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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. And here's chapter 3. No one commented on the last one, but there was no rule against double posting, so...here it is. --- Optimus needed not give any command. At Lockdown's order to attack, Dino jumped back, fired his wrist-mounted rifle, and landed in vehicle mode. The faceplated Hunter swiveled around metal plates over his face, blocking the shot, then flicked his hand back at the wrist, causing a missile to extend from within his forearm and launch. The Autobot Ferrari drove directly sideways, turning all four of his wheels that way and extending weapons from his vehicle mode. Stealth Force mode, as the late Que had dubbed it, had proven to be a valuable asset once again. He returned fire with machine guns, but the Hunter before him seemed not to care. The jet Hunter lunged at Sideswipe with the chainsaw on his left arm. No sooner had Sideswipe ducked than this particular Hunter swung his right arm at him. The chainsaw tore up metal plating, sending up sparks and knocking the Autobot back. Sideswipe rotated the wheels serving as his feet to avoid falling over, simply skating back with the force of the blow. He fired his twin shotguns simultaneously. The jet Hunter roared in pain, but wasted no time in shooting Sideswipe with a high-powered rifle mounted on his shoulder. As the gun reloaded itself, Sideswipe grabbed the wound on his right shoulder with his hand. When he recovered from the shock, two chainsaws were coming down on him. Clang! Sparks flew once again as the rotating blades of the chainsaws strained against the swords Sideswipe blocked with. "Come on, tough guy!" He nearly gave way, but fired a relatively weak shoulder gun at the Hunter's face to maintain the balance. Optimus ran straight at Lockdown, swinging his shield at an incoming missile. Flames and shrapnel slid off the shield as he shoved them aside, then fired his gun. Lockdown stumbled from the shots, then swung his whip, wrenching the gun from Optimus and hurling it aside, then fired his shoulder cannon at the Autobot leader. "Gaaah!" Optimus fell, but then blocked the subsequent shots with his shield, pulled out a smaller gun, and shot Lockdown in the face. Using the distraction, he transformed and drove for his larger gun. "It won't be so easy, Prime!" Lockdown wiped shrapnel from his face with his hand, then transformed his face into a gun and shot in Optimus' path. Instead of driving straight into the shot, Optimus activated his Stealth Force mode as well, strafe-driving and firing a well-aimed missile at Lockdown. Lockdown effortlessly destroyed the missile mid-flight with a single one of the machine guns on his chest, but the shot had served its purpose. Optimus once again had his large gun and was firing. "Nor will it be for you, Lockdown!" Lockdown jumped aside and flipped large chunks of his body around. When he landed, three legs struck the ground and a massive cannon had taken aim. "Yet still easier than for you, I fear..." Optimus had been quick enough to raise his shield in front of his head, crouching to conceal as much of his body behind it as he could--but that did him no good when the shot fired by Lockdown's cannon mode destroyed the shield utterly. Optimus was sent sliding back, tearing up the road as he strained to stop himself. --- It was an odd day for Bumblebee. His day had started normally enough. Hanging out with Sam, serving as his transport, occasionally getting a call from the other Autobots. It had been a time more peaceful than past years. And yet, now, he lay on the side of the road, his mask smashed, parts of it penetrating his face, dangerously close to his eye. His radio broken, he could not communicate effectively by word or recording. But in all the gunfire, all the yells of pain and rage, he had to do his part again. He was an Autobot, no matter how injured, and would act as one. He managed to force a missile launcher from his left shoulder, which in the process of doing, he realized was missing a door. -krrzzzt- The act of firing hurt. The missile flew from his shoulder and slammed straight into the large tank Hunter's back, where plates had been moved aside to cover the front. "GRAAAAH!" The Hunter whirled around to fire, but Dino drove full speed into his heels, transformed, and slammed his blades into the Hunter's back. "Now, stronzo, try to keep your mind on the fight!" Dino ducked to avoid an elbow swing from the large Hunter, extending his blades on metal cords attached to his wrists. "Come here, cazzo, try to get me!" He jumped to the left, sliding on his feet across the road and pulling the tank Hunter with him. "Gracia, Bumblebee!" Ratchet, holding a pile of