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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Looks like that worked out. 9 players left, 2 of which are still Mafia.
  2. Happy birthday, 343i CF.

  3. Probably in the realm of the banned.
  4. Aaaaand there I am again. I was wondering what would happen. Still wondering, of course. But all 3 parts of this chapter interested me.
  5. Damn. I had a bit of hope that wouldn't happen, but I suppose in the end I saw it coming. Didn't have the gall to put out a request for the medic to save me, because I'd feel really bad if the medic protected me, and then it turned out I was not the target. Perhaps I might have been wiser if I did. Good luck, town. Let all the Mafia hang.
  6. I'm dead. Crap.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      I got booted out after my death for saying their names.

    3. Caboose The Ace
    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I'm not surprised.

  7. That conversation thing reminds me a bit of how I can be in conversation sometimes. It was funny, but rather short.
  8. Yes, yes, I'm sure you intended to die.
  9. (clears throat) That still leaves the question of why the Mafia would want you dead in the first place. The mafia lose if they all die, and killing one of their own would be counterproductive. However you just sealed your fate by admitting to being Mafia. And yet I doubt the Mafia attempted to betray you, because as I said, that would be counterproductive. That leads me to only one conclusion: You've accepted your fate but are leaving a false trail in the hopes you can leave a legacy that will ensure the victory of the Mafia. Of course, I could be missing something here. Everyone misses something. But at the moment I believe the best way to start would be to hang you, and let the Detective investigate the names you put forth. I urge the rest of the town to vote the same way. Thank you all for your time.
  10. It's just that one of the names you spilled voted against you. Why would the mafia vote against themselves? Well, now they'd have reason, if you really did spill the names of mafia, but he voted against you way earlier.
  11. Holy crap, he just admitted to being Mafia. So then my thoughts last night that made me think he was mafia were correct... Didn't think anyone would admit to being Mafia before dying though. Jawdropped IRL. EDIT: Wait, what? Now you're saying Peanut is Mafia? But he voted against you...which means this would appear to be a trick to lead others off the trails of the other Mafia.
  12. In 48 hours from JL's scene 1 post (in other words, sometime tomorrow), whoever has the most votes is hanged.
  13. Your name's not on the list, so I guess not.
  14. You already voted for JXZAW. But I find it highly unlikely that you were sent a PM by a Mafia. As Coldfreeze noted, it would be rather strange for the Mafia to panic so early in the game.
  15. Impeach the riddle master...

  16. (facewall) Caboose...

    1. Vaulting♥Frog


      You do realize that once you won the riddle contest you still can participate right? Nothing in the rules says you cant


    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Wait, what? Are you sure? I thought you can't participate after you win once. At least that's how the guy before me made it seem.

  17. Oh no, not another Caboose riddle.

  18. I didn't say it was to that level. Maybe it has something to do with how certain words will cause a different mental image in every reader's mind. I'm fairly certain it would be at least a 1h30m long movie. Since I didn't write any scenes that had no purpose other than comedy, that naturally would cut down on the length.
  19. The novelizations have extra things that weren't in the movie though. I meant, if this was made into a movie with nothing omitted.
  20. I'm fairly sure it would be if someone were to animate/act the whole thing. I wrote the story by visualizing stuff in my head and transcribing it, and each (average) chapter's visuals played out in 10-15 minutes. With 12 chapters, it would add up to about a movie's length, maybe a bit shorter than the first three films.
  21. It was only meant to be about one movie long.
  22. Transformers: Extinction is now finished.

  23. Epilogue. --- Optimus pulled his sword from Galvatron's body. It slumped down on the ground, lifeless once again. He walked to the main battlefield, now devoid of any combat. The Autobots, Sam, and NEST forces stood together, surrounded by Decepticons they had laid back to rest. Ratchet looked at Roadbuster, who was staring at what remained of Topspin. Sam, Lennox, and Optimus exchanged nods. Though we lost many, we gained much as well. We had never forsaken the humans, and in turn, they have not forsaken us. Sam stood in yet another base, waiting to see what would happen. He felt a tap on his shoulder from someone behind him, then looked at it. A NEST badge was now on his combat uniform, and when he turned around, he saw Lennox. Though perhaps we will always have enemies... The bodies of the Decepticons were loaded onto C-17s. Sam later passed by a room in the base with only the weapons taken from the corpses inside. On a screen he saw the corpses in a metal room, being crushed between two walls, and smiled. So too will we always have friends and trusted allies, who we will face them beside. Outside the base, Ratchet shot Dino with his repair ray for a few seconds, then transformed it back into a hand and gave him the thumbs-up. Optimus levitated the Matrix in front of himself for a few seconds before grasping it in his hand and looking to the sky. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We...are home.
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