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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. Ah, the Hologram Teabag. Saves you some trouble, and even makes them angrily attack the hologram rather than you.
  2. Ok, chapter 5 time. --- Cyclonus flew toward the soldiers and Autobots, firing at them as he advanced. "Dino, block it! Wreckers, back up to aim and fire!" Sideswipe jumped out of the firing line, grabbing Lennox and the soldier right next to him. He shifted his body around, placing his wheels on the ground first, then fully compressed himself into vehicle mode with the two soldiers in his seats. "Drive!" Lennox opened fire as Sideswipe drove out of Cyclonus' firing line, hitting him with high-heat rounds. Unfortunately, against the more compact armor of a vehicle mode, they seemed to do little. Dino's wrist blades were nowhere to be seen, instead replaced by two large, light gray chunks of metal. He launched them from his wrists, and they landed directly in front of him, connecting together and rising up into a shield. When Sideswipe circled around to get behind the shield, Cyclonus' shots bounced off of it. "Let's get some!" Topspin backflipped, transforming and landing as a heavily armed version of a NASCAR racer, then reversed while firing on Cyclonus with more machine guns than the airborne Hunter could count. He prepared to match his firepower to that of the Wrecker, but changed his mind when he was fired on by Roadbuster and Leadfoot as well. He locked on a missile to each of them, fired, and did a barrel roll to get out of their lines of fire. Sideswipe transformed and ejected the soldiers, shooting each missile in midair to blow it up before it could reach the Wreckers. "Don't let up, keep firing!" Lennox looked up just in time to see Cyclonus' barrel roll. He noticed small sparks fly from on the jet nose, as if metal was scraping against metal--before the Wreckers readjusted their aim. "He's got a rider!" Lugnut phased into view as he leapt off Cyclonus, who did another barrel roll and transformed in midair. Lugnut, however, fell rapidly and fired a series of missiles. "Damn!" Dino rolled aside, transforming into stealth force mode, then shot Lugnut while he was in midair. Lugnut roared, then landed and started firing on soldiers. Roadbuster, from his angle, could make out a grin on the Hunter's face. He had anticipated the Autobots' reactions. Sideswipe, as expected, rushed at Lugnut--and was shot off his feet with a gatling gun from Scourge's chest. "He's behind us," a Scottish voice yelled. Roadbuster transformed and fired missiles from his shoulders at Scourge, who, he realized, had gotten behind them during all the chaos. Lennox fired his grenade launcher at Lugnut, knocking the Hunter over. "Plant boom sticks!" He ran at him, pulling out a spiked object of Cybertronian design, resembling a stick with a green glowing midsection, and planted it in his foot. Several soldiers followed suit, planting them in his legs and arms. Forcefully, Lugnut got up, smacking a soldier out of his way and to his death. "Raaaaah!" Cyclonus landed on his feet and one chainsaw, rather than a hand. He jumped over the shield Dino planted and slashed at the red Autobot. "New tricks won't save you!" "They won't help you live either, cazzo." Dino's blades suddenly ejected from his back, and he swiftly grabbed one to block the slash. "Haha!" He pulled the other one and threw it at Cyclonus' chest. Cyclonus grunted, moving to the side with the force of Dino pushing against his chainsaw. He could not evade the blade entirely, however, and it landed in his shoulder. "Gaah!" Dino jammed his wrist rifle into Cyclonus' nose and fired, knocking him back. To his surprise, the Hunter was tough enough to take that hit, and came right at him again. "Argh!" He whirled his blade around, blocking slashes from both Cyclonus' chainsaws and looking for an opportunity to strike. Scourge jumped aside, but the missiles were still on course to hit him. They were tracking missiles. He stood perfectly still, shifting his armor in front of him to take the hit. No sooner had Roadbuster grinned than Scourge shifted his armor panels around again, skillfully causing each missile to slip between his plates, failing to strike him. He finished by transforming into Stryker mode and shooting Roadbuster in so many places that the areas shot outnumbered the missiles. The missiles then changed direction and impacted him, but the compact armor of vehicle mode, as it had for Cyclonus, kept him nearly undamaged. "You mess with one, you mess with all, ya nancy ******!" Leadfoot and Topspin drove right by Scourge at full speed, one on each side, and transformed when they got behind him. Topspin jumped on Scourge, tearing guns off with his large claws. When Scourge transformed and threw him off, he was immediately fired on by Leadfoot. Roadbuster began