All right, here's a chart showing all the suspects for both murders and what they did during this daytime round.
Bnus-Ruby Rose and Axilus Prime
Caboose the Ace-Null (Later changed to Ruby Rose) and Axilus Prime (Later changed to Bnus)
Coldfreeze-Null and Null
Ruby Rose-Bnus (Later changed to Null) and Axilus Prime (Later changed to Null) (Died, proven innocent)
Fishy<3-Caboose and Null
Axilus Prime-Caboose (Later changed to Null) and therubyprincess (Later changed to Null)
Total Mayh3m-Delpen9 and Null
therubyprincess-Null and Null
Bnus is the only one on these lists to vote Ruby. According to the rules, one person on each list is guilty. In addition, that guilty person knows who is and is not guilty. Therefore I believe Bnus is Mafia.
On the second list, no one voted for Ruby. So I don't know. Delpen could be simply acting ridiculous as a cover-up, so the fact that Total voted for him does not make him a suspect. Plus he voted for Ruby.
Now that we know Ruby is civilian...those who both voted for him and appear on the next suspect lists are automatic suspects. Keep an eye out for these individuals, should their names appear on the next lists.
Bnus (if he appears, that's appearing twice, which along with his vote adds greater suspicion, and on top of that, GIMP or Photoshop can easily alter screenshots even if you suck with them), Caboose (This is not personal, it's just that he voted Ruby, and Ruby was innocent), Unease P34nut, Ledgend 1221, Delpen9 (I earlier stated that he is pro-town due to not knowing who the Mafia were, however, I just realized he could have faked not knowing), and Mr. Biggles.
And, guys, the Mafia are the ones trying to preserve the mystery. The pro-town's goal is actually to unravel it as much as possible.