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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Yoshi1176 - 0 Blake Belladonna - 1 Ledgend1221 - 0 DarkAngel - 2 I think, anyway. I'll vote soon, just...need to look through some things first.
  2. I agree. I'm gonna need to see this PM if you want to direct my vote, Delpen. If not, I will vote as I please, and I don't care what plans you have that I might upset.
  3. Blake has appeared on the suspect list twice, that is a valid argument if my experiences as host mean anything. There are five protown left. We can't risk killing the wrong person anymore. We've killed innocents through double lynchings too many times already. And what you seem to be forgetting is that if we kill Dark and he isn't Mafia, then even though we know Blake is, we must wait until next round to lynch him. By which time there will be three protown left.
  4. And I don't need your comments unless they provide proof of something. Ledgend said only those investigated by the Detective were in the PM. How can Blake be in the PM?
  5. I'm not sure who to vote for, really. We all know Ledgend is innocent. However we really have no grounds to suspect either DarkAngel or Blake. Actually, I find Yoshi much more suspicious than either of them. He was hell-bent on offing me in the first round with no grounds whatsoever. If he's been proven innocent, then I suppose voting for him is out of the question, but if that's the case, then I'll have to see the proof, whatever it may be, with my own eyes. For the moment I don't vote. Later, I will.
  6. That's utterly ridiculous. I can't believe this is anything more than a joke without some proof.
  7. What the...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime



      Your opinion of me is worse than I thought if you thought I'd believe that.

    3. Buns


      I expected you to believe that we just switched usernames.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I did believe that. The question was more about why.

  8. Every single person in this game has been wrong about who was the Mafian at one point or another. What makes you expect me to be flawless in my suspicions?
  9. In my defense, I was right about Peanut.
  10. ...Oh wow. I actually thought it was Frank.
  11. That it did. I'm guessing you're referring to the one where you toss it up, then catch it while activating it.
  12. Oh, by the way, to anyone voting Caboose on the grounds of his silence, keep in mind that he isn't here and hasn't been for several days.
  13. Welcome to the forums. Just don't be so zealous you start stabbing people with shiny blue swords.
  14. I'm fine with the defaults, though as others have stated, button customization would be great.
  15. The issue isn't that a PC can't run it. A very expensive PC can indeed run it with ease. The issue is that 1. We're not 343i 2. It's never gonna happen, ever, because it's unprofitable. 3. There really shouldn't be more topics of this sort than legitimate topics discussing the XB1 release.
  16. The difference is barely noticeable to most people. Just be glad there's the MCC at all. It's the best gaming deal I have ever seen, even beats out Steam sales.
  17. We're not 343i and it's highly unlikely they'll see this. Even if they did it would make no difference. This petition means nothing. You would have to convince them of the falsehood that doing this would be profitable.
  18. Even if you got thousands of votes for yes, and sent the petition to 343i, it would change nothing. The fact is, doing that would reduce console sales, and therefore reduce profit. It will never happen.
  19. Hopefully they bring it back for the Halo 3 section of the MCC. It'd be kinda unreasonable to keep it inaccessible.
  20. That's no reason to be happy about it going away though. It doesn't benefit you at all, but it makes others sad.
  21. I find that the hammer beats the sword when the two are pitted against each other. In any other situation, though, I prefer the sword because of lunge/accuracy, and the way it looks.
  22. This, definitely this. I know that I'll be needing tips like the ones you've been giving. I've lost my touch in Halo almost entirely.
  23. I would find it extremely surprising if it did not. Though we have no way of knowing for sure, since we're not 343i.
  24. I definitely like the idea of being able to command your allies. That would make them actually able to do things other than distract the enemy
  25. Well, the votes are even right now, so the point is moot.
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