to get up, laughing. No one could wreck the Wreckers. --- Optimus' right arm, at least the part from shoulder to elbow, swung downward. The wrist of his severed right forearm still hung on the wall, as did the rest of him. "Gaaaaah...." "Where is the Matrix?! I won't hesitate to cut off all your limbs. Even if you slip off that wall once every body part bound to it is gone, you won't be able to face me when you can neither stand nor fight! Give it up!" "No, Lockdown...I will guard it...with..my..life." "Then you will lose your life," Lockdown snarled, clearly losing his patience. "If I..give it to you, I will lose my life regardless. And...I don't care. Even..if I...die, others..can stop you. You...number...only...four." "And you defeated larger forces than your own many times, Prime!" Lockdown slammed the buzzsaw into Optimus' right shoulder, cutting the rest of his right arm off. "Aaaargh!" The pain was familiar, making it a bit easier to bear. He had lost that arm before, after all, at the hands of his former mentor. --- Sideswipe got up. To his left, Dino was facing off against Cyclonus. To his right, the Wreckers were ganging up on Scourge. "Dino, hang on!" He transformed, driving full speed to Dino's shield, then transformed again, slamming his hands into the back of the shield. It began to shift around, and he flipped over it as he did so, rotating the shield itself while it transformed into a massive stationary turret. "Knock knock!" Dino leapt back as the turret churned out powerful rounds of Cybertronian metal, forged from the recycled parts of dead Decepticons. They slammed into Cyclonus, knocking his right leg off at the knee. They continued to smash into him, tearing chunks of armor off until it ran out of ammo. "Not enough in there, Autobot?" Cyclonus pulled back the panels on his arm, along with his entire hand, exposing a machine gun. He shot Sideswipe off the turret, then turned it towards Dino's direction--which was no longer the correct place to aim. Dino transformed from right under Cyclonus, knocking him down with ease now that he lacked part of a leg, then pulled the blade from his shoulder. Just as he prepared to stab him in the chest with it, a boom stick slammed into his arm. "Gah!" Lugnut hurled another boom stick at Dino, missing him narrowly. He threw two more, hitting Sideswipe with one as he got up. "Maybe thirty second timers were too long, sir!" A NEST soldier fired on Lugnut, but that did little to impede his progress. Lugnut responded by blowing him sky high with one missile, then tossing boom sticks into the crowd of soldiers. He now had only three boom sticks left in him, stuffed into his left thigh. What to do with them... He immediately caught the sight of the Wreckers tearing pieces of armor from Scourge as he attempted to shift them around, and hitting him with them. Scourge, judging by his constant stumbling and roaring, was not doing too well. Lugnut hurled a boom stick with absolute accuracy, hitting Roadbuster in the back. "HOY!" Roadbuster whirled around to shoot Lugnut, but then saw a boom stick halfway to Topspin flying by. He tried to adjust his aim to shoot it, but before he could do so, the one in his back detonated, throwing his aim off and causing him to fall. "Aaaaigh!" He transformed just as the other boom stick impaled Topspin in the shoulder. Meanwhile, boom sticks were blowing up among the soldiers, killing several of them. The final boomstick he threw hit its mark better than he ever could have hoped. No sound came from Leadfoot's mouth, blocked out by a boomstick impaling him in the chest. It blew up just as Topspin's did--so fast he scarcely had time to realize what exactly exposed his sparkchamber. Scourge got up, grabbed the dying Wrecker, and finished the job by tearing him to pieces. With each rip, he forcefully threw a piece at Topspin, knocking him down and bashing him repeatedly. Roadbuster, however, was driving straight at Lugnut, shooting him, but then stopped as he saw one more boomstick, something he did not want to drive into. It was in Lennox's hand, and in one more second, in Lugnut's foot. The Hunter grunted with pain, then looked at his foot, seeing Lennox dive away. BOOM. He fell on his back, then got up immediately. One boomstick would do little to him. "Grraaaah...." He prepared to shoot Lennox, but then turned around when he heard an explosion. Ratchet had been holding the weapon given to Sideswipe at the base earlier, one designed to fire a larger version of a Javelin missile in a straight line. He transformed and drove through the hole he had created, straight into Lockdown's ship. --- Lockdown kicked aside Optimus' severed upper arm. "You disgust me, Prime. You hold so strongly to your convictions, so strongly that you can bear such pain, for the wrong reasons! That you can draw such will from such a flawed, pathetic philosophy is