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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. How is it that people even still vote null when it's been established over and over that not lynching anyone is beneficial to the Mafia and no one else, and that in the early stages of the game even wrong lynches provide Protown some advantage? If we don't vote to kill someone, the Mafia continue to kill us but we do not narrow down the lists even a little nor can we by luck get a Mafian. They kill us, we learn nothing except by lucky Detective guesses, and we lose. If we kill the right person by luck, yay. If we kill the wrong person, the Detective's next investigation will be someone on the suspect list we accidentally killed someone on, narrowing it down to TWO PEOPLE if we didn't already catch the Mafian by investigation. Then the next list or investigation, one or the other, will shed more light and by round 3 AT THE LATEST we will know who a Mafian is. This is assuming WORST case scenarios without suspect list overlap, no less. Voting null opens the possibility of not knowing the identity of a single Mafian on round 3. And it makes it very unlikely for us to have even the slightest shot at winning.
  2. No, voting Null is for no one to die. That means anyone whose vote remains null at the end of the round is suspect cause we all know that doesn't benefit anyone but the Mafia. and uh Caboose ya know if there's nothing personal there's always RNG
  3. I can't prove that I'm not Ginyu, that's kinda how the role works. But I know that I'm not. And if we mess up ONE lynch more, we lose. Look at the living people. 2 of them are Mafia. The Mafia don't need to kill Neutrals. So if we don't bag one THIS LYNCH, they win because execution is always BEFORE lynch. I vote Frank. And uh...if you guys don't also vote Frank, we're all gonna...die. Saving this lynch though means we win. You have to vote Frank. If I die you lose one civ too many and this game is down the toilet.
  4. Nonono, I know YOU'RE innocent, I was asking if there's any reason to pick Ardent or Yang over each other. But screw it, I vote Ardent.
  5. Crap. One of us is going to die this lynch for voting for him. It was done by Frieza. What do we have on Ardent and Yang? Any reason to pick one over the other?
  6. I did attempt to contact the Protown PM (not you directly because for some reason I was never told) as per Destruct's instructions but he hasn't been telling me anything. You and Delpen redflagging me with no grounds at all is actually kind of annoying. We already HAVE a dead Protown serving as rally point, there's no need to add more, otherwise we get a repeat of last game. You have a Detective. Use that.
  7. Same deal over here. I guess I'll just vote Yoshi for slowhosting. It'll narrow it down later on at least. If SD's got a lead he can interrupt the vote train with it.
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