important parts he gathered from the road, ran to Bumblebee to attempt to place them back where they belonged. "Hang in there, B--" The parts dropped from his arms and he fell over, with a huge sparking, flaming dent in his back. A blur standing over Ratchet phased into view: the third Hunter. Tubes running from his back over his shoulders and into the holes in his chest where the grills of his vehicle mode pumped blue fluid a few seconds longer, then ran dry. He raised his mace... Bumblebee fired off another missile, striking the Hunter in the back. He responded by transforming into a black Lamborghini Aventador, activating Stealth Force mode, and turning around. "One missile for me...five for you." Missiles flew from the hood area of his vehicle mode, straight at the immobile Autobot. The first thing Ratchet saw when he looked up was the sight of his longtime comrade...blowing apart into hundreds of pieces. --- Optimus drove full speed in truck mode, swerving around at random moments to prevent Lockdown from aiming. Come on...face me... The front legs of Lockdown's turret mode slammed together, and the turret broke apart. Pieces swung around and clicked into place, forming a Freightliner Argosy semi truck, which promptly drove after Optimus. Optimus saw Lockdown coming at him and started to transform just as he got crashed into--exactly as he wanted to. Lockdown transformed and was immediately met with a punch to the face. "Hyaaaaah!" Optimus grabbed him by the neck and shoved him to the ground. "What are you here for?!" Instead of words, Lockdown answered by activating his shoulder cannon. Optimus wasted no time, launching his sword from his wrist. He caught it in his hand and cut the shoulder cannon off entirely. "Answer me!" Lockdown transformed his face into a cannon yet again. "Hear the words of my mouth!" He fired, blasting Optimus off and shattering his faceplate, then got up, transformed his head back, and swung his whip. Optimus drew his axe and caught the whip on it, then pulled the axe back. With the whip around the axe, Lockdown was pulled in close and slashed across the face. "GAAAAH!" Lockdown grabbed his eye and retracted his whip, flinging Optimus' axe to the side. When he removed his hand, it revealed a burning orange scratch across his face and left eye, followed by the eye falling out. "I see...you wanted me up close." He flipped back, transforming into Stealth Force mode, and shot Optimus relentlessly. Optimus yelled in pain, stumbling back, dropping his sword, attempting to transform, and falling over before he could do so. "I was turned against you, Optimus, not by Megatron's force, but by my own will. After all...Megatron could never force me or mine to obey without question." Lockdown transformed into turret mode and fired straight into Optimus' abdomen, finally knocking him fully to the ground. The Autobot leader lay motionless and groaned. "Scourge, Cyclonus, Lugnut! This battle is over! Get Prime on board!" Scourge, now free of Dino's blades, transformed into Stryker mode and drove full speed back to the ship. Though several meters from the door of the hovering spacecraft, he was pulled in by some invisible force, and the door closed behind him. Cyclonus leapt into the air, kicking Sideswipe away and transforming into F-35 mode. He soared across the skies, providing cover fire. "Get down!" Sideswipe pulled Ratchet away from Cyclonus' airstrike, and Dino drove away. Ratchet shoved Sideswipe off. "Wait! Optimus is--" Ratchet had been too late. Lugnut stood over Optimus, pumping the blue liquid through his tubes again, and soon became invisible. When he picked Optimus off the ground, he too faded out of view. Lockdown fired his remaining shoulder cannon, flipping Dino and sending him flying. "We'll return, Autobots! I promise you that. And I stand by my word." And with that, he transformed into truck mode and drove back toward his ship. --- Optimus awoke in a dark room, the design of which resembled the interior of most Cybertronian ships. Gray metal all around. Various shapes formed by the pieces of the ship's walls and systems. It would have reminded him of the second Ark, the ship he first left Cybertron in, had he not been hanging upside down from the ceiling. His weapons gone, he had no way to escape. "Aiigh...arrghh..." He struggled anyway, but it was in vain. He decided to wait until the opportune moment. If he was still alive, it was because Lockdown wanted something from him. He put his finger to his ear, on the off chance the ship might not be blocking communications. As expected, that failed. He was alone. --- Hours later, the Autobots arrived at a military base, the very same Sam had left earlier in his attempt to see Carly. Lennox, to their surprise, was