appalling!" A low-pitched, but loud beep resounded twice through the room. Lockdown tossed the buzzsaw aside. "So...one of your Autobots has breached the ship's hull. It appears you'll soon have company, Prime!" Lockdown walked towards the door, which opened automatically. "And if you won't give me the Matrix's location to spare yourself pain or loss...perhaps you'll give it to me to spare his life." As the door closed, Optimus held in a yell of rage. If he had yelled audibly, as he very well knew, Lockdown would know for sure that holding one of his allies, one of his friends hostage, would work. --- Sam wandered the base again, passing several rooms. In one room, Decepticon corpses were being melted down to create weapons. In another, their weapons were being studied. He didn't know where the corpses not currently being used were, though, and he knew that he would get no good answer if he asked. The Autobots were out facing those Hunters, the ones who killed Bumblebee, and he was stuck in the base, told once again by the government to do nothing. The last time this happened, he went out and did some work on his own. He walked to the exit, but was stopped by an armed guard. "Witwicky, get back inside." "What the hell for?!" "Orders from higher up, and honestly," the guard responded, "I agree with them. They don't want you to go out and do something stupid." "What? The last time I went out and did stuff on my own, it worked out! We found out what they were up to!" "Yeah. And that's why they think you'll start getting big ideas again. But this time, one of your friends died. You go out there with a big idea, you'll do something stupid. Get back in there. Now." "Rrrrrgh!" Sam turned and stormed back into the base, just resuming his pacing of the halls. Ok. Why would they want to capture Optimus? --- Bullets from Autobot and soldier alike struck the Hunters, backing them into one spot. Lugnut started pumping blue liquid through his tubes again. "He's gonna go invis! Shoot the pipes!" Lennox yelled. A soldier shot a pipe repeatedly, causing the blue liquid to spill out. Parts of Lugnut turned invisible, others did not. A whole network of pipes was revealed inside his body, and the spilled liquid started to turn parts of Cyclonus and Scourge invisible as well. Partial invisibility did not help much, however, as the Autobots and soldiers demonstrated. Scourge yelled in Cybertronian, but with four Cybertronians present, that was little good. Sideswipe shot Scourge in the face, blowing armor panels off. "He's trying to retreat! Cut them off!" Dino flipped over the three Hunters, landing behind them, then shot Scourge in the back. Cyclonus turned and launched a chainsaw right off his arm, tearing Dino's off. Lugnut put his hand to his ear, but said nothing. He transformed and drove away as fast as he could, gunfire on his tail. Scourge followed suit, but his tank mode was incomplete with all the armor pieces torn off by the Wreckers. Cyclonus attempted to fly away, but Roadbuster jumped on him and jerked him to the side, causing him to slam into Lugnut. "Yer not getting away that easy! I'm gonna kill you fer what you did!" He jumped off as the two Hunters transformed, but he was shot away before he could land as intended. "Aargh!" "After them!" Sideswipe transformed into stealth force mode, Topspin at his side, and they fired on Scourge. --- Lockdown drove through the halls of his ship towards the breach zone. By the time he got there, no Autobot was in sight. Evidently, whoever broke in had gone through a few doors already. He laughed and transformed into robot mode, then opened a door. "You can't hide from me in my own ship, Auto--" He was interrupted by his comm channel opening and the sound of gunfire through it. No words directly from Lugnut came in, as those would be too obvious, but he knew well enough what the point was. The Hunters were losing, and they would die if he did not step in. It would take the Autobot some time to find the room Optimus was in and free him...there was still time to get to the scene of the battle and save his team. He transformed again and drove out. The next thing Roadbuster saw was a black Freightliner Argosy, bristling with weapons, driving in. "Lockdown's back!" Lennox immediately looked in his direction, then spotted Lockdown driving in nearby. "Lockdown?! Concentrate your fire!" Sideswipe and Topspin caught up to the rest of the Autobots, with soldiers following behind. In Stealth Force mode, he and Dino shot Lockdown alongside Roadbuster and Topspin. Lockdown drove straight through their fire, taking some damage, but dishing out far more. His machine guns knocked off several of those used by the two remaining Wreckers, and his missiles locked on to all four Autobots. He slowed to a halt and transformed slowly, almost leisurely, as the missiles flipped the four Autobots and sent chunks of their