fixing these major problems 343 just makes us pay for new maps every month and new playlists come out to blind us to the truth. 343 makes it so that if your too fast/ good you get disadvantages.
  4. 343 cannot top Halo 2 or Halo 3 for that matter. They completely killed Halo 4 and making me wonder even to bother getting 5.
  5. Why isn't anybody responding to any of my truths? You shouldn't suck up to a pathetic company that ruined the best game ever. They keep making stupid additions but no actual patches. This is why you don't release a game 6 months early, when I play Halo 4 I constantly think I am playing a beta...prototype, a ******* game that needs work done to it before its supplied to the public.
  6. The maps would be alright if Halo was still the game it should be. But since 343 couldn't realize that halo was amazing on its own and had to ruin it.
  7. Why isn't 1 v 1 in matchmaking ? Like really? Oh wait but they have griftball... 343 really needs to get their **** together. But they have already ruined halo so it doesn't matter.
  8. Frankenzer your too wrong. Bungie is Awsome... They created Halo CE , Halo 2 And Halo 3. But then 343 comes in and completely ruined what we all love.
  9. I agree they ruined the name halo. The took such a good thing and ruined it. The choice of class is the stupidest **** ever. If I wanted that I would play COD... Oh wait, I am because 343 Ruined Halo.
  10. It shouldn't even be called Halo anymore, with all these changes from a classic game ( Halo 1,2 and 3) it's goanna be just as much as an upset like Halo 4.
  11. What additions/ corrections do you think need to be In Halo 4? 1 v 1 in matchmaking
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