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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Being wary by guessing two people simply because you don't like them. I find your reasoning to be...illogical.
  2. My older bro marked a target for airstrike when playing as Optimus in Fall of Cybertron. He then advanced before the airstrike was completed, committing suicide.

    1. Akali


      haha wow xD

      thats why you wait for the explosion before you charge

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Exactly. He is however rather good with the Photon Burst Rifle. (a Battle Rifle ish weapon)

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I never did that, lol. I did however accidentally fall into a bottomless pit as Megatron because I attempted to hover but then hit my head on a solid object, and couldn't get back on the platform.

  3. Delpen, that is not how this game is played. First we wait for JL to post the first night's post. Then you act naturally according to your role. This is not a roleplay where you can set up a crazy persona. Maybe my speeches made it seem like that, but actually, they're my actual, honest response to how things were going.
  4. Yeah, my statement was actually a defense of you, since it would be dishonorable if you had told me outright.
  5. He never told me about that though, and I was the first out of the two of us to suggest that you were Mafia. He simply agreed with my reasoning for thinking you were Mafia.
  6. Defending Caboose and jumping on the "vote for JXZAW" bandwagon are not the same. Plus, your defense of him stood out far more than that of the others. Connor, Peanut, and I suspected you from the very first day because of that.
  7. Then you would know that no version of Transformers has anything to do with another version's story. (Armada and Energon are technically one version, and though TF: Cybertron is marketed as part of that story, the contradictions make that impossible)
  8. Actually, I don't think you understand how Transformers works. Every single version of it is its OWN canon. TF: Prime, the only time post-season 2 where he doubted to kill Megatron was in that Predacons Rising special, in which Megatron was out of character for changing his ways, and Optimus was out of character for believing that he changed his ways. (If it wasn't so clear that the writers intended him to change his ways, I doubt anyone would believe him) The movies are also their own canon. Hasbro claims that FOC is a prequel to Prime, but the amount of contradictions is too great for anyone to believe that. FOC also has nothing to do with G1. There are various points of evidence to that fact, perhaps none so obvious as the Dinobots. G2 and G1 were basically the same show, G2 was just a rehash. Animated Optimus was the most different incarnation of Optimus from the usual. Armada and Energon, yeah, that Optimus gave him many chances. But I still stand by my point: Movie Optimus started out willing to give chances more than even FOC Optimus (if you read Foundation), but then realized that with the Decepticons' level of depravity, that was suicide or worse. TF Prime Optimus was willing to give chances to basically everyone but Megatron. As I said, he attempted to kill Megatron without hesitation basically every time he got the chance after Season 1. FOC Optimus was willing to give chances only to Megatron, due to their previous friendship, but slaughtered hordes of other Decepticons without a second thought, even unwaveringly declaring in a loud voice "Unfortunate but necessary!" during gameplay. And at the end he had every intention to kill Megatron, but (depending on who the player picked) he either got stopped from doing so by the space bridge collapse, or was beaten by Megatron. Incidentally, those are my favorite three versions of Transformers (I can't decide if I like the movies or FOC more, Prime is third place)
  9. Not all versions of Optimus would have. For one thing, Megatron was quite clearly lying through his teeth, even pointing his gun in Optimus' direction, as if preparing to shoot him the instant he accepted. And Transformers Prime Optimus had repeatedly attempted to kill Megatron (even when Megatron asked him something along the lines of "Are you going to kill me while I am defenseless?) since the Season 1 finale, with Megatron getting deus ex machina'd out of his death. Movie Optimus also is the type to kill Megatron. Fall of Cybertron Optimus, due to his having a closer friendship with Megatron before the war started than in most stories, repeatedly gave Megatron chances to redeem himself, all of which he rejected. At the end of the game he was just as intent on killing Megatron as Movie Optimus and post-Season 1 Transformers Prime Optimus. Also, the movies are not a live-action adaptation of the original, they are a version on their own as different from G1 as the other cartoons are. Of course the story is not taken from the source material.
  10. I tried doing the voices of various Transformers. It sounded great. Then I tried recording it. Still sounded great...in person. The playback nearly made my ears bleed.

