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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. The stunt pulled in Mafia 4.0 was all the Mafia deleting the original Mafia PM, then creating a new one with a misleading title "TGFW stories" and re-adding everyone who was in the original PM. That allowed them to send screenshots without being discovered. The reason he said that was because most of the pro-town have agreed to even out the votes. The threat is a precaution in case someone does what Yoshi did last game, which was constantly unbalancing the votes to prevent double lynchings. I do understand that the way they said it was rude, but it's a necessary measure.
  2. You voted Caboose, so you can do that by withdrawing your vote. Frankenzer, screenshots are one of the lowest forms of innocence proof, especially with the stunt the 4.0 Mafians pulled.
  3. Because then we're risking way too much loss of life.
  4. Delpen, have you been reading Death Note? Those conditions are worded very much like the Death Note's instructions, and on occasion you've worded your sentences like L. That being said, it's reasonable and valid.
  5. I agree with Silver. No one on this list has behaved as suspiciously as Peanut did, so this time a vote split is actually wise. Unlike last time when you people needlessly killed Destruct.
  6. This round's confusing. Who did Rue investigate, Ledgend or Delpen? Anyway, I vote Frankenzer.
  7. You got us to lynch one of our own along with you. Doesn't mean you've won. We'll see if those lyrics are fitting or not.
  8. I recommend getting a wired controller. Much more reliable. And welcome to the forums.
  9. Well, this executioner's certainly portrayed as more...invincible...than the last one. Obviously that isn't a problem though. Oh, and Director, in the last game, most lynchings resulted in the Mafian breaking free and starting a battle with the executioner. I don't think there was even one hanging. There was an impalement though. I did bloody tell you people he was Mafia.
  10. Care to elaborate, or is it just more meaningless denial?
  11. Congratulations, all of you! You win the grand prize! product does not transform
  12. Where in Peanut's post that I was replying to did he assert that the detective was killed? What he was asserting was that he wasn't Mafia, something he seems to have no proper defense for. Do you guys remember Mafia 1.0? His are the actions of a panicked Mafian.
  13. No, I'm saying he is a Mafian because his defense consists entirely of asserting that he is not Mafia without any grounds other than he says so. I have absolutely no idea how the two of you could misunderstand what I said.
  14. At first I wasn't sure if you were Mafia, but your complete and total lack of anything resembling a proper defense is just confirming that. It's just endless assertion, which doesn't indicate anything in your favor.
  15. Sorry about that. This is why I suggested Butch recounting. Unease P34nut - 4 (Blake, Axilus Prime, MoM Destruct, DarkAngel) MoM Destruct - 6 (Delpen9, TheSilverCenturion, Yoshi, Bnus, Peanut, Ledgend1221)
  16. He hasn't bothered to explain himself because he's Mafia. He can't really do that.
  17. Because keeping the MCC exclusive to Xbox One will increase console sales in the same way keeping almost every Halo game Xbox 360 exclusive has. People are willing to buy consoles just for Halo, so until Halo suffers a huge drop in quality, or people have a huge drop in interest, that's not going to change.
  18. Well, that definitely takes priority. And no harm done anyway, we dealt with that this round. You can recheck the votes for accuracy if you like, obviously.
  19. No matter how many people you get, 343i will never do this because it will reduce profit. I understand why so many people want this, but it's not gonna happen. It does get tiring seeing these topics popping up so often.
  20. Unease P34nut - 3 (Blake, Axilus Prime, MoM Destruct) MoM Destruct - 5 (Delpen9, TheSilverCenturion, Yoshi, Bnus, Peanut)
  21. Current votes Bnus - 0 Ledgend1221 - 0 Unease P34nut - 3 (Blake, Axilus Prime, MoM Destruct) MoM Destruct - 4 (Delpen9, TheSilverCenturion, Yoshi, Bnus)
  22. Because he's been extremely quiet.
  23. I don't know. It felt quicker to me too. But when we check the time Butch posted, he's not doing things any differently.
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