armor flying. He activated a cannon on each shoulder, evidence that he had easily been able to replace the one cut off by Optimus Prime in their last battle. Before he could fire, he hear a high-pitched triple beep inside his head. "Scourge! Get back in the ship! Optimus Prime has escaped!" Lugnut forcefully pulled Cyclonus up. "Get to the repair bay through the hangar you came out of!" He watched Cyclonus transform and retreat to the ship, then extended a sword from each wrist. Without his pipes intact, he couldn't turn fully invisible, but he did have one idea. He grabbed the pipe that had been damaged and tore it loose, then started pumping blue liquid through it, spilling it onto each sword. --- Optimus ran through the halls of the ship as Ratchet drove alongside him in Stealth Force mode. Ratchet suddenly stopped, then transformed, ejecting the two halves of Optimus' severed arm that were stored inside his vehicle mode. "Wait. Are you even carrying weapons?" "None. We can get replacements back at base, provided my replacement trailer has been finished." "First we'll have to get back to base." Ratchet transformed again, placing the arm halves back inside. He drove onward, followed by Optimus. "This is the way I got in." Optimus suddenly put his foot in front of Ratchet. "Wait." Metal footsteps were coming from around the next corner. Optimus let out a yell, rushing forward and punching the approaching robot in the face with his left arm. "GAAAAH!" Scourge stumbled back, then transformed his hand into a mace. He launched it from his arm on a chain, then swung with a roar. Optimus caught the chain, but the ball of the mace struck his arm, causing him to lose his grip. Scourge swung again, bashing the Autobot leader hard enough to make him slam into the wall to his right. The mace transformed back into a hand, which grabbed him and reeled him into a hard kick to the stomach. "Aaaargh....hyaaahr!" Optimus stood up, kicked Scourge back, then grabbed the chain and pulled it. He swung the Hunter around, sending him past the corner. "Ratchet, fire!" Scourge was met with a barrage of machine gun fire, which he promptly blocked by shifting around his remaining armor panels and rushing at Optimus again. He swung a punch at Optimus' face. Optimus transformed to reduce his height and avoid the punch, then rammed Scourge full speed, shoving him back into Ratchet's line of fire. He transformed and stomped on Scourge's foot to prevent him from getting away. A spiked knuckle cover extended from his wrist then lowered over his fist. He slammed his fist right into Scourge's chest, breaking his sparkchamber. Ratchet transformed, ejecting the arms again. "I thought you had no weapons!" "In case anyone was listening in, I pretended to have none." He pulled his fist out of Scourge, letting him drop to the ground. Ratchet approached Scourge, looking into his flickering eyes and activating his wrist buzzsaw. "Don't worry, I'm an emergency vehicle!" He slammed his buzzsaw into Scourge's neck, severing his head. "Can't take the risk. They might have had the resources to repair him after even that." "Agreed." Optimus transformed, followed by Ratchet. Meanwhile, Cyclonus walked to a control panel with a new leg. He pushed a button and started viewing the security cameras. --- Dino rushed at Lockdown with both blades, but was tripped by machine gun fire from the Hunter leader's chest, then bashed aside by his whip. Roadbuster and Topspin both took the full force of shots from Lockdown's shoulder cannons. Sideswipe rushed at Lockdown, firing his twin shotguns. Lockdown stumbled back slightly, but then fired on him. Sideswipe flipped over the gunshots, then landed. While he was flipping, he had seen Lugnut approaching behind him, and turned so he could see both Lugnut and Lockdown. He shot at both, causing Lugnut to stumble more than Lockdown, but then found that the shotgun aimed at Lugnut was cut in half. What-- Lockdown aimed at Sideswipe, but was interrupted yet again by a transmission. "What is it?!" Cyclonus answered, "Lockdown! Scourge is dead!" Lockdown snarled and transformed, driving full speed back to the ship. "Lock all the exits! I want the only way they can go to be towards the breach area!" As Lockdown left, Sideswipe faced off against Lugnut alone. Lugnut's arm swung towards him, but it wasn't long enough to hit him. In a split second, Sideswipe reacted by swinging his sword at the air in front of Lugnut's arm, coming into contact with a solid but invisible object. His suspicion, aroused by his gun being sliced in half, was confirmed. Lugnut had invisible swords. Metal clashed against what seemed to be simply air. Shallow cuts began to appear in Sideswipe's armor, as his estimation of the swords' dimensions was bound to be imperfect. "Damn it!" He did his best to parry and counterattack, dueling a foe whose weapons he could not see.
