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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. No, no, and no. Galaxies away from the right track.
  2. If they came to hear me beg...they will be disappointed. After two hours and eight assassinations that didn't even get me the achievement, it's finished!

    1. Frankenzer


      It took me 1 and a half and 20 assassinations :/

    2. Ryu♥Hayabusa


      5 minutes for me. Cause I had a lot of practice before. ;)

  3. What's harder on Legendary, Halo 2 or Halo Reach?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. EliteSniper


      Halo 2. Oh God, the nightmares...

    3. Fishy


      Hey, then again in Halo 2 you could put on the skulls sputnik and grunt birthday and then you're all set.

    4. GryffinGuy007


      Halo 2 = flood. Flood = madness.

  4. I share a strength with the Arbiter's suit, But my weakness I bear alone. My head must be protected well, Or with death I must atone.
  5. If they came to hear me beg...they might not actually be disappointed. Seriously, I pulled off that assassination twice and didn't get the achievement!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Wow. So you pulled a team effort. But there's no way all those jumps and last checkpoints took only 15 seconds. Unless you mean the process of jumping, dying, and reverting was 15 seconds. As for me, I do it the way the Achievement Hunter video shows. I was actually doing it that way before I saw the video, and when I tried to use the video for help, it turned out I was already doing it right and I just needed some luck.

    3. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      no no i didnt wait to die~ if i knew the jump was offcourse id revert midair and run forward again~ and i can show u the video of how long it took me~ it was literally only like 15-30 seconds

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Oh wow. Now I get it, no need for a vid.


      My jumps were mostly on course, but the timing of the melee would be off, the Elite would move, it would result in a beat down instead of an assassination even though I was holding the button, or I would land on the Elite's head.

  6. I tried to see if I could beat my little brother using 10% of my skill. Evidently not. But then he forgot who the true master was, so I went 70% and reminded him.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fishy
    3. EliteSniper


      I don't usually play competitive with my friends / cousins because it ends in like 25-3 lmao. All my friends either suck at Halo or don't know it at all :P

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      That's how it gets with me most of the time. My brothers are the best opponents I've faced though.

  7. Almost done...made it to the cave defense section of The Package. Then I'll do the whole campaign all over again so I can be truly "used to" Legendary.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fishy


      Or you could punch him to death. XD

    3. TheDerpKing


      I always shoot then punch

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Punching doesn't work when they can shoot you on the way there, and your shields are down, or when they have massive shields and OHK kicks.

  8. Banned because you do not like bacon even though your name says bacon.
  9. Banned for not liking Republic Commando while in the process of banning someone for liking Republic Commando during the month of May before I eat lunch.
  10. Banned, for having hair on a Sunday between the hours of noon to 3PM while breathing too loudly.
  11. Finally unbanned from Halo, but my skills were rusty from a lack of play. After I got them back up to 100%, it turned out it wasn't enough, which is almost unbelievable. I need to improve so I can win Legendary, Exodus is so frustrating.

  12. I'm not sure if it was 10 or 12 riddles to win. But if it was 10, congratulations.
  13. No. But you're getting more on the right track than anyone else has so far.
  14. No, and you're less close to it than the previous people were. Anyone want a real hint?
  15. So many Campaign screenshots I'd have loved to share, if I could overcome the urge to play, just long enough to Theater it. I suppose the next time I pull off something completely epic I will. There is one thing I'd like to try, but I need more practice with the Sniper Rifle to do it. A no-scope headshot...while Jetpacking.
  16. Most of us don't speak Mexican. Or in ALLCAPS, for that matter.
  17. 158. Backing away from enemies, but realizing much too late that the reason you can't move away is because you are backing into a solid object. (This has happened to me countless times.)
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