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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. I make the most difficult riddle in the riddle challenge's history, no one is able to solve it. Then in contrast another one of my riddles ends up solved in 2 attempts. Victory is yours. Axios!
  2. Well, now I have an HDTV. But apparently it grants no graphical improvement other than a larger screen until I get an HD cable for the Xbox.

    1. Azaxx


      Yeah, you should probably get one of those.

      HDMI is best

    2. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Yep. HDMI's aren't too pricey though, and it is a major difference. not so much at first, but if you go back to standard def after High def, you'll be like "This was okay once?"

  3. Axilus Prime~3 Ryu♥Hayabusa~1 Beckoningzebra1~1 JXZAW~1 RC-01/271~1 RedStarRocket91~1 All right, now, what to make a riddle about... Once sought out by many But given to few Now hit the rank Colonel And I'm given to you
  4. Bringing a Wraith onto the top area of the Brute encampment at the end of Uprising has hilarious and explosive results.

  5. Wow, I actually had 4 matches, all lag-free, during the day. Unlike the usual 1-2 second delay, this time people I shot would die as instantly as people who I shot on LAN. The result: More Double Kills than I remember, at least 2 Sprees, 2 First Strikes, and having more kills than anyone else in the game each time.

  6. Rtas: Come out so we may kill you. Heretic Leader: Hahaha. Get in line. My thoughts: Sure, tell him you want to kill him...

  7. Seems the only time I can ever play multiplayer lag-free is after midnight.

    1. BeckoningZebra1


      Exactly why I enjoy late night gaming sessions.

  8. What the...you have no name...

  9. I just hit Colonel. From here on, apparently I will be needing massive amounts of credits.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Yeah, when you hit Hero you're in a rut. I just barely bleed into mythic about a month ago.

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      I haven't played Halo Reach for almost a year! Last time I was on I think I Brigadier grade 2. It takes long to progress from there. As long as you're dedicated and skilled, you'll be fine. ;)

    3. Axilus Prime
  10. That kind of sucks, it would be cool to at least have the opportunity to get those, even though I'd rarely use them. They make camo utterly useless and make it easier to get headshotted.
  11. Nope. Axilus Prime. Yes, you got it. LOL Ok, now for the real post. Caboose the Ace.
  12. Mother of...I may have run into some aimbots. My older bro and I ran into people with a near 100% hit rate, and we died more times than we ever have in any match.

    1. Azaxx


      Maybe, the people were just like, quite skilled?

    2. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      upload the game into your fileshare and review it, they might have had aimbots or they were just brilliant, only way too check

    3. Buns


      If you play against GSD it may seem like he has an aimbot but that guy is just brilliant at playing so maybe they were too?

  13. Technically, you said you will in response to a request not to stop drawing, so you said you would stop drawing. That aside, these look kind of cool, and I agree that you should try your hand at drawing Halo stuff.
  14. The stereotype about Asians being good gamers has been disproven. I allowed a Korean guy to do one Firefight match for me so he could get a challenge done, and he ended up being slaughtered by Grunts.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I know that every stereotype has probably been disproven, it's just that I was referring to personal experience.

    3. Zelda


      lol. You can always count me in on being slaughter by Grunts. However, I can take on hunters with no problem. Also, I HATE skirmishers. lol

    4. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      I think it only applies on blizzard games. I've disproven the stereotype on C&C and CoH. Germans though...

  15. Got Halo 2 for Xbox, and it's awesome. But those snipers. They're HAX.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Yes, yes it is. I sometimes even laugh at myself when I get sniped.

    3. Maestro


      Nothing like Jackal snipers that kill you instantly no matter where they hit you.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      It's Legendary, of course you'll die if sniped with a body shot. The reason I said hax was because they're so insanely fast at taking aim.

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