Gamertag: King Andrew 1st
Map Name: Enclosure -!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0
Gametypes: Any team slayer variant, any FFA variant, Dominion, Extraction, KOTH, CTF, Oddball, Flood.
Description: Recommended players: 2-10 best with 4-8. This map is built on ravine in the non-terrain area that has been rarely used since it is not very easy to forge in. This map takes place in a plaza of several larger buildings that surround it. With many jump ups this map allows you to traverse it on multiple levels with ease. It uses a trait zone above the map to stop players from escaping. The map contains 3 main bases and the height advantage is heavily countered by the lack of cover on the top level of the map and the large amount of cover on the bottom level. the map contains a Gravity Hammer, a Sticky Detonator, 4 Frags, 4 Plasmas and 2 Pulse Grenades as ordanence with Carbines, Assault Rifles and Battle Rifles as standard weapon spawns to ensure that the players are not running out of ammo. Overall this map is extremely fun to play on all gametypes.
Note: There is a bug in one area on both sides that is shown in the video where a piece does not appear.