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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Ok, I'll reveal my role. I was the medic. It's now more important than ever that the detective PM's me. I can report his/her findings to the people.
  2. All pro-town, PM me. Separate PMs, not group PM's. It's a precaution in case of any moles like last round.
  3. Actually, it really isn't. Falsified screenshots greatly affected last round's outcome. I'm not accusing you, because I have no reason to and also no longer have a personal disagreement with you, but I am saying that screenshots have been made worthless by last round's events.
  4. As funny as the title of Delpen's PM to you is...screenshots, as demonstrated by last round, cannot be trusted, even if posted by someone who can't photo edit.
  5. SMEEZE Just kidding, don't get a heart attack. 36.
  6. Hadn't played Halo for a while, so I played a level of Reach to check if I was still good at it. Thank God.

  7. 102. What if we get smeezed when we hit 199?
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