standing at the entrance. "Pentagon's buzzing with what just happened. We got the whole country on high alert, and we're at DEFCON 3. There's bound to be more, so NEST's been reactivated." Sam opened Sideswipe's door forcefully, then stepped out. "Where do we start?" His eyes burned with rage, and there was an edge in his voice Lennox had never heard before. It soon occurred to him why. Bumblebee was not among the Autobots who came to the base. --- Optimus' head turned immediately as the sound of the door opening struck his ears. Though he had been here many hours, he never once dropped his guard. This was, after all, a hostile vessel. It was no surprise that it was the ship's captain who came to see him. "Lockdown..." "You must already know I wanted you alive, Prime. You know something I wish to know. So, I intend to make you tell me...everything." "And you must already know that will never happen, Lockdown. Not while I know nothing of your motives. Why are you here? Why are you attacking Autobots? You were a neutral!" Lockdown glared at Optimus with his one eye, the burning glow from the scratch across his face having faded quite a while ago. He projected a hologram from the palm of his hand. It brought memories back from the final days of the war for Cybertron. It was the Allspark, launching into space. The hologram changed, showing the launch of the second Ark. "I saw it all, yet at the time, did nothing. You fled the planet taking our last hope of survival." The hologram changed again, showing something more recent. Lockdown had watched from afar the battle four years ago, in Chicago, displaying the memory of Optimus running across a street, killing Decepticons every time he passed them, finally finishing with Shockwave by tearing his cycloptic eye from his head. "In the name of...freedom...you slaughtered and killed." Again the hologram changed. It was the aftermath of the battle, focusing on one detail: the torn-off head of Megatron, axe buried in it, resting on the bridge. "You murdered in cold blood." The hologram stopped, and Lockdown looked Optimus in the eyes. "I am here to bring you your penance, your reward. Your extinction."
  2. The Ark and The Covenant. Good long levels, each one, with some of the coolest cutscenes ever, and great combat, both in vehicles and out.
  3. Well, your problem seems to be solved, so I can't advise you there anymore, but I can still offer this. For future issues, always make sure to have as much ammo as possible, and take cover every time your shield goes down. Every time. Always be in a position where that is possible. When you have to advance, advance from cover to cover, sprinting. Never let a Promethean recharge his shield unless you yourself must recharge yours. Their shield recharge begins immediately after finishing a teleport. Most importantly, pay close attention to how every Promethean behaves. You can predict pretty much everything they do by a movement they make first, or a pattern.
  4. Mark VI. Not because Chief has it, because I really do think it's the best looking helmet in all of Halo, by appearance alone. It also looks good in just about any color.
  5. Oddly I find that the Gravity Hammer wins in almost any Hammer vs. Sword fight. However since they're of similar power, I'll just go ahead and pick the Energy Sword for style. Plus it's got lunge.
  6. All right, changed the title to something more serious but at the same time not the same as the movie's title, so as to make sure this doesn't get mistaken for a topic discussing said movie. And here's chapter 2. --- The dark robot's tone made it clear this meant trouble. Sam bolted away and dove behind a rock. He reached for his gun, only to remember that he couldn't take it with him when leaving the base. "Damn it!" Bumblebee raised his right arm, having already turned it into a cannon whilst changing from vehicle form. Sam peered out from behind his makeshift cover. Usually Bee only activated his cannon after identifying the target. That means this is worse than usual. Yeah. That bad, Sam thought to himself. "Typical Autobot behavior. Preparing to kill me as soon as my presence is known. This is exactly your problem. Then again...I don't suppose I'll get much of an answer to my question from someone who cannot speak." The dark robot made no move, still staring into Bumblebee's eyes. Right, he's mute, I guess I can't ask who this guy is... Sam pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the dark figure for identification later. 