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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. After all these years, I decided to re-watch Batman Begins. This time I understood every bit of it, and it's one of the best movies I have ever seen, right up there with Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel.

  2. Something tells me you never paid attention to the story. Plus, does it matter who he zapped? Still innocent people, not to mention still Earth. If that doesn't make you rush to help out, nothing will. Yes, the Prometheans are boring to fight. They're unintelligent bullet sponges with a few interesting (but predictable) tricks. But that's gameplay. In story and design they're great.
  3. Legendary's supposed to be hard, the stupid part is spawning in bad places, and the sheer number of enemies forcing you to need teammates to win without dying. I don't play well with others when it comes to fighting Campaign enemies.
  4. http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update Almost everything I hated about Xbox One is fixed. Awesome!
    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      My tacos be roastin in the microwave cause of said announcement

  5. I don't buy DVDs, I watch movies online, or if I want a thrill, in the theater in 3D like I did for Man of Steel.
  6. The level Cortana is always frustrating at the beginning, but always satisfying when you win.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I actually sort of hate the level for being the only level I've played where I encountered the Flood and did not utterly put them to shame. But yeah, that part was awesome, wrecking High Charity is fun, and I feel like the frustrating first half of the level was worth it when I reach Cortana.

    3. BaconShelf


      The only level of 3 I don't like.

    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I'd find the secret skull and beat the Arbiter with it

  7. My little brother and sister are playing co-op now. The sheer amount of fail is hilarious.

  8. Sometimes the enemies throw a lot of grenades at random, and then I think the Catch skull is on, but it really isn't.

  9. Banned for confusing "your" and "you're." It's so infuriating when people do that.
  10. Wow, this stuff is awesome. Seeing and recognizing Halo stuff in pics like this is always fun for me. But...that Banshee in the first pic is way too huge.
  11. I need to crop a pic of a Halo Reach Spartan to fit in there, it doesn't represent me anymore... Banned for not reminding me sooner.
  12. Easier to use, and still deadly. A weapon that can be sprayed nonstop at an enemy accurately across long ranges is really useful. If your aim is good, it won't overheat before the enemy dies. I prefer the Focus Rifle over the Beam Rifle because the Beam Rifle has an identical function to the Sniper Rifle, but has inferior aim. But this way, we get two unique weapons.
  13. Or, people could, you know, not waste a few thousand dollars on a robot that performs tasks they can do themselves.
  14. Banned for having the colors of the image brighter than they were in the actual trailer.
  15. Similar size. Different function though. Different shape.
  16. That's even bigger than a Mjolnir shield. Whaaaaaaaaat.
  17. Banned for thinking that I didn't recognize him by his pic despite his username being the part that was unrecognizable.
  18. Banned for changing your username to something unrecognizable.
  19. banned for failure to capitalize the first letter. i am not being a hypocrite.
  20. Banned for having the callsign Delta-Three-Eight before I get to eat pie.
  21. My little brother has an obsession with keeping his k/d good, and is now refusing to challenge me. He prefers to challenge my sister instead, who, when playing as an Elite in Firefight, was outperformed by a Grunt Minor with a Plasma Pistol.

    1. DaveAtStateFarm


      Your brother deserves a roundhouse kick.

    2. Maestro



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