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Everything posted by umirin

  1. umirin

    some speculiation

    thanks for the awnser, Even the humans would do the same thing as the forerunners did (preventing a race from getting more powerful, maybe better technoligy) humans a gredy and thats why i don't think they should hold the mantle. sure it is just a game, but just thouth i hade.
  2. Sorry for my ****ty speeling, grammar and if i got something wrong in this text, just want to get some clear information about this. When cheif meets librerian she talked about she was going to help the humans to reclaim the mantel. but why? after all that the humans did agianst the forerunners? They started a war and lost it. Then didact want to stop the flood by using the humans (by making the to promethean) and att same time get his revange. but still after that war liberian want to activate the halos, kill every living thing and the repupulate every race and make so the humans get the mantel as guardians. In my eyes shes a trader agianst the forerunners, when clearly the forerunners was more powerful then the humans, Didact did the right thing, humans started a thing they coundent finish and got there punishment. 343 are making didact as an villian when hes acully just looking out for the forerunners and rest of the races. from the gredy humans. She also said that the humans was running from the flood, thats why they attcked the foreunners and the forunners dident know about that, srly all the technoligy they hade, humans just decide to attack the forerunners instead of maybe getting help from them? and it dident even get out that the humans was fleeing from the flood. so im i wrong in this? OT: One last thing for h5 don't make the humans so OP as it looks like in h4 (spartan ops for an example, give us some death of some spartans) The elites,hunters looks weak, still they are bigger the the spartans. i dont realy like how things turns out to be in halo now, like the humans are some guardians of all that exist and are better then the rest of the races... just look att their size compared to the rest of them. Sure they have some great technoligy (weapon,ships) but so do the forerunners and, and the rest of the races. the covenant hade the biggest ship so far CSO suppercarrier. And why don't the librerian want the forerunners to have the mantel as the guardians? why the humans?
  3. i havent plyed h4 i a very long time but thye should have giving truster much more power it sucks compare to the rest abilitys i liked evade more...
  4. all this rip off from cod talk, BF have almost the same **** example, i like it makes it easy to play with my type of game style. some like cq and some like longer range and now i can make it after my gaming style (what i prefer)
  5. yeah becuse the prophet in halo wars also was on the sheild world, and left it, but he most have been give some information about the flood of his '' whats a good word... workers :/'' so they should have some info about it or atleast know that they existed.
  6. and offtopic qusetion maybe you know? How long have the gravemind we faced in the first halo series lived? and when did the covenant/humans first faced the flood? ( you see them in halo wars for an example) keep in mind i dont read or can read the books... cost way to much to ship the to my country and my english is not the best
  7. seems fu**** awesome but i want the prophets as weel as the brutes back and the rebels (storm) it would be awesome, some real **** is about to go down then.. and hope didact survived
  8. If true, some real good information right here, but why dident the flood do the same during humans war agianst the covenant when the flood first came too noticed?
  9. i play halo wars pretty much and like it but still... strategy games dont fit in on xbox compare to pc, as starcraft do for an example or any other similair game
  10. Campain. 1. more info about the ungoing war betwen the elites and the brutes/prophets an make the covenant return, all of them races... 2. return of the flood and arbiter and hes allies (want kaoz, more darknes, deaths like whats the flood brings, not like this **** in h4 cortana dies and thats the only ''sad about the game'' 3. more deaths on spartans 4. hope didact dident die. 5. also want a CAS suppercarrier joining the fight in some point... 6. Scarab, gauss, maybe hawks... or an grizzly. thats my top 6 can more but this is what i WANT.
  11. please correct me if im wrong or/in something I did like the game overall but not the campain, 343 maid, the humans (spartans) to overpowerd, sure they are super soldiers but srly? the elites is 7.4 - 8.6 feet tall and even they must have some good warriors? Cuz they dont look like they are a match to the spartans oir the humans overall (spartan ops cutscenes) wanna see more deaths of spartans as well. We don't need the elites in halo any more sence they dont seems to do a sk** anyway or being a treat. Whats up with this cortana dies thing? see comment on yt you should have told him you loved him... ITS AN AI dont think humanitys best soldier falls in love with an AI! When lasky an cheif talks and looks on earth and cortana is dead lasky says - cheif i wont pretend to know how you feel. I've lost people I care about, but never anything like you're going through. ITS AN AI ffs not a human how can that even be worst then for say losing your brother and sister for an expl? Some details, when the didact came to earth with hes ship, THERE WAS NO defence from the humans not a single missile was fired that day... all those base (macs) staiton they had in h2 where where they? (sure some was destroid in the war but not all and if they should have build new ones u couldent even see one) same when lasky and cheif talks and looks at earth And second when the didact hold up cheif in the air he was like 10 meter out of the bridge and when he drops him he just could grab the bridge (would be better if he thrusted him self close the bridge) AND why dident didact just drop him? hate ending like that the ''enemy'' must talk the sh** out of him and then fail... did not see that one coming. and when the didact talks at the end of the game -humans stand as the biggest treat in the galxy. Is that line sense the war agianst the humans? or isnt the flood the biggest treat? and what happend to the flood? Make it easyer too the fans to fallow the story, and dont misslead, i playd halo sence Halo CE and love the story (and the games to reach) and you could follow it pretty good without reading all books. I dident even thinkig of buy halo 4 but wanna give 343 a chance and they faild in my opinion. They better do something real good in H5 for making me even wanna waste my money on the new xbox to play H5. Also gives us awensers about the war between the new prophets and the brutes agianst arbiter and hes followers and same as why the rebels (storm) dident want to fallow arbiter, and where do the hunters,jackals and the other races stand? with side? or are they splited up as well? OffTopic. How did they stop the flood from spreading in halo 3 when they came too earth?
  12. I loved the flood! like when they came to High charity that kaoz its did bring... or when they came to earth. its bring sadnes and death.
  13. First of all i want to apoligise for my bad english I realy did like the most of halo 4 multiplayer it did ad choices (weapons,grenades and so on) but scope in aviable in vehicles (passager) and boltshot is to overpowerd and the mantis its just eats bullets and the tank is slow as **** and their is no spca for it So for the story line i like to see some of the war betwen the elites (arbiers followers) agianst the brutes and the prophets after their betrayl in h2,and also some more of the hunters cuz as somebody said they are awesome, maybe the tamning of the hunters (as the prophets say in h2), AND BRING THE FLOOD BACK even drones. I did like the old enimes but new one is funny too but you cant just take away an enimey its not like they just -hey we quit and goes back home... sence the drones was forced in to service by the covenant for an example. And i hope thge bidact dident die... It would be cool if you guys also added a CAS/CSO suppercarrier in some part of the game too cuz they are big as f.... And vehicles im happy so long the the GAUSS,SCARAB and maybe hawks are in it. The music was good but ad some more sad music aswell like never forget and a better main menu musik AND PLEASE NOT SO MANY BOTTOMS IN GAME. BTW offtopic dident the humans have any defince around or on earth when the didact came whit he ship to earth in halo 4?
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