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Axilus Prime

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Everything posted by Axilus Prime

  1. SMG, until Reach. Thanks to bloom making accuracy actually possible to track and keep control of through pacing, short AR bursts have helped me win many times. But the SMG outperforms the AR at close range even when not dual wielded. It's like the CE assault rifle on steroids. Pair it up with a Plasma Rifle and you suddenly become the scariest thing the enemy team has to face. The AR is only better at mid range in Halo 3 because they reduced reticle size to give both weapons a different function.
  2. I think we all have at least one. Some people like to slam their fist or the butt of their gun into the enemy's face. Others like to forcibly give them acupuncture until they explode. For me, it's headshots. For my older brother, it's explosives. For my younger brother, it's assassinations. In this thread, you can name your favorite ways of killing people.
  3. I killed a White Zealot B.O.B. on ONI: Sword Base!

  4. I never glitch, skip, or speedrun. I always go 100% legit on Legendary.
  5. 142. Trying to play LASO without the use of beat downs.
  6. This is interesting. I have a drawing I'd like to share, but it'll take a long time if I can finish it. It still needs an arm and a head. Anyone want to guess who it is?
  7. 138. Attempting to melee an Elite from the side instead of the back, and getting kicked or elbowed as a result. (This happens to me sometimes, but he only used his elbow once.)
  8. My little sister is so bad at Halo, when she was against my little brother in Firefight and had a Grunt with a Plasma Pistol as her ally, the Grunt put up more of a fight. On top of that, she attacked her own hologram.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I started playing at I think 11....I'm better than most, but honestly, If I started playing at, say, 5, learned the tactics then, but had no influence of people who called me squeakers, just people who treated me with respect, when I would've been sooooo much better than I am now.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      @Frankenzer I thought so.

      @Azaxx Yep. My little brother is decent, but he's so immature that he's also a pain.

      @JL Your skills are already incredible. Judging by your stats on Waypoint, and that little shotgun spree you went on when we were on that Flood custom game, you don't need to improve much. Maybe it's because of your experience, I started playing...last year.

      As for me, so far I've proven to be the best Halo player where I live.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      On Matchmaking though, since I live on a small Pacific island, every match lags. It's less laggy in customs with friends because there are fewer players, so I perform better there. And of course, split-screen matches have no lag at all, which is why if you check Waypoint, it shows me being awesome in customs and terrible on Matchmaking.

  9. Halo 4 is easy on Legendary, about as hard as Halo 3's Heroic. Now Halo Reach, I can understand someone needing help on. The Reach Elites have shields stronger than the Prometheans!
  10. Halo Reach on Legendary took some adjusting to, but it looks good so far. I hope it turns out great!

    1. Frankenzer


      Wanna complete the pillar of autumn challenge?


    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      But I can't play any more Halo today.


      Also, I've only won Winter Contingency and part of ONI: Sword Base on Legendary, so skulls would just cause me to fall out of my chair. Sorry.

    3. Frankenzer
  11. No, and no. Hints time: There must be one on every Covenant ship.
  12. Uh, no, it's not an Elite either. In fact, a Monitor was closer.
  13. Nothing tops Mark VI in my opinion. Second place is Mark V, third place is Grenadier. As you can see I like helmets with a very similar general design. But that's because I think they have just the right amount of visor, mouth, and forehead. The others don't have those proportions. As for add-ons, I don't know Mark VI or Mark V's add-ons, and I don't use Grenadier's add-on because it looks stupid. I generally avoid helmet add-ons.
  14. Assault Rifles are meant to be weaker than the other guns because they take no skill to use. Wave the AR all over the enemy, and you can kill him. A precision weapon, in contrast, must have the reticle on the enemy firmly at all times in order to hit. You also have to go for the head once the shield pops, which is even harder. A precision weapon is harder to use, but stronger if you use it right. It rewards skill. If the AR was just as strong, then there would be no point in precision weapons. Especially with your short burst headshots idea. That would just make the weapons have even less variety, something that Halo 4's weaponry sorely lacks. Also, in Halo 4, everything has good aim. Bullet magnetism can reach around corners on occasion if the target is close, and if any part of your reticle is on any part of the enemy, you're guaranteed a hit. So saying the AR has good aim is redundant.
  15. 136. Attempting to fire the Falcon's main gun on Multiplayer for way too long before you realize it lacks one.
  16. Halo Reach's campaign is a pure epic thrill ride with a great atmosphere and tone. Almost done with it, I'm on Pillar of Autumn.

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      All the campaign's are great fun. It's just that Halo 4's one doesn't top the others.

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Very true. I have never seen a Halo campaign that wasn't incredibly fun. But Halo 4 was a step back in terms of weapon variety (We basically get 3 or 4 versions of the same thing), difficulty, and enemy AI. Reach is my favorite because the action feels more real to me, and it has perfect pacing.

  17. SternuS - 7 Church - 6 JL1223 X - 3 Axilus Prime - 3 SpartanKIL - 1 The Director - 1 Removed Frogger because he somehow got banned. Anyway, I think we can all agree that you made the hardest riddle in the entire topic, JL. I do not lie, yet the Prophet does. Ironic, considering his name. I tried to tell them the truth about humans, But they refuse to let the Mantle be reclaimed.
  18. I don't think putting it in as a perk is a good idea. Too much unbalancing. But I definitely want it in Halo 5. Dual-wielding in Halo 4 would be pointless considering the weapons we have to choose from. But I loved it in 3. It made overshields balanced, unlike in Halo CE. A friend came at me with an overshield and an energy sword so he could charge at me straight, but I just fired two plasma rifles at him and killed him in about 3 seconds. It even shocked me.
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