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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. No no no, I hated equipment. It was one-time use, but it lasted long. Bubble Shields, Power Drains, Regen Fields, Trip Mines...it was all so crazy and random. Only Equipment that didn't infuriate me at the sight of it being used was Grav Lift, and that's because I didn't see it used in front of vehicles. In H4 and Reach I thought Armor Abilities were good and balanced. Situational, and short, though reusable. H4's Armor Abilities could be unbalanced in MP, but only if paired with a custom loadout in a manner that makes it overpowered.
  2. Still unable to play Halo Reach, it's driving me crazy. Halo PC has terrible online multiplayer, so anyone up for Starcraft? When I fight bots they never survive the mass dragoons and zealots phase.

  3. What's the deal with no radar? Radar's a part of core Halo gameplay, it's been there since the beginning. Skillful use of switching between your eyes and your radar as needed was intended by Bungie when they put it in. I mean, I can play without it, since I tried the Cloud skull and noticed little difference, but it's a fair thing to have, since everyone has it, and it puts in another area of skill you need to have.
  4. Banned for using 343 Guilty Spark as a ball while being on a site named after a company named after him.
  5. Banned for having a sig where Chief has his H4 appearance but his CE colors.
  6. If Halo has become like Spore, something is wrong. Most people where I live used to be Halo fans, back during the time from the beginning of Halo 3 to near the beginning of Halo 4. ODST never saw much attention but 3 and Reach were all over the place. Sadly it was before I got into Halo. Now only a fourth of the gamers are into Halo. The rest have gone to some Warcraft III mod called DOTA, and COD. Not that H4 needs DLC. I think H4 is beyond saving. Halo's last hope for continuing well is most likely the next major title in the series. And that's only if it's one of the best, if not the best.
  7. Well, I would get input from most of the players, and then make a decision that seems most satisfying. The problem is I need them to give input. Then again, I only posted the offer yesterday, so I'll give it time.
  8. I was trying to be nice, but if you're going to respond with snark, I suggest you answer then.
  9. This is awesome. If there's a way to reach planets that far, that could mean colonization or aliens. Hopefully not both at the same time though, that would be wrong.
  10. If you guys want, I can just give out the answer and let the person with the closest guess make the next riddle, so the game can go on.
  11. In every game before H4, people who weren't as good as the game would get kills, but people who were better would get proportionally more kills. And that would be consistent until the lesser player gets better, as it should be.
  12. He actually got it from an official 343i press release.
  13. When did you respawn? When I die on the way to school, I usually avoid being late because I respawned in the classroom Anyway, strangest place I accessed the forum was when I was in the classroom, while the student to my right, slightly behind me, ended up with his laptop on fire. Thankfully he flipped it, slammed it shut, and pulled out the battery before the fire could spread. Everyone turned out fine.
  14. We couldn't share downloaded games before, and what we lost is the ability to pass around demos, not the full games. We now have what is an Xbox 360 with better hardware, and that's all we ever needed. As for whether or not they'll bring back strict DRM, I doubt they'll do that. People would stop buying XB1 games, and there would be lots of XB1's on auction sites. But I have plenty of time to find out for sure. Not even considering an XB1 until the next Halo, and that's only if it's the best Halo made so far.
  15. Due to real life, I can't play Halo for a while, and I tried Starcraft again. The problem is I suck, anyone got tips?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I'll try that, thanks. They have some nice strong units...

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      You, sir, are awesome. That was great advice, I won for the first time as a Protoss. All it took was 3-4 probes per mineral field, a quick expansion, and a massive amount of Dragoons and Zealots. Oh, and Photon Cannons. I love how you can make a massive cluster of them and just allow that to kill everything.

    4. RedStarRocket91


      Just glad it helped, good luck in your future games! :D

  16. Banned for misspelling clarinet while thinking I play one at all.
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