  3. Oh, cool, there I am. Short but suspenseful, I wonder what will happen next, seeing as I very well may be the next target.
  4. All right, all right, I'll see if I can get a chapter in after school. Yeah, it still fits the title Age of Extinction, so I had to modify it just to give it a distinct enough title. I also changed Lockdown's alternate mode.
  5. Just saw Thor 2, it was great. The whole Loki thing confused everyone who was watching except me.

  6. I don't have a girlfriend, and if I did I'd be in a tight spot because I don't have money to get her anything.
  7. No rule against triple posting either, I guess. Here's Chapter 4. --- "What happened to him?" Lennox looked Sam in the eye. Sam took a few seconds to force the answer out. "This...happened." He opened Ratchet's back doors and showed Lennox the spherical blue piece that once held Bumblebee's spark. "Optimus can't revive him like this." "Do you have all his parts?" "Of course not! They're all over the place, he blew up!" "Hey!" Lennox grabbed Sam by the collar of his shirt. "I'm trying to help! Now get your head straight!" He released him, giving him a shove to make his point. "Yes, sir..." Sam immediately thought of revenge, but with the strength of those Hunters, it wouldn't be that easy. "I think we need to bring in the Wreckers again. Sir." "Yeah, I'll try and get that cleared, we're way understaffed here. Have Ratchet deliver the Bumblebee parts he does have to the research area. Sideswipe, Dino, go tell the Wreckers to get prepped in case I can get their deployment approved. Sam, cool your head and I'll pull some strings to get you approved to work with NEST." "Their leader didn't say they were Decepticons, sir. He said they were Hunters." Sam's expression changed again. "Wait, work with NEST? Not join NEST?" "Be happy with what you got, you didn't take SF training and you're still a Private. You're lucky to get that at all. I know you saved the world twice and helped once, but that's the only reason you even have a chance to get approved for something special." "Yes sir." Unbelievable. The guy tells me I'm a soldier the first time the Decepticons attack, then when I actually am a soldier I'm treated like less of one. --- "The Decepticons would not change their ways, Lockdown. I tried. For thousands of years." Optimus remembered the early days of the war. Even presented with many chances to kill Decepticons, even with his blade to Starscream's neck, he tried to avoid it as best he could. But time and Megatron's relentless pursuit of power resulted in the best he could not being enough. It had become clear with the death of Sentinel Prime all those years ago that the Decepticons could never be redeemed. And while Sentinel had proven to be an enemy upon his revival, back then, neither Optimus nor the Decepticon responsible knew it. The Decepticons had killed him fully believing him to be what Optimus had thought he was. "But then you killed. And your excuses will not change that." "Your forces killed as well. Bumblebee is dead! You intend to bring all the Autobots extinction, Lockdown. How does that not constitute killing?" "It does. But you, Optimus, you do the same as I, the same as Megatron, and yet claim you are better than we are. Your actions caused the destruction of Cybertron in its entirety, and you dare to call yourselves good! I kill, Optimus Prime, but you do as well. And your crime is not the act itself, but your justification of it." "You attempt to justify your killing by saying we deserve it. That is the same as we do." "No, Prime. I don't justify it. I give my reason, and accept that it is not just. But I don't care about right and wrong. I care about profit. And that is the difference between you and I." Lockdown grabbed a metal bar somewhat resembling one of Sentinel Prime's Pillars. Its tips rotated and opened as he held it in his hand, then it extended into a staff. At the tip of it, metal pieces slid up forming a vague claw shape. Blue energy coursed through its blades. Raw, unbridled energon... "What could you gain from killing us?" "Now that, I can't tell you." Lockdown spun the staff in his hand. "But there is something you can tell me." Without even asking a question yet, Lockdown gave Optimus a taste of the staff's torturing capabilities. As soon as the blades met Optimus' stomach, he was burned from head to toe with lightning-like Energon. "Aaaaahhhhhrrrrrggggh.