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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Execution 4 Frankenzer was walking slowly between buildings. It was strange. No one had come after him, no one had tied him up so he could get in close and begin the daily attempt on the executioner's life. But he was certain the votes had lined up against him. They had, after all, intended to kill him for quite some time. Maybe I just walk up to the execution stand and attack him right aw-- He found himself pinned to a building by an arrow through his left forearm. After he yelled out in pain, he heard a voice. "Frankenzer! You have failed this city!" From a rooftop, Husky jumped down. He aimed his bow at Frankenzer's head and shot again. While Husky had been jumping down, Frankenzer had pulled the arrow from his left arm, and he used it to deflect Husky's killshot. "And you have failed to kill me." He pulled out something resembling a Monitor and threw it. Husky looked at the small orb. Why would he throw a Monitor? And why was it not floating--wait a minute. He jumped back just as the ball exploded, sending metal flying everywhere. Small bits of it embedded themselves in his arm. "Argh!" He shot another arrow promptly, intending to finish the Mafian once and for all. Frankenzer deflected the arrow with the arrow he was still holding, and continued to do that with every subsequent shot while charging up to Husky. He lunged at his neck with it, only to feel a hard pain in the head. Husky had hit Frankenzer aside with the bow, and followed up with a kick to send him to the ground. He pulled the arrow from Frankenzer's grip, pulled it back on the bow, and shot. His aim was thrown off by a push from his foe, causing the arrow to land in the road. Frankenzer kicked Husky to the ground, forcing him to roll away so as not to lose his balance, and during that time pulled out an SMG. Evidently Husky spotted it, as he got behind a hotdog cart right before the gunfire started. He took a hotdog from the cart, ate it swiftly, and came out while Frankenzer was reloading to fire a shot. The arrow went straight through the SMG, taking it out of his hands and pinning it to a wall. Frankenzer pulled out the last weapon he had on him: the typical Mafian's knife. He charged before Husky could have any time to draw his bow again and slashed. Unsurprisingly, his slash was blocked by the bow. He used the force of Husky's block to bounce his knife back and bring it around for another slash immediately, but with a simple turn of the bow and a backstep, his strike was blocked again. He repeated the action several times, gaining ground with every clash of knife and bow. Husky pushed the knife aside during the next clash while taking an arrow out and thrusting it into Frankenzer's right shoulder using his other arm. He leaped back to the hotdog cart after that and pushed it at Frankenzer while he was distracted by the pain, causing him to fall. The cart flipped upon impact and tumbled over his face, dumping hotdogs all over him. In the pile of hotdogs he found a bottle of mustard, so he squeezed it as hard as he could. A jet spray of mustard hit Husky in the eyes, and he threw the bottle at his head for good measure. "Now you die!" He got up, pulled the arrow from his shoulder, and thrust it at Husky's eye. There was a blue flash followed by the sight of a perfectly fine Husky. "What?!" He felt a pull on his leg bring him to the ground. A blue Spartan was there, rising to his feet. "I wanted hotdogs, so I dropped in!" Oblivious to the fact that he had saved Husky, he went over to the hotdogs and tried to remove his helmet to eat. He then realized it was pinned there by the arrow Frankenzer had used. "Oh." He pulled it out of his forehead, then removed the helmet. "What..." Frankenzer got to his feet, kicking Husky to keep him down. "How are you ALIVE?! I drove an arrow through your brain!" "Brain? What's that? Is that some kind of fancy insect or dish?" Caboose ate a hotdog. Behind him, he heard a piercing noise. "Huh?" He turned around and saw Frankenzer bleeding, with an arrow through his back coming out his heart. "Thanks for the help," Husky said. "And the distraction." "Help? Distraction? I just wanted hotdogs." And that was how, without ever realizing the significance of what he had done, Caboose happily ate all the hotdogs. "Just wish there were some cookies too." Frankenzer, Mafian, Lynched. There is now only one Mafian left, so there will be no 48 hour session. He will just pick a target and I will have that target die as soon as I can write a scene. The first person who gets the reference will play a large role in the final execution. Husky and Caboose got their roles in this scene by pure chance.
  2. 5 votes - Frankenzer 1 vote - Yoshi1176 Voting closed.