  11. No one knows that until the game starts and they get their PMs. Anyway, now that the game is over, I'll explain all that happened. Before Caboose was hanged, I was discussing possible suspects with Connor (since obviously there's no way he could have been Mafia when the Mafia tried to kill him). Among these suspects was Coldfreeze, due to his vehement defense of Caboose and poorly hidden desire to not see him lynched. This early in the game, who would have such a strong desire to protect another player from lynching? Only the Mafia know who is pro-town and who is anti-town. And so Caboose was hanged. I then got the idea to put together a group of players to take down the Mafia. It would greatly increase our chances of winning, and it would work even if I died, which I was quite sure was going to happen. First, we needed to find out who the medic was. This early in the game, no one had any leads, so the medic clearly either guessed at random, or was doing something quite common: Protecting her friends. I, naturally, had no idea. But he found out. The medic was Silent Alpha. At first, in a funny twist, I forgot entirely about the concept of group PMs. On top of that, though I could easily send Alpha a PM at any time requesting protection, I didn't do so because I would feel bad if I requested medic protection for myself, and then was not the target. Then, finding the detective. That was a very important part of this plan. I thought of people who couldn't be Mafia. And then it hit me. Caboose had voted for JXZAW before his panic, in other words, while he was still a faithful Mafian. So JXZAW couldn't possibly be Mafia. So I took a guess. I asked him if he was the detective. He knew he could trust me because I wouldn't have voted to hang Caboose before his panic unless I were a civilian. And he was. I remembered group PMs and added him to the PM Connor and I were using, then the next day, I died. Still, I had found the detective and got him together with a civilian everyone knew was innocent. And after my death, I added the medic too. Thanks to Connor, JXZAW, and Silent Alpha. You truly have let all the Mafia hang. We then proceeded to investigate and vote. I did a few things, like suggesting who to investigate, and suggesting that we not vote so as to cause a tie, so that we'd have a greater chance of finding a Mafian among the deaths. That worked quite well. I also advised against a vote that would have revealed JXZAW because Spartan was not on the suspect list. (He had investigated him without the slightest suggestion from me, a good move, but nearly voted to hang him at a bad time) Then after the tie hanging, my mind returned to Coldfreeze's suspicious activities. I asked JXZAW to investigate him. With two Mafians dead, and two Mafians known, we had already won.
  12. I loved Bay's Transformers, so I got my hopes up for this. If not anything else, you can at least tell from this trailer that the turtles retain their original character.
  13. Ok, here's one good reason. (Nothing in the rules against doing this...) I thought your behavior was suspicious the moment you defended Caboose, and recently asked the detective to investigate you. He did, and you are Mafia. Incidentally I also know who the other Mafian is, thanks to an investigation he conducted without any advice from me (Well done, by the way). Caboose mixed truth and fact when he "gave out the names of the other Mafia". And the best part is, even though I realized I could reveal this without breaking a rule, I wasn't going to...until you kinda asked for it. Let all the Mafia hang.
  14. Gotta wait until Mafia 2.0 starts to play.
  15. Uh, Zebra, you aren't on the 1.0 players list.
  16. Because his panic was a bad thing for the Mafia. I have been stirring up people for a purpose, and give things quite a bit more thought than you seem to think. When Mafia 1.0 is over, I'll explain what I've been doing. Oh, and in case you've forgotten, the first time I stirred people up, I turned out to be right.
  17. Vote Coldfreeze. Let all the Mafia hang.

  18. Coldfreeze defended Caboose rather vehemently before he went into full panic mode. As he said...kind of an organized feel to it? I urge you all to vote for him, because I'm incapable of that.
  19. First Mafia game isn't over, but sign up early for the second one for a guaranteed spot. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/33784-mafia-10-forum-game/?p=308019

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