3...2...1...flash. "Damn! I should have checked..." Sam frantically put his phone away, but it was too late. The dark robot had already seen the flash. "Still here, are you? Maybe I can get you to ans--" He quickly sidestepped as a barrage of shots flew right by his face. Bumblebee's face mask was down, and it was clear he would never allow Sam to be interrogated. "Typical!" For one who professed opposition to constantly baring weapons, the dark robot's next move was ironic. Long pieces of metal slid up his shoulders, aligned, and connected, then came down aimed at Bumblebee. Each of his hands rotated and folded into his forearms, exposing a cannon. Four small guns came from his chest area, and finally, he lowered his head, flipped out a barrel, and extending it. His face is a-- Sam's train of thought was shattered by the thunderous gunfire that followed. "BUMBLEBEE!" Bumblebee's backflip turned into a sideways spin, entirely out of his control. Chunks of armor flew off of his body, burning and breaking apart, landing just as he did--thirty meters away from the rest of his body. One of his doors, moving far too fast to be identified as the left or right, slammed into the ground right next to Sam and exploded. Bumblebee turned his head, seeing Sam roll aside to a different part of the rock, avoiding most of the explosion and getting only minor cuts from pieces of flying metal. He pushed himself up, then turned around to stand. The sight of the dark robot right in front of him when he turned shocked him into falling again. He fired repeatedly, producing a strange sound resembling a broken radio. The dark figure seemed to barely take any damage, and responded by stomping on Bumblebee's cannon and crushing it underfoot. "Oh no no no no no no!" Sam pulled out his phone again, realizing that if Bumblebee was injured to the point he couldn't communicate by any means, he needed backup, and he needed it fast. "This is Witwicky, track my phone, I need back--OH!" He jumped aside, narrowly avoiding a shot from the dark robot. At times Sam wished he could be like the Autobots, large and powerful, but this time he was simply thankful that he was smaller than the targets the robot was accustomed to aiming at. "Tell me where Optimus Prime is, human, and you may live." Seeing Sam run to the rock for cover again, the dark robot fired a single shot from his hand cannon and destroyed it. Sam stopped abruptly, tripping in the process. He looked at Bumblebee, who shook his head rapidly, only stopping when a hard kick to the face shattered his mask. "I'll tell you where he is. Just don't hurt Bee." Please, get here faster.... "Tell me now." "Get away from Bee first." "The Autobot is not innocent, fleshling. And you are not either, should you choose to help him. Tell me now." "He's...he's on..." Stalling for time wouldn't work on this guy for long... "SPEAK!" Jet engine noise drew the attention of both the dark robot and Sam. Looking up revealed a plane with an Autobot insignia not too high overhead, opening its back end. As soon as he saw vehicles driving out, Sam felt safe. "He's on Earth!" The plane left just as four Autobots transformed in midair and touched down in formation. The area was surrounded. The dark robot growled, either to Sam's intentionally unhelpful answer or to the sudden arrival of Autobots. Just as he was about to fire on Sideswipe and Dino, something else caught his attention, and he began to laugh. "I thought I'd have to hunt for you, Prime, but you so willingly deliver yourself to me!" "Sideswipe, Ratchet, get Bumblebee to safety!" Optimus pulled out a shield and a large gun. "Lockdown." So that was his name. Lockdown activated his shoulder cannon and rotated it 180 degrees, firing on Sideswipe and knocking him into Ratchet without even looking. "No, Optimus. No one will get to safety. Least of all you." "You were a neutral, Lockdown! Why are you here?" Optimus' finger was on the trigger of his gun, ready for anything. Whoever Lockdown was, Sam thought, he must be extremely dangerous. "I was a neutral." Lockdown rotated his shoulder cannon around to aim at Optimus, while simultaneously activating his other shoulder cannon, a hand cannon, and a strange extension of his left arm that took the shape of a barbed whip. He barked a command in a Cybertronian dialect, and Lockdown's ship opened three doors. A fighter jet, identified by Sam as an F-35, flew out and spiraled towards the area, transforming in that same spiral motion and landing on both legs and one hand. Metal belts launched from his wrists, then folded around and extended spikes, forming chainsaws. He looked up, green eyes glaring at Dino. Behind Dino, a Stryker tank drove in, transforming as the red Autobot turned around to face him. Sideswipe and Ratchet got up just in time to see a heavily armored, faceplate-wearing member of Lockdown's crew. Sideswipe pulled out both his guns and wrist swords. "That's only two..." Lockdown's eyes gleamed vindictively. "Hunters, attack!"