  3. Yeah, let's avoid any conflict over the name. Anyway, welcome (back? but I wasn't here back then) to the forum! So I'm considering a few options here. I could call you Purple Caboose and call him Gray Caboose. Or call you Caboose and call him the Ace. Which would you two prefer?
  4. More armor customization's always good. Reach did it great, 4 stepped it down a little but wasn't bad in the variety department. It was bad, IMO, in the appearance department. Hated the look of most of Halo 4's armor.
  5. 3 votes - Frankenzer 1 vote - Yoshi1176
  6. This is Tigrex. And here I thought you came up with that design all by yourself, LOL.
  7. WHOOPS. Forgot the list. DarkAngel Delpen9 Frankenzer Yoshi1176
  8. Scene 4 Axilus followed Self Destruct past the rubble throughout the city to a hidden entrance on its outskirts. "You can everything fixed up here," he told the executioner. "I patched my wounds just an hour ago." "When did you find this place?" Axilus asked, his voice still hoarse from his injuries. "I found it earlier today," he replied, "during the voting session. The place is full of supplies. It's a perfect place to use." He checked his watch. It wasn't very late at night yet. Still safe to be walking around outside. "But you should make it quick," he added. "The Mafia usually strike in just a few hours from now." "I'm not worried about the Mafia." Axilus entered the hideout and found weapons of all kinds, along with medical supplies. It appeared to be designed for combat related use. "Hmm." He removed his helmet, then the rest of his armor, leaving only the black suit underneath. "There's even an armor repair area." He removed a bulletproof vest from the table and placed his armor there. "Deal with your injuries first." Self Destruct pointed to a chair. "Sit there." "Sure," Axilus said, taking a seat. "I have injuries in the chest, back, and head area. The rest is mostly fine. But tie me up when removing the shrapnel." Raising an eyebrow, Self Destruct did so, then got to work. He did his best to ignore the yells of pain that accompanied every bit of shrapnel pulled out, then once they were all gone, he untied the executioner. "So why'd you have me tie you up?" "A man in pain is unreliable. I might have attacked you." Axilus was actually almost certain he might have. "Just patch up the wounds and we can fix the armor." A few hours passed after that, working on the armor, remolding the rusted sections they had to remove. Finally, it was all stable again, good as new. "These repair tools were very advanced..." Axilus couldn't help but wonder why this would all be here as he put the armor back on. "I don't know. But we're lucky they were." As the two stepped towards the entrance, a foot came in towards them, followed by another foot, and the rest of a body. The figure who entered stared at the duo, stunned. "WHAT?!" Before either of them could do anything, he lunged at Self Destruct with a punch to knock him down, then swept Axilus' left leg with a kick and sent him down on one knee. He grabbed a huge knife off the wall and stabbed down at him. Axilus activated Armor Lock as soon as the knife hit, then deactivated it to send the Mafian back with the shockwave. "This is a Mafian hideout!" He grabbed a longsword from the wall and slashed. "Get up!" "Crap! That explains a lot!" Self Destruct had suspected as much, but the facility was too useful not to use, and Axilus needed the help. He stood and grabbed a pistol from the wall while drawing his rubber chicken. He fired at the Mafian's stomach, then realized he was wearing a vest. "...That's bad." The Mafian grabbed the pistol out of Self Destruct's hand and shot Axilus, who simply glowed yellow in response and swung his sword. "Argh!" The pistol had been cut in half mid-fire, causing a small gunpowder explosion in his hand. Next came an elbow to the face from Axilus, cracking his mask. "This ends now." Axilus raised his sword and stabbed down at the Mafian, who grabbed a shield off the wall and blocked with it. "This ends when I say it ends!" The Mafian jumped to his feet, slamming the sword aside with the shield and then throwing it at Self Destruct, who was once again trying to steal a suitable weapon. He then pulled a DMR from the wall and slammed its stock on the Spartan's head to knock him off balance and bring his shield down. He then placed the stock on his shoulder to take a headshot, but while he was doing that, Axilus grabbed an oddly-shaped shield off the wall and covered his head with it. "Argh!" He felt a sharp pain in his leg, evidence that he had been shot there once a headshot was impossible, and then chose to use the shield's most unusual feature: the three gun barrels sticking out of its bottom end. His shot blasted the Mafian into the wall, causing a shower of weapons to fall on his head. That was when the other Mafian swooped in through the entrance and kicked Axilus to the ground. He coughed blood on the inside of his own helmet, something that was extremely inconvenient. "How did these two get in here?!" he asked his fallen partner while helping him up. "Pure luck! It doesn't matter, let's kill them!" He passed the new arrival a rocket launcher and held on to his long knife. "You get the executioner, I'll get that guy!" He ran at Self Destruct, who was once again trying to steal weapons, and swung down at him. Axilus Armor Locked at the sight of the orange flash, sending the rocket flying back at the Mafian. When his attacker rolled aside to avoid the rocket, that was when he was vulnerable, and Axilus threw his longsword at him, pinning him by the leg to the wall. He took aim at his head with the gunshield next, only to be stabbed in the shoulder by the other Mafian. "ARGH! Self Destruct! I thought you had him!" Self Destruct fumbled with the weapon he had pulled off the wall and blocked the shot with. "I thought so too! Hang on, I think I got this!" He aimed the large cannon at the Mafian attacking Axilus. "DIE, *******!" He pulled the trigger...just as he tripped over his own foot. "WHOA--" The gun's barrel had ended up aimed towards the ground. Eight projectiles in rapid succession flew out of the cannon, exploding agains the ground and launching Self Destruct at the ceiling. His partially melted form ended up plastered there, with the cannon itself in pieces on the ground. "I guess," the Mafian attacking Axilus said while putting on shades, "you could say he self destructed." Axilus whirled around and kicked him in the stomach, forcing him to bend down, then lunged toward the other Mafian and pulled his sword back out. With a few shots from the gunshield to cover his exit, he vanished in a cloud of smoke and fire. "What now?" the Mafian with a wound in his leg asked. "We move our base of operations and kill the rest." Self Destruct, Civilian, killed.
  9. I count the points, not you. That doesn't count as a point, but I make anyone who dies get a good scene (to the best of my ability anyway). The prizes being offered are good scenes regardless of death.
  10. LOL That wasn't intentional, I didn't realize it was similar to what happened to the Didact until just now.
  11. Execution 3 "Where the hell is the executioner?" Caboose finally yelled. It had been hours, and the familiar blue and red Spartan had not shown up. therubyprincess, whose name still ruined the grammatical flow of any sentence it was in, was tied up very tightly to prevent another incident of the kind at the last execution. "Maybe he didn't get his raise?" DarkAngel suggested. "Well, we can't stand around here forever," Husky said. "This Mafian has to die." "I'll do it," Self Destruct finally spoke up. "No point wasting time here." Grabbing her by the neck, he dragged therubyprincess to the execution stand. "therubyprincess, on charges of screw you, that's why, you are sentenced to death by--" Self Destruct crumpled on the ground, clutching his stomach. His target had been slowly loosening the ropes during all this time. "Did no one bother to make sure she wasn't doing that?!" "Uh...not really," Frankenzer said with a slight grin. "I would have stopped her if I noticed anything, of course." therubyprincess stood, meteor fragments falling from her hair. "I still haven't gotten all of those out, JL." she told the ghost, who at this point was not surprised about the executions going awry. She pulled out a knife and swung it down at Self Destruct, who rolled aside. "That's enough!" He got to his feet, ignoring the lingering pain from the kick to his stomach, and reached for a sheath on his back. When she swung at him again, he ducked, drew his rubber chicken, and disoriented her with a smack to the face. "FOR GREAT JUSTICE!" He grabbed her head and pulled it down while swinging his knee up, bashing her face against his knee, then snatched her knife. She pulled out a pistol and shot Self Destruct in the hand to make him drop the knife, then took aim at his head. He raised his rubber chicken in self defense, causing the bullet to bounce off the squishy rubberyness of the rubbery rubber chicken and come back at her, breaking the gun. "Fine." She took her knife off the ground and swung it up at Self Destruct, who backed up too slowly and got slashed across the face. Immediately following the slash was a hard punch that sent him to the ground. "WHERE IS THE EXECUTIONER?!" Self Destruct yelled in frustration. Just then, shotgun shells flew in, prompting therubyprincess to activate crystalline armor. It stopped the shells from killing her, but she was knocked to the ground. "Here I am!" the executioner yelled, rolling in with his shotgun and continuing to fire. His armor, especially in the chest area, was heavily damaged, and something had corroded the metal plating, making it appear a rusty brown in color. Evidently, last night's battle with two Mafians had left him heavily damaged. "You left him alive?!" Ledgend's ghost demanded. "He got away, we had him!" The executioner ran to the scene, pulling Self Destruct to his feet while firing his shotgun again. "She's going to kill you! Get out of here!" therubyprincess got up and knocked Axilus off the execution stand with a kick, then leapt toward him with her knife. "I'll finish what they started!" She ended up jumping straight into a shotgun shell and was blown off to the side. Self Destruct was nowhere in sight. "I'll kill you," Axilus bellowed in rage, "I'LL KILL YOU!" He fired his shotgun again, but she rolled, causing her shoulder armor to take the hit and protect her vitals. Then, Axilus found his shotgun forced up as she jammed her knife into its underside. When he kicked her away and pulled the trigger again, the shotgun jammed. "It worked," she said with a grin. She charged at him, drawing another knife. "What is it with Mafians and knives?!" Delpen asked. "Let's help him out! Charge!" A few explosions suddenly went off around the crowd. Buildings crumbled everywhere they turned, and with a great shake of the ground, they found themselves boxed in by rubble. "Who did that?!" Axilus knocked the knife away with the butt of his shotgun, then slammed it into therubyprincess's stomach, cracking the armor and knocking her down. He yelled out in pain when, from her position on the ground, she drove her knife through his rusted leg armor and jerked it, causing him to fall. She pulled it out and stood over him. "No..." "Yes." She swung her knife down... ...and was swept to the side, causing her knife to land in the ground. She felt something on her stomach, like the crack had been sealed. Self Destruct had returned, and now that she was disoriented, Axilus was able to throw his shotgun at her head and knock her down. "Back up," Self Destruct told Axilus. "therubyprincess...I sentence you to death...by self destruct!" The bomb that had been planted in the crack in her armor exploded, sending crystalline shards, blood, and body parts flying in all directions. therubyprincess, Mafia, Lynched. Oh, and if anyone gets the references I stuffed in there, post them, and if possible you will get a cool scene too.
  12. It's 2-4. And because I couldn't be on at the proper time yesterday, I have to close voting now instead of earlier. So...yeah. Voting closed. Looks like Yoshi's trick worked. The point of it seemed to be simply to have the advantage by the time voting was closed...which is a sound, though annoying, strategy.
  13. Huh. Twin somehow deleted his post, or had it deleted. I should have quoted it when responding to it. Anyway, Delpen, what these two have said. And I'm much better with language arts than with math, so what you said about difficulty may not be entirely true. Also it's actually 4-2 because he was changing his vote, not simply adding a vote.
  14. No, Frank's alive. You can only vote for those on a suspect list. Twin, I don't think you understand the game very well, and that's the only reason you think that.
  15. Well, I know these break the eye rules a little (and in two cases, a lot) but since you can't have multiple submissions anyway, it doesn't matter. These are just something I whipped up because I was bored. I am aware of how bad Drift looks.
  16. No, I'm not like that at all, lol. I would have been laughing even if I was pro-town. It's because of how persistent he was. First time - I was wondering when someone would do that. Second time - Oh wow, he did it again. Third time - AHAHAHAHAHA is he ever gonna stop?
  17. 4 votes - Frankenzer 2 votes - therubyprincess
  18. Wow, I was really absentminded just now. Almost set my left hand on fire.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Coldfreeze


      If you did, you would be all right.

    3. Buns
    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Well, haven't actually done it before. Wouldn't know.

  19. Actually, I just did a recount and it's 5 votes - Frankenzer 1 vote - therubyprincess Sorry about all that confusion. Ruby's got only one vote because I just remembered that because JL is dead, his vote doesn't count. I should probably do the vote counting when I'm not multitasking...
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