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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. I'm pretty sure you can use an 'any game' playlist or a playlist specific to one game, both of which are divided into the subplaylists for gametypes.
  2. Well, I guess we do what we did last round. Other than lynching the Detective, obviously.
  3. Well, now my laptop screen is falling apart. I need duct tape.

  4. How exactly did the test go? Did it cut through because of inadequate layering?
  5. Converters: Era Marked With Lack of Life. Adolescent Genetically Altered Shinobi Terrapins.
  6. If the robot is programmed as a certain gender, refer to the robot as that gender. If no gender is programmed, refer to the robot as an "it". General rule for robots in general.
  7. 4 Mafia spots left, take them while they last!

  8. Mafia 5.0 signups are open! Take the spots while they last!

  9. Thanks, all of you! Hopefully I can make a colored version later. EDIT: Nope, I can't really make a good colored version in GIMP, and I tried my hand at using colored pencils (on a different drawing, just to be safe) and that was a disaster so there's no way I'm doing that with this one. Looks like my drawings are gonna stay colorless until I can figure out the proper technique for coloring things in general.
  10. Well, as all of you probably know, I am a huge fan of Transformers. And if you didn't know, well, my name should have given that away and if it didn't you probably have issues. So, naturally, I decided to make a drawing.
  11. Congratulations, SD! That last image though... it cannot be unseen.
  12. I can't help you with that, but I can tell you what we don't need more of on the internet.
  13. Ok, the next to volunteer will host.
  14. Give Bnus a few hours to object to this first. If he makes no objection, then sure, I'm in favor.
  15. You hate SAO, but get an SAO av and sig? What?

  16. The topic says it has 31 followers.
  17. I know, I saw it. But if the back of the sword is sharp, wouldn't it be able to cut through the gauntlet? Cardboard isn't very blade-resistant.
  18. The gauntlet appears to be cardboard. Is that the case? And if it is, then how is that supposed to protect your arm from a blade?
  19. Whoa. Played Halo 3 after going around 6 months without playing it. Skills dropped by over half.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      From what I hear from most people, that's not normal at all, though I might actually have a worse case of skill deterioration from withdrawal than most people get.

    3. Azaxx


      Yeah, I'm the only one I know who gets better after long breaks lol

    4. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Halo 3 needs better netcode. 343i pls fix

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