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" --- Sam paced the rooms of the base. Through a window he saw some people fiddling around with parts of Bumblebee. He violently swung around and walked briskly towards the door, but stopped when he saw Ratchet helping them. Maybe they were trying to repair him so Optimus could use the Matrix to bring him back. A part of him didn't want to ask what they were doing, in case the answer disappointed him. That part evidently got the upper hand, as Sam turned and walked away. Still, even if they did get him back in one piece, they'd have to free Optimus first. What if they killed him...could I still find a way to revive him again? No, they wouldn't kill him. Otherwise why bother capturing him? But why would they want to captu-- "Sam!" Lennox called him from the other side of the room. "Got good news and bad news." Sam ran over to him as fast as he could, anxious. "What is it, sir?" "We got the Wreckers approved for redeployment, they're also giving Sideswipe and Dino some new weapons. Once that's done they'll get on the Autobot transport plane and head out." "Head out where?" "Lockdown's in a ship. Pretty hard to hide something like that." "So..what's the bad news?" "You've been denied on working with NEST. They wouldn't let you in, you have no military combat experience." Sam's face began to turn red with anger. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa, what?! I have no experience--I have experience, 3 friggin' times. I have more experience than half the guys in your unit, that's how long I've been mixed up in this business! What the hell are they saying, I have no experience?! Tell them--" "Sam!" Lennox cut him off by sheer shock, with the volume of his speech. "No military combat experience. And if it was up to me, you could come, but it's not. So sit back and do what you do best!" "And what's that supposed to be?" "Whatever you can, with whatever you've got." Lennox turned and left. I guess that's what I always did... --- Optimus groaned, with a charred hole a half-inch deep in his stomach. Still, he had been through worse. He had been through death. He would not answer. "Don't assume this is the most painful device at my disposal, Prime! Where is the Matrix of Leadership?!" Optimus spat a small chunk of metal at Lockdown's face, narrowly missing his eye. "Even...if you get it...it will turn to dust...if touched by one who is unworthy.." "No, Prime. If it is touched by one who does not exhibit the traits it seeks out. Worthy is a matter of perspective, and while it will of course reject me, I need not touch it. I know all too well how to levitate it." Optimus remembered the day he revived Sentinel, believing him to still be a trusted friend. He had offered him the Matrix, levitating it to him. Sentinel caught it by levitation as well, never once touching it. If he had touched it, it would have turned to dust, revealing his betrayal, and re-formed only when touched by one worthy of it. And Lockdown planned to keep it in one piece by doing the same. "Why...do you..need it?" "As I told you...I cannot tell you that." Lockdown sent a transmission in Cybertronian to someone in the next room. "Yes, sir," Scourge responded, "Cyclonus is doing that now." "Good." High above the ground Lockdown's ship rested on, Cyclonus was flying towards a U.S. military satellite. The last Cybertronian to hack into one had never been detected, even after leaving it, and as a result no countermeasures against future hackings were ever taken. He transformed, planted a device, then descended again to Earth. Transforming again, he flew back to the ship. The device he left behind was small and circular in nature, but it soon opened up, revealing many wires. The wires hooked into the satellite from all angles, going around it, on it, and even deep inside it. Soon, everything the satellite could access was being uploaded into Lockdown's ship. Optimus continued to stare at Lockdown, refusing to speak a word that could help Lockdown find the Matrix. Megatron had once deceived Optimus into using the Matrix to revive Sentinel for him, but it seemed no one outside the Autobots and their human allies actually knew where he kept it. And since Optimus would not fall for the same deception twice, Lockdown would need to force him to reveal it...an impossible task. "Enough of this..." Lockdown tossed aside the staff, then grabbed another device from the wall. The device unfolded in a circular motion, then began to spin--a buzz saw. "If pain will not force the answer from you, then loss will. I will rip you limb from limb, Prime, until you tell me where the Matrix hides!" Sparks flew as he shoved the saw on Optimus' right elbow, intending to start by removing his forearm. Cyclonus burst into the room. "Lockdown! The satellite is still downloading access codes for the file we need to access, but it has given us insight into the human military's communications. They're coming, with Autobots, at this very moment." He didn't seem worried, but excited. Lockdown grinned. "As I thought. Though if it's as you say..." Lockdown looked at Optimus menacingly. "If the humans truly do work with the Autobots when we have not attacked them yet, then they are equally guilty. Extinction will be theirs to bear as well." Cyclonus activated his chainsaws. "Perfect." He left the room. Optimus could hear him yelling for Scourge and Lugnut to get ready for battle. Outside Lockdown's ship, the Autobot transport plan dropped off Sideswipe, Dino, Topspin, Roadbuster, Leadfoot, Ratchet, and a platoon of NEST soldiers led by Lennox. "All right, we take out anyone he sends at us, find a way inside, and rescue Optimus! Hooah?" Loud yells of "Hooah" erupted from the entire platoon, and even the Wreckers. "Here they come!"