  7. That scene was actually meant to be a shock scene, maybe I didn't get that effect too well. Sam casually messing around, and then the ship suddenly shows up while they're both in the middle of nowhere, miles from any backup. As for the title...maybe it was a bad joke. However the actual title would end up being Age of Extinction (due to the plot still fitting such a title), and since the movie has the same name and this does not follow that movie, I tried to make a different title. How do I change a topic's title though?
  8. Nope, not even close. Unicron will make no appearance in this story, which I already have a rough outline of.
  9. Oh, thanks. I do have to admit, when it comes to minor or background characters I have trouble making the dialogue feel natural. For example I don't know "the short black man" as well as I know Optimus Prime. Hmm. Yeah, the script-ish stuff probably stems from the fact that I visualize something as if it were a movie then write what I saw. I am trying to avoid it though. Can you tell me which parts seemed most off-beat or scripty?
  10. Well, Transformers: Age of Extinction is coming out soon...so far, however, I don't like most of what I've seen. I do think a Transformers 4 could be done well, and I still have hope for that movie being good, but... I still feel the desire to do my own take on "Transformers 4" for some reason. So, set after the events of Dark of the Moon...here it is. For reference purposes, all returning characters from DOTM have the same appearance as before, simply because I'm not a fan of AOE's redesigns. --- Earth. The home of humanity, and our kind. A world made free from the threat of the Decepticons. As far as we know, there are none that remain. It's been four years without a single Decepticon incursion on this planet, even of the most minor type possible. After eons of war, we have finally secured our freedom. As far as we know. Thundering, rapid noises filled the arid desert air. Ceaseless yelling and gunfire from both sides were all that could be heard. "This has been going on for two hours! Do we have to fight until everyone on each side is dead?!" A U.S. soldier threw a grenade, but his fatigue got the best of his aim, and it went off to the side. "It's only been thirty mikes, now straighten yourself out!" Colonel Lennox shot a suicide bomber in the head, causing him to slip, slide, and stop thirty meters from them. "Get down!" The grenade and the bombs strapped to the man went off at the same time, leaving ringing in everyone's ears. With the Decepticons gone, NEST veterans have been re-assigned to special forces teams fighting human conflicts from before the Autobots first came here, in search of the Allspark. Though we secured our freedom, we have not yet secured peace. A silver blur raced across the battlefield, spinning to avoid a grenade, then killing several of the terrorists with one shot from each of his twin shotguns. "I got caught up on that hideout demo op! They got their hands on the same high-heat rounds you guys were packing during the old war!" Sideswipe jumped, flipping over a line of machine gun fire, then threw his sword. "AARGH!" A terrorist leapt backward as the sword slammed down through the machine gun, slicing the barrel off. Sideswipe landed right in front of him, pulling his sword from the sand. "That explains why you took so long to show up seven of our guys got killed. Take 'em out, I'm calling evac." Lennox shook his head. Sideswipe fired once more, destroying a pickup truck with a machine gun mounted on it. He watched tiny people flee in panic. A helicopter touched down a few meters behind him. He turned, watching soldiers, some of them bleeding badly, get inside. But the battle was won, so it was time for him to get to his evac. He transformed and drove off. "Pilot. Are we headed back to base?" Lennox looked out of the helicopter just in time to see Sideswipe driving into the back of a plane. "Yes, sir. The big guy wants to see you." "Another debate on what to do next?" The exhausted colonel rolled his eyes, then looked to his left. A medic was administering first aid to a wounded soldier on the move. "No, sir. Not General Morshower. The big guy." --- Lennox walked into yet another classified base. Classified had begun to lose its meaning for him. After all his time in special forces and NEST, classified was just his average day at work. Though now, NEST didn't exactly exist. The Autobots stayed at any classified base where they wished to, whether it was formerly affiliated with NEST, or not. "All right, sir. I'm here." The headlights on a familiar semi truck flashed. No matter how many times he saw it happen, Lennox was always amazed at the sight of Optimus Prime transforming. Panels, gears, and pistons shifted, producing all manner of interesting sounds, and finally coming to rest in the form of the mighty Autobot