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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. I only count voting posts where people say that they are voting. "Kill X" or "X is Mafia" is not a vote. "I vote for X" is a vote.
  2. 3 votes - Frankenzer 2 votes - therubyprincess
  3. 2 votes - Frankenzer 2 votes - therubyprincess
  4. Self Destruct gets to do it, though technically the entire first paragraph was a hint. JL likes anime, has a low opinion of my favorite movie, and I once told him "(throws rock)" when he insulted it. Good job, lol.
  5. It is not up to you what arguments are valid and what arguments are not, no matter what the hell you supposedly back it up with. We're done.
  6. 2 votes - Frankenzer 1 vote - therubyprincess I said no such thing, Twin said that, lol.
  7. We don't have to respond to a repeated statement that you haven't convinced us of any truth in. What you are asking of us is to subject ourselves to a fancy version of "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "YES!" "NO!"
  8. Scene 3 A particular civilian walked briskly through the night, checking behind him frequently. It wouldn't do to have Mafia following him to one of the secret meeting places. Certain meeting places, for obvious reasons, were known only to a few. The Mafian tailing him, meanwhile, was flawlessly getting behind objects or walls every time the civilian turned around. Where he was trying to go was completely unknown to the Mafian, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that the target died. It continued on for a while like that, until the Mafian sneezed. Quickly, the Mafian got behind a car. "If you think I didn't hear that..." the civilian said, turning around slowly in a very anime styled way, "...then you're dumber than the executioner's favorite movie." At that moment a large rock hit him in the side of the head, knocking him down. Can't say I didn't see that coming. The Mafian seized the opportunity and leapt at the civilian, only to be knocked through a window by a rock of similar size. As the executioner, Axilus Prime couldn't help the Mafia, despite the fact that his favorite movie was awesome and the civilian in question deserved that rock. Before he could do anything further, a stream of bullets hit him from behind, prompting him to turn a corner. The civilian got to his feet just as the Mafian stepped out of the window. The two stood still for a second, not doing anything in particular, then the Mafian, predictably, pulled out a knife and charged. In response, he backed away from his charging foe while pulling out a Target Locator and marking the Mafian. "You think that will work?! There's no orbital support here!" The Mafian continued to charge...only to be knocked to the ground and bombarded by a meteor storm. The civilian ran while his Target Locator recharged. Mafians were unnaturally tough. One meteor storm wouldn't be enough. The sound of moving rubble alerted him to the fact that he was once again being pursued. The Mafian chased after the civilian again, knife held out in plain sight. On the sidelines, the executioner was facing two Mafians at once and faring poorly. That was expected, of course, when he barely defeated one. Unfortunately, that one had been their leader, so the two didn't exactly curbstomp him. Once again, the civilian's Target Locator was recharged. The Mafian didn't seem to have learned anything, still charging in a straight line while he charged at the same speed. He marked the Mafian again...and this time, was knocked down by a rock to the face. "What the hell, Axilus?!" After his initial reaction, he realized that this rock was different. It was a meteor fragment. The Mafian wasn't so stupid after all. Crap... The Mafian approached the civilian laughing, then grabbed him off the ground and held him up to the sky. "It wasn't Axilus. It was YOU!" The meteor storm came down, only this time, rather than hitting the Mafian, it hit the very person who had called it in. Without the strength boost of a Mafian or Executioner, he couldn't withstand his own power. He went out not with a bang, but with a sickening crunch. The Mafian threw his body down and laughed at the ghost rising out of it. Oddly, the ghost had a smile on his face. "What are you so happy about?" One more meteor came down and knocked the Mafian through a wall. The ghost laughed. "DAMN YOU PRO-TOWN SCUM!" --- JL, Civilian, killed. Suspect List: Caboose the Ace Frankenzer therubyprincess SiberianHuskyY Oh, and if you understand what the hints about the civilian's identity before he was revealed to be JL were, post them. The first to tell me both of the hints gets to do the execution.
  9. If what you just said is true, your statements wouldn't be so repetitive. You seem to believe that by sheer repetitive pressure, you can force your opinion to become fact. You, in fact, cannot.
  10. What would a special edition version even contain? The MCC has so much content it's hard to even put in bonus content.
  11. Your problem is that you act as though once you state why you disagree with something someone says to you, any statements of the same kind are invalid. You aren't God.
  12. This thread is still going? Buddy, it's pretty clear that you aren't here to debate, but rather have already made up your own mind. You're claiming your opinion is absolute fact, being generally obnoxious, and
  13. Not based on my av, but I do want to appear in at least one 343iCF work looking like this.
  14. That works, Self Destruct. A little elaborate though, lol. ...No, Yoshi. Nothing to do with miley cyrus. Just...nope. Caboose, I have the perfect idea in mind.
  15. Well, actually that's an excellent idea and all players who are still alive can do it now.
  16. Execution 2 Ledgend spat dirt out of his mouth, struggling to lift his face off the ground. His arms and legs were firmly held down, his head about to follow suit. Pain shot upward through his face starting at his nose when it was forced down. "Tie him!" Despite his efforts to resist, his arms were violently jerked back, evidently with little regard for the condition of his shoulder joints. It didn't matter, after all. He was about to be executed. It didn't take a genius to figure out that ropes were what kept him from pulling his arms back apart. They released his legs, and a hand pulled him to his feet by the neck. He had voted for his own execution, but this was still really uncomfortable. The familiar sight of the execution area soon met his eyes. Standing there as scheduled was Axilus Prime. The executioner never gave his opinion on the executed. No one really knew why he did his job. And that was why this would be very interesting. Unsurprisingly, Ledgend was thrown at Axilus' feet. The rough treatment was so typical at this point. "Ledgend1221." Axilus looked down at the man before him. "On charges of misspelling your own name and being suspected Mafia, you are hereby sentenced to death..." He pulled out an M6G, Army variant. "...by headshot." He clicked the safety off...and that was when something rather unsafe happened. Ledgend's foot had swept across Prime's view, removing the Magnum from his hands. He caught it in his mouth while standing up, and from the crowd came a knife, the source of which was indeterminable. The blade severed his bonds, and he grabbed the Magnum from his mouth. Axilus lunged forward, knocking Ledgend back with a hard punch, then grabbed the gun and twisted it, trying to wrest it from his grip. A strange turn of Ledgend's whole body followed, resulting in the barrel facing Axilus' palm. A bullet followed, knocking it off the gun and creating a yellow glow around the Spartan. "I don't get paid enough for this." Ledgend took aim at his head and fired off three more rounds, each one making the shield grow brighter. Axilus ran behind the post Twinreaper had previously been tied to and stood horizontally, shielding himself from the bullets. When his energy shield recharged, he came out, only to find that Ledgend was not there. "Where did he go?!" the executioner demanded. Before anyone could speak up, a shotgun blast took his shield down entirely. "Who the hell decided to give him that?!" Axilus threw a plasma grenade at the shotgun, forcing Ledgend to drop it while they both dashed away. This certainly explained why he voted for himself! He drew his Energy Sword, wishing he had brought his DMR. That was an important note to remember next time. Ledgend pulled out his Magnum, only to roll his eyes when Axilus went into Armor Lock. Of course... Knowing his shield would be regenerated when he came out of it, he once again moved out of sight. "I was expecting a better executioner." Axilus checked his radar. Still jammed. A Mafian in the crowd had evidently placed the jammer somewhere. "Damn it..." He threw a frag grenade to the left, then turned around and threw another one. After that, he threw a plasma grenade to what had been the area behind him before his first frag. When the three explosions went off, the grunt of pain revealed Ledgend's position. Evidently he hadn't been close enough to be killed, but that had blocked him off. He ran into the building the grunt had come from and was met with a stream of fire. Counting on his shield to withstand the shots, he charged in a zigzag motion, counting each hit. One. Two. Three. Four. Before another shot could be fired, he swung the Energy Sword at Ledgend. As expected, he backed up...resulting in the Magnum being bisected. Ledgend growled in frustration, then threw a knife with shocking accuracy between Axilus' fingers. It penetrated the Energy Sword's handle, destabilizing it and causing it to explode. Following that, he produced another knife from up his sleeve, caught it in his hand, and lunged. Axilus jumped back to get enough time to pull his own knife. Normally it was for assassinations. This time, it was to block Ledgend's slash. He kept his knife pressed against Ledgend's, pushing the entirety of his opponent against the wall. Taking advantage of his helmet, he slammed his head against Ledgend's face. "ARGH!" Ledgend ducked after being hit, then slashed at Axilus. The blade was stopped from penetrating by the energy shield, so he came in for a second strike. "Screw this!" Axilus dropped his knife while bringing his arms off, taking off his helmet while backing up to avoid the slash. He knocked the knife out of the way with his helmet, then stuffed it on Ledgend's head...backwards. While he stumbled blindly, Axilus ran straight up to him and activated Armor Lock...bringing his fist down through his head. A ghost rose out of the skull fragments and blood, blackened with hate for the city. There was no mistake. Axilus walked back to the crowd, leaving his shattered helmet. "I need a raise for this crap." Ledgend1221, Mafia, Lynched. Mafia, choose your next target.
  17. 4 votes - Ledgend1221 1 vote - Connor Kenway 3 votes - Yoshi1176 0 votes - Caboose the Ace
  18. 4 votes - Ledgend1221 2 votes - Connor Kenway 1 vote - Yoshi1176 1 vote - Caboose the Ace
  19. 4 votes - Ledgend1221 2 votes - Connor Kenway 1 vote - Yoshi1176
  20. 3 votes - Ledgend1221 2 votes - Connor Kenway 1 vote - Yoshi1176
  21. 2 votes - Ledgend1221 2 votes - Connor Kenway
  22. Actually, for something drawn that quickly, this is amazing quality. And that really helped, I had no idea how to properly visualize the Felis Ipsum, every time I attempted to imagine a cat-dragon-lizard thing, it looked stupid. This, on the other hand, looks great.
  23. Scene 2 There were no civilians out tonight. A dark silence had fallen upon the city when its people had realized they had slaughtered their best hope. But that only meant the Mafia could move with greater conviction and power than ever before. Evidence of this was the dark figure silently walking down the middle of the road. Not a single car was in sight. He moved with a calm certainty, unwavering as he approached the dwelling of his target. He reached a road perpendicular to the one he was on, and behind it was a row of houses. There. With a dark grin on his face, the Mafian knocked on the door. He stood ready to barge his way in the instant it was unlocked. As expected, the door was opened a crack, revealing only darkness. Immediately he rushed at the door, knocking it out of the way with his body, and drew a long knife that nearly qualified as a large sword. Yet there was no one before him. As soon as he heard a footstep, he turned and saw a humanoid peanut rushing at him with a baseball bat. "Wha--" Peanut felt his makeshift club slam into something solid. Knowing that wouldn't down a Mafian in one hit, he drew it back and swung again. He had expected a Mafian to come tonight, and so stood at the side of the door just in case. It was only thanks to the Mafia's gross overconfidence as a result of the detective's death that he was able to dupe him with such a simple trick. The first swing hit the Mafian's shoulder when he leaned to his left, keeping his head clear of the bat. He ducked under the second swing and thrust his blade up at the humanoid peanut, aiming for where the heart would be on a regular human. "Die!" Peanut brought his arms straight down to protect his chest, yelling out in pain as he saw the blade come through the wooden bat's handle. It soon slipped through his fingers...only for him to realize he was missing some. Only bleeding stumps remained. He rolled away from the Mafian towards the open door, but caught a flash of black as he did so. A foot slammed into his stomach, sending him flying to the opposite wall. The Mafian had leapt over Peanut and landed a powerful kick, and now he was closing in for the kill. "This fight is finished." He suddenly felt a hard blow to the side of his lower back, sending him off balance. When he turned, a hard metal object slammed into his face. He backed up, dropping his knife, and held his hand on his face. "What is this?!" "Heard a scream, saw the door wide open, thought I might join the party." the new arrival replied. "I even brought a toaster!" He hurled the hard metal object at the Mafian's face, which hit him shortly after he realized that it was, in fact, a toaster. Peanut, meanwhile, backed into a corner, unable to do anything without his hands. The Mafian ignored the mild pain in his forearm after it was hit by the toaster and picked up his knife again. "Bring as many as you like, but you're all gonna die!" He lunged at the figure, only to stab thin air when he split into several pieces of bread, which scattered in all directions. "Rrgh!" The bread assembled again into one body, behind the Mafian. He put his arm around the Mafian's neck from behind and pulled as hard as he could, trying to choke him out. The Mafian, rather than try to pull the arm off, simply swung his knife back and stabbed into the figure's stomach. He felt it pierce solid flesh, then used that to get himself out of the choke hold. As he did so, he jerked the knife out, intending to pull out a large chunk of his adversary. However, the figure disassembled his whole body into bread pieces again to let the knife come out harmlessly, then reassembled in the same spot. "It won't be that easy." "Of course not," the Mafian said with a smirk, "but I know now that you are vulnerable when in human form, can't separate your body only partially, and can't maintain bread form indefinitely." Otherwise, nothing he did would have worked. "Isn't that right...Bnus?" Bnus glared at the Mafian. "Doesn't mean you won. We'll need no voting round to kill you, Mafian." "Oh, I doubt that," the Mafian said, raising his knife in front of himself. He heard a footstep behind him and jumped backwards, flipping as he did so to avoid Peanut's attempt at a kick and land behind him. Before his target realized what was going on, he plunged his knife into his back, puncturing a lung and sending him to the ground. Bnus grabbed his toaster off the ground and threw it again, forcing the Mafian to jump away and leave his knife. As the dying Peanut rolled over, Bnus knew what he intended. He pulled the knife from his back. "If only I were the medic, Peanut." Bnus had been more fortunate than Peanut today, for he had not been forced into a situation where he would lose his fingers, and he intended to make that count. He lunged forward with the blade. The Mafian, naturally, avoided the attack with ease, only to realize that it had been a little more straightforward than one would think. It wasn't so much an attack as a distraction! Though these civilians were at a severe disadvantage, it seemed underestimating them would still not do. Bnus grabbed his toaster off the ground and plugged it in. He lowered the handle, causing it to charge up, then lunged at the Mafian again, this time truly aiming for him. The Mafian grabbed Bnus' wrist. "I believe that knife belongs to me." In a split second, he was grabbing a piece of bread, which slipped through his fingers. Several pieces of bread smacked him in the face, making it hard for him to see. "Argh! Hey! Stop it! This is ridiculous!" He scarcely caught a hand forming in all the chaos, grabbing the knife before it hit the ground, and moving up to connect to the rest of the body while it formed. Immediately, he rushed to the side, letting the stab he was expecting miss. Then, he came at Bnus again. Bnus rushed back to the toaster. Time was almost up. While the Mafian's charge missed, he placed the knife, handle first, into the toaster and pointed it at him. "You're TOAST!" The timer finished, and the toaster's interior mechanism popped up...propelling the knife straight at the Mafian. "WHAT THE HELL?!" The Mafian ducked when the knife flew at his head, causing it to shave off all the hair across the middle. With a roar of anger, he charged at Bnus and swung his fist at his face. As expected, the civilian dissolved into bread...only this time, he firmly snatched a piece out of the air and slammed it into the toaster, then turned it on. Bnus could not re-assemble only partially, meaning all his bread had to be free to move. With that in mind, he held the piece of bread down as the toaster warmed up more and more... And finally, the floating bread dropped to the ground. He had fried Bnus' brain. Not bothering to retrieve his knife, the Mafian turned and left. Now he would have to shave his head entirely before dawn, or it would be obvious he was involved here... Unease P34nut, civilian, killed. Bnus, civilian, killed as extra kill due to leaving the game. You have 48 hours to vote. Suspect List: Yoshi1176 Ledgend1221 Connor Kenway Caboose the Ace
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