  8. Oh. Well, it's still an easy guess who.
  9. No...he wasn't in the game. The game was a prequel to the movie.
  10. The post you just made also had typos.
  11. That'll get you killed in Halo. But I guess I can make a gamertag suggestion based on it. FaceMe117
  12. Mark 6 new-Awesome looking helmet all around, my favorite helmet in Halo 4 hands down. Warrior-A bit strange looking, but not outright bad. Decent enough to work with. Scout-Very easily gives off the Spartan feeling, looks fast and sharp. Recon-Also gives off the Spartan feeling, and is probably my third favorite helmet in Halo 4. Rogue-Looks fairly deadly and doesn't have any of the ugly bits plaguing most of the helmets in Halo 4. Very nice helmet. Recruit-Looks like a more blocky ODST helmet. While an ODST helmet still looks better, this is still decent. Mark 6-Second favorite helmet in Halo 4. Very little change here from past games, as expected, and I loved the way it looked in past games.
  13. Things are getting interesting in this forum metrupolis. The part with Elite Sniper was hilarious. But the interrogation scene at the end, that was really interesting. My guess would be the prisoner is Arbidder, but, obviously I can't be sure. Thanks for the shout-out, by the way. Hopefully I haven't been doing more of "what NOT to do."
  14. It's actually "dark of the moon" and yes. The prequel video game to the movie, but yes. But who said it? (Now I think this is the easy part)
  15. Should I do the next chapter of Transformers: Extinction tomorrow, or wait for feedback so I know what to improve on?

  16. On another site I used to make comics. When I started a serious comic series, I needed a name for the main character. Being a Transformers fan, I had already decided his name would end in Prime (though the meaning of Prime in that comic's story was quite different from its meaning in Transformers) but I needed something else, something original, that could complete the name. My name starts with A in real life, so I decided to give him a name that also started with A. I first thought of Axilos, then decided it looked better as Axilus. So, the character Axilus Prime was created, and I changed my name on that site to that as well. (It was quite common for comic makers on that site to have the same name as the main character in their comics.) Axilus Prime has been my username on every site I've joined since that day, and it's even been my new email address. So, naturally, when the time came to create a gamertag, I had that name ready. Thankfully it's a name no one else has ever used on the internet pretty much anywhere. (No, really, if you google it everything that shows up relates to me in the general results section, and in the images section the first few things that pop up are all from this site.)
  17. Uh...two questions. What are those things, and why is your Skype name so...well you know.
  18. Batman, again, this time in Batman Begins. "Earth and its resources will soon be mine."
  19. Halo 4, said the by the Didact. I wouldn't use Halo quotes on this site...they're too easy. "Well that's my secret. I'm always angry."
  20. Ron's mother said it. "You were the one who taught me freedom is everyone's right."
  21. The only clans I've seen have been getting into feuds. You can still add plenty of people on here as friends on Xbox Live, myself included. Just don't expect me to accept right away, the internet at my house is down and I have no Gold.
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