leader. "It never ends. War." Optimus looked down at Lennox, attempting to speak to him on equal terms. It was always awkward, with him being a titanic robot, but he always had to try. Lennox shook his head. "Seems like it, sir. At least the world doesn't hang in the balance every single time now." "At ease, Colonel. This is not a military meeting, I simply wish to speak to you." Optimus got down on one knee, so as to get closer to Lennox. That seemed to help create the feeling of conversing as equals, or at least get as close to it as possible. "People just keep dying. And now we got reports of the stuff we used to fight the Decepticons being used to fight you guys." Optimus moved his arm in such a manner that his forearm was right in front of Lennox. At first he didn't realize what he was meant to be looking at, but soon Lennox saw a scorched hole there. "Indeed. And now the morale of many of us, even some Autobots, is falling." Lennox realized what this was about. "Optimus. I'm not going to give up. You know me that well. I still think we can actually end this." "We can't rely only on ourselves, Lennox. Our friends, our brothers, need our help." "I do the best I can. Sometimes they die anyway. Autobots have died too." "I was referring not to the physical aspect, but the mental. Without conviction, none of us can stand. We must all remember what it is we fight for." "I know that...I just hope the rest of the guys in my unit do." "Hope without effort is not enough. Help them." Lennox looked straight at Optimus, confused. "With what?" Optimus stood up to his full height, a sign that the conversation had ended. "To remember why they do what they do." --- "Hey, Screech! Come look at this!" Sam Witwicky, now 25, ran over to look at a larger man's laptop. "Seriously, how the hell do I get that callsign changed?" Having gotten his callsign from the fact that he screams like a little girl, Sam wasn't particularly happy. "I don't know, but this is damn funny!" With a push of the spacebar, a video of Bumblebee started streaming. "Is that...Bee?" "Yep, on security cam!" The laptop's speakers emitted a metal clanging. Bumblebee, it appeared, was attempting to tap-dance...and failing rather miserably. "Heh. Still not as funny as our unit photo." A short black man, two inches under Sam's height, pulled out a picture from his pocket. "Wait, nononononono, don't show the one from after we finished basic training--" Roaring laughter came from almost everyone present. It was probably warranted, as Sam was being shoved by Roadbuster's finger just as the picture was taken, causing him to fall over. Of course, he wasn't laughing. He had joined the military so he could continue to work with the Autobots even after the Decepticon threat had passed...not so he could get pranked in the middle of a photo everyone in the unit would have a copy of. "...Screw you guys." Sam got up, half-smiling. It was a bit funny...but he'd never admit it. "I gotta go, I want to see Carly before we get our first deployment." --- Bumblebee drove down the open dirt road, Sam sitting in the driver's seat, and as usual, not driving. "Hey, Bee, can I drive for once?" Sam laughed, thinking of how it might be fun. Bumblebee however, was thinking something else. He proceeded to play sound clips from various radio stations of about 16 different people saying "Nope." "Aw, come on. Just once?" A sound with the tone of someone saying, "Oh, well, fine..." resounded inside Bumblebee. Sam grabbed the wheel and attempted to drift. Bumblebee responded with a loud beep of protest, then continued to drive on his own. Sam sighed. "It was worth a try." They continued to drive, as a shadow passed over them. Something had blocked out the sun. "I swear, every time I see clouds do that, I think of the Fallen." Sam was about to laugh when he was shocked out of it by Bumblebee stopping harshly--and drifting. "Oh, so now it's ok--oh." Sam realized why Bumblebee had stopped. It was not a cloud that blocked out the sun, but a massive ship hovering very closely above them. A single, black Transformer decended from it, landing on one knee, then slowly rising. "And so...I've arrived." His green eyes flashed as he looked straight at Bumblebee. Sam got out of Bumblebee immediately, and he had scarcely gotten his right foot out when his old friend began to transform in a hurry. The dark figure's next words told Sam exactly why. "Where. Is. Optimus. Prime."
  11. That...is hilarious. And convenient. Anyway, OP, all your points have in fact been countered many times over, and you have not made a single post that was not hostile in nature. I'm sure you have the intelligence to immediately make all your subsequent posts more intelligent. Right? Also, all things break with time. What happened to your Xbox has just as much chance of happening to any other console given the same amount of time.
  12. I agree, BZ1. Armor Lock is also my favorite AA, and I put it to good use frequently. It should return in Halo 5.
  13. Ranger447...that riddle was just cheap. When you want to make a hard riddle, at least make it fair...

    1. Vaulting♥Frog


      The answer wasn't particularly difficult. The problem was that the riddle really didn't relate to the answer and its grammar made no sense.

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Exactly my point. The riddle does need to relate to the answer and make sense.

  14. The way they are being updated now works. That was interesting, seeing someone face off against the sniper. And the level of detail you write with is excellent. Good work.
  15. The DMR. Accurate, but at the same time practical for almost any situation (unlike the sniper rifle), and reasonably powerful. Useful against anything short of a Hunter or armored vehicle. To me it's the perfect general purpose weapon.
  16. I guess you make a good point. Allow me to resubmit my profile then. Name: Axilus Prime Weapon(s): Always has a DMR, and depending on which he chooses to take from his house on a particular day, Sniper Rifle or Shotgun. Appearance: Same as my profile pic. Skills and Powers: A good shot (look at the stuff currently on my fileshare, they're more recent, if you want to see exactly how good), knowledge of proper military tactics, high attention to detail (most of the time), skilled at timing when to melee, advance, retreat, and strafe in close quarters. Bio: Axilus Prime was a relatively new citizen of 343iCF, but has been around long enough to know who most of the people are. He was having a good time here until the sniper attacked. Now he wants to find the sniper and bring him in, dead or alive.
  17. This is a fansite. No actual 343i employees are on here. On top of that you'd need a lot of people who want the same thing to get 343i to approve something like that.
  18. Kinda was referring to the multitude of abilities other people have. And Edward exported...well, Edward. So I thought that was ok.
  19. Considering the massive load of unique abilities people have I doubt a Spartan will work very well here. However including Optimus' trailer would be way too overpowered. So.... Name: Axilus Prime Weapon(s): Sword, Axe, Huge gun, Shield Appearance: Same as Optimus Prime in Dark of the Moon Skills and Powers: Strong resistance to bullet weaponry unless rounds are heated, or shot in the eye. Turns into a truck at will (obvious) Good shot, very proficient in melee combat. Bio: Axilus Prime was a relatively new citizen of 343iCF, but has been around long enough to know who most of the people are. He was having a good time here until the sniper attacked. Now he wants to find the sniper and bring him in, dead or alive.
  20. There are always immature little brats on online communities. Also the quit penalty is to stop people from ditching their teammates. If one guy quits, his team is short a man. And his position can't be refilled without a join in progress system...which is clearly a bad idea. Ignore the idiots, they won't affect your gaming ability unless you get angry. And while anger does cause a burst of strength in real life, in a video game it will just make you lose focus and die horribly. And don't quit matches unless something important forces you to.
  21. This is actually...very interesting. If you put me in, have me take the form of the Spartan in my av, or Optimus Prime (Well, Edward's clearly a character from something else, so...) depending on which would be more convenient for the story.
  22. Firefight, easily. Spartan Ops always bugged me with the whole infinite lives thing. If you can't lose, what's the risk? Not much point in trying, an idiot could win every Spartan Ops mission on Legendary if they played long enough. Plus the objectives were really...bland. And the missions themselves had nearly no story contribution. The videos were good, but the missions? Nope. The only parts of Spartan Ops that were really...cool...were that cutscene where the Hunter betrayed the Grunt, and that scripted breakout scene. Meanwhile Firefight has lives, so your actions matter, and not only does it demand teamwork by sending greater numbers of enemies (unless it's Score Attack, but I also love that because it allows you a chance to prove you're better at killing Covenant than your friends are) it also gives you the same pool of lives, so you have to cover each other and think strategically as well. Spartan Ops doesn't have so much as a Score Attack-ish setup, so the only possible reason to put in any effort at all is to beat your friends' scores during the session you're playing with them in.
  23. The last one, easily. The Broadsword part was by far the most fun thing in Halo 4 for me, and the rest was the most epic battle in the whole game. Plus the music in that part was great even though in most of the game it was so...bland...that I didn't notice those parts had music at all until my fifth time playing. Funny thing is I originally liked Halo 4's soundtrack as a whole simply because I only